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AMONO TBB TOlATiCIÁS'i. MojrrooMEBT. Ala., Maro ti a -The Demoeratfi will uieet ín State conveouon ín Una ity on tlie 9;h of May U elect delégales to the National convención. Augusta, Me., M rch 8. -The Demócrata eonvention wiU be hcd in Ibis cuy May 22 foi the nomination of a Síaie ticket and delegates to 8t Looia Tbknton. N. J., Maich H-After a hot rtrneffiB, the New Jersey LepriBl atare hos oidod to make local option and hlgh Jiaeose the law of the State Tnesday the Wil passed üic opper Honee over tho; Oovrnor's veto by a liirprcr Tote than at firs Eobton, Muieh a-The Kcnate yesterday Tsaed the reeomcion requiring blenmal leotionsof Staie officers and members of the IjCRifila.are. The vote on ctery secuon tood neiirl; 2 to L Jackson., March ft-Tta Ixgislatnre ndionrned fine die. yasterdny. Boston, Mrch a -The RepnbücanB wiu meet ïnritaie convenUon on Apnl 25 in this eity to elect delectes to tbe National conTToh, N. J., March 9. -The Leffislatnre dtupite the Governor'a veto, decideü yesterday 10 make local opUon and high Hcense a State law. Bichmond, Va, March O.-T!ie Demoerts wi.l ineetin this city May 16 to elect delegates tt the NationaJ convention at Bt tomiïiAPOiJ-i, lnd.,MoichlO -The Democratie 8t te Cmral Commifctee Ihnrsday eleoted E. P. lüchardson, of Peierabnrg, ebsriuan. The State con-ïtntion will be held in this city April 20. 6pw!GnEiJ, IU., March ia-The nimois liaainie of Bripublican Cinbs was Tefinlurly orgunmel ytsterday, -William W. Tracey, of tniB city, chosen President; J. W. Patte.-8on, of Joüet, Becreiary, and Charies Defixe, of Moline, Treagnrcr. with an Exeooüve Comtnittc and a Yiee-Prerident Joreich ConeressioniiJ aistnet ine ueulara-icn of principios affirnis allegiance to the B i.ul'lkan p..rly, recites its achieve-: mita, and upho.ds the tarifl laws tor the rotect on of Aimrican industries. A reso■Iwtion was also adopted nstrucdng theofflcers to w re the widow of (eneral John A. Log m the Kreetinfts of ihe coovention. Bt. Louis. Maroh ]O.-lt has been decided tohold the Dcmoera.ic National conTenon in the north nnve of the Exposition kuüdinfr. wbieh wJl b ::iranged to seat 11,000 people. Bait rrT, V. T., Mareh 12.- The Xiegisiaturo aiii')iinid sit ' Butorday. AU be old bille dcdgnetl to protectthe polygaïiBtsandaid tliera in tig-htini the United Btates laws herotofore paeeed and vetoed y Governor Murray wtre aain passed nt hls seBSion and vcloed by Governor Weet Hason Ornr. Ia., March 12.- The first OBvention in lowa to Bend dclegates to the Btate convenüon was held here Satnrday, and they were instracbed for Senator Aüinon for President CteüïENKi:, Wy. T., March 13. -The Legis„aturo aüiournd d yecterd ïy. AlBANT, N. ï., March 13.- For the Brut lime ín lie nifíioiy iuï ajobmvui roed to adjouru jesteiday becanse there wasnot a quorum present on account of I Hbe preat snow-storm. Pjttsbcegh, Pa., Marchia-R F. Jones, feairmanof the Republieun National Comittee, in reply to many inqairieo, has Bent ent a letter etating that the manner of nomteating membera ol OongTese in any district te the manuer in -whtch delegat8 from any ctiBUIot to th National convention thall be alttüu. Ooi-umbi O. Maroh 14-The Honee jBterday paBed a bilí increasing the üqor tax to fÜ50, one-fif t.h oL which is to go lnto the State Trooeury. lt is believed tbe Benate will aleo pass the measnre. Holton, Kan., March 14.- The ProhiblIdonists of this, the Flrrt district, have oominated Bev. H. Bhnmaker for Congresa J1ASBV1LLH, muu, nuu j -. - v - - ■ ato wlll meet ju this city on the 9th ol Maj to eleoidelegatee to the National conTentlon. 6rBiNGrrEiJ, UI. Maich 14.- The ] ate will iioid their State oonvention In thla city on the 23d of May to choose delegateo to the National oonvention and nomiaatc Btate oöiccru 8PBiuoFrEiJ), D)., March 14.- Tbe Prohl■fcitlon Btate confention will oonvene in thto city May 15 to choose deleRatce to the National convention and nomínate State cfltoero and an electoral ticket.


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