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HKSATK. Washisotoh, March 8. - A bilí was introduced in the tenate yesterday to proTido more efflc ently tor postal service between the United Btates and South ai;d Central America. The pension bill went over tor one day. The President ent to the Senate a responae to a resolntion of inqu ry, nlao a letter from Becretury Bayard, stating that there was no reason to expect an early revocation of the decree of the French Government against the importation of American pork products. Washington, March 9- In the Benate yesterdi.y bilis were placed on the calendar to provide for a joint celebration at Washington by the sixieen American república In honor of the centennial of the parent republio- thH United States; for an Iridian industrial Bchool in Michigan; app ying tha A petition was presented from thirty-three StateB and Territorios, contain ng over 102,000 Blgnatnres, ngainst the admisson of Utah es a B ate so long as ita people are un der the control of the Mormon prieathood. Tü bill granting pensions to ex-soliliera and sallors who are nnable to perform manual labor and to ebe deoendent relativas of ceased soliiiers and sailors was pasaed by a voe of 44 ye:i8 to 16 naya. Washington, March 13.- In the Benate yesterday petitions were presented protesting ogainst the reduction of t e duty on lnml)er and salt and from leading wool manufactnrers and growers askinu legislation to protect the wool interest A bilí was reported favorably authorizing the appointment and retirement of Artimr Pleasanton, a Major of cavalrv. A bilí was reported appropriating $150,000 f or a public bnildin? at Bay Cify, Mich. Washinoton, March 14.- In the Senate yesterday almost the entire session was devoted to speeches of Senators Colqnltt [and Do ph on the I'resident's message. A. resolntion was adopted for a special oommi tee to investígate the condition of the oivil service in all branches of the Government I UK BOUSm Vashinoton. Maroh 8.- In tlie House bilis were introduoed yesterday for pensioning prisoners of war and to créate a department of agriculture and labor. The bilí to divide the great Bioux Indian reservation into separate smaller reservutions w.,8 passed. This throwB open to sottlement nmny thou ind acres of v;luuble 1 nL Washington, Maroh 9.- A bilí was introduced in the House yeaterday to regúlate the clarainoation, compensation and allowance of poatmaBtera The bill to establisb a postal teiegraph was reported f ivorably, and tlie mensure to enable the peopie to select their postmaatera was reported adversely. The bill for the allotment of lands in aeyeralty on the Whit ! Eartli and lied Lake rnerrations to the (,'hrnewa Indians in Minnesota and for opening up to setllement of the other reservación of thosu Indians in that Btate. A commnnicatioD was reoeived from the Postmaster-General saytng that the reporta of incfti -üit mail service in the West and Bmithwest were without foundation. Washinoton, March 1 1 - The House Friduy pussed the "omnibus" war-claim bill, coming over from Inec Frd:iy. by a vote of yeas 105, nays 100. An extended debata took plac ■ over the amendment to liiiniopriaU) S20.000 for the relief of the Protestant Episcopal Theological Bfiminary of Virginia, Tlie amendment vraa agreed to- -yeas 130, nays 9H. At the evening seanion the House made the Logran and 131 ir pension 1 11b special orders for Maren 23. Thirty-fonr pens on bil Is were pussed, mclnd ng one increaaing the pension of the widow ot General Bobert Andernou to $100 a niomh, and at 10 o'ciock the adjourned. Washington, March 12 -In the House y.-Kt'Tdiiy bilis were p, sed to res ore to the pu'ilic domain pare of the U nmh Indian reaervation n Utah, anJ pre.cribin){ tine and imprisonment for thet unlavfnl euttinsr of itimber on Indian ri-ner val.ons. The Dependent Pension bill was reoeived from the Bennte and referred to the Committee on In valid Pensions. Washington, Mi.rch 13.- In the House yesterday biile were in rodneed dr cting the on Airricnlmre to inquire into the xpedlenry of prohib ttng tbe B.ile of compounda na pure lard; he H..nd:ül bill rela in? to mriff and internul revonae; to encourage a National exposition of ihe colorod race, and prov d BK for a coinmission to investígate trust and for repeul of the protective turiff on all industries beloning to truHta Washington, Maren 14.- In the House yesterilay the bill providing that the firat ! eexsion of ihr F.fty-tirnt Conirre-s shall i gin on Marcli 4, 1880, w s reported adver6ely. Otlier b lis were reponed lo iliKcontinae the coinaRe of one lo lar and three dollar pold pleces, the omnibus bill for ihe ndmis8ion into the Union of D ikota. Montana, W;.Rlnnjrton and New M xico, and for ths erection f public buildings at Galesburg, Iil, and Da venport. Ia. OTHKB NOTES. Wabhtmotoh, March 0. - The President Infnrmed Couirri'ss jester lay that negrotiatlon with tli L np-ror of ('h n;i for a tro ity that shall cxulude t ie iraporcation of Chinese lubor rK into America was begaa severul monthf) ogo, and hopes w re entertulned tbat a satisfactory treaty would Boon lx concludel. Washington, Harcb 10- The House Commi. toe ou M.lit. ry Aft irs bus determined to recommend lor paca"e hu. Cutubeon lilli, ;]i]roir.a. iuk $7,475,000 tor tbe public l"feiiHR Washujotoh, Marcb 14.- Tho Horse Comriiii1; ou Indi n AÍTairs has compleie i ihe annual Indi n Appropriation bi L It appropriates 5,192,253, bein;{ $2!, 444 lesa Uuin the taüinaton


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