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The ladies of the Baptist churoh will jrovide a unique entertainment in the :hurch parlora on Friday evening, in the shape ot a "Crazy Tea." The waiters will e dressed in costumes never imagined y Worth; the tables will be arranged to uit Geo. Francia Train ; in fact every - hing will be done to make the entertainment worthv of its name. 53 inch (Jolumbia L'ght Roadster, half nickel finish, ball pedáis, run lens than ÊO miles, good as new. Price $115. C. W. Wagner, Bicycle Dealer. 21 S. llain-st. The undersigned having purchased the business formerly conducted by Mrs. S. O. Pra'.t, at 'il East Huron-st, will hereafter be most happy to see all of Mrs, Pratt's old customers, as well as macy new ones who may be in want of Fine Candies, Pastry, Cakes, Pies, eto. We shall serve lunches and meals at all hqurs. Oysters cooked in all styles. Everything served promptly ani neatly. Allmendinger Bbos. My ítock of samples in carpsts repreaents oce of the argest wholesale Houses in this country. New Spring styles - Beauties - low prices. Look before you buy. H. Randall. Remnant sale of MouMings for picture frames at Rundall's Vm. W. Douglag is bound to clo?e out his stock and will from now on sell at auntion each day. The stock is complete in every line. AuctioD sale of Clothing and Furnishing Goods every day at Win. W. Douglas' 1O. Silllltll'N Plea-saat Barber Shup, directly opposite the south door of the court house, is the best place in the city for anythiner in his line. Trv it. 645 tf. Hl IH = FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY, AT Vil! O. SOIM. S. DEI LES IN All Painter's Supplies 70 S. Main Sí. Plans for Freseoing furnished on application. HighestAwards, London, New York, Boston, New Orleans, "THE MAMHOKD" TYPE -WRITER ! UNEXCELLEO FOP. SPEED, PERFECT Alignment and Durability ! The Edison Mlmeojírapli for daplicatiug copies, superior to all other methoda. Type-Writer mipplies etc.: for Catalogue and Price List, Address W. A. CAMPBELL, Aot., Aun Arbor, Mlch. IWjOOKS! Me. Potter of Texas. How to Strengthen the Memory. Bütton'3 Inn, By Tourgee. liivx and Time op Jesüb, By J. F. Clark. Paul Potoff, By F. Marión Crawford. Gentle Bbeadwinnebs, By Catherine Owens. Benjamin Franklin, By McMster. A COLLECriON OF LETTERS OP THACKKRAY. A PHYLLia of the Sierras, Bret Hart. Public Dkbts, By H. C. Adams. Patrick Henry, By Moses Colt Tyler. Constantly on band the latest publioations, latest in Stationery and Visiting Cards. Special attention paid to the importations of Foreign Books and Periodioala. EO. Willll. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! OÍSTE WEEK. COMMENCING MQr 1 Q MONDAY EVE., Ifldl i I U THE BRILI.IAXT AND VIRSATILE STAB, Ida Van Cortland 8UPP0RTKD BY unimn mm dramatis co„ IN A 8ELECL REPKBTOIRB OF NEW AND POPULAR PLATS ! Richand Elegant Wardrobe! A Leading Feature! Oreat Company! Grent Play! - CHIEA.IF' PBICES! - "Therels o other eompany in tlils country, which wouid have before them such a certainty of crowried housua In Jackson."- Jackson (Jitizeu Feb. 21, '8. Grand opening Monday night, on whlch occasion Mi 8 Van Cortland wiil appear in her great impersonation of COKA. In " I r.ol,., or Arti Ie 47" Playing to refined and fashionable audlences everywhere FOPCLAR PRK'EH. 15, SS and 35 et. Renerved 8eta at Wahr'e. Oress Goods - - AT =D. W.= mwwmn - ♦ - ■ Spring Dress Goods Sale of Great Magnitude ! At Popular Prices. O"V":e:r, 200 PIECES -NEW Spring Fabrics! Now Open ! All Wool Newton Suitings, at 30c per yard, worth 40c. 40-inch French Suitings in Checks and Brown and Grey Mixtures, imported to retail for 5Oc, we bought 35 Pieces and will run tlieui at 25c a yd. Biggest bargains in Dress Goods ever shown. 15 Pieces Ladies' Cloths, yard and a half wide, in the " Latest Colorings," Gobelin, Mahogany, Olive, Navy, Golden Brown, Myrtle, Bronze and Sapphire, worth 75c; our price will be 50c a yd. 20 Pieces Rutland, 52-inch Billiard Cloths with Broadcloth finish, at 75c per yard, worth $1.00. 10 Pieces inch English Broadcloths in Fashionable Shades of Pearl, Fawn, Leather, Opper, Steel, Gobelin, Olive and Navy, at f 1.00 per yard; worth $150. 25 Pieces 38-inch Wool Tricots, Spring Shades, at 40c per yd. ; sold in other stores, at 50c. 20 Pieces Red Fern Suitings.all Wool, 40-inches wide, choice Shades, at 40s a yard ; would be cheap at 50c. We have placed on Sale an immense assortment of Wash Dress Goods, at 8c, 10c and 12Jc a yd. White Dress Goods in Nainsook Checks and Plaids, at 10c, 12Jc and 15c, per yard. Lace Stripes and Plaids, at 10 and .ïajc Victoria Lawns, India Linens.Corded, Piquas, at 10c, 12Le, 15c and 20c a yd. Sateens, 100 Pieces extra value in all the Newest Shades for Spring, and copied from Koechlin's French Goods, at 12Jc a yard ; worth 20c. You can't teil them from 40c Sateens when made up. 100 Gross New Dress Buttons. 50 Pieces New Braids to match new Shades in Dress Goods. It is an established fact, for many years, that we stand at the head for Stylish Dress Goods, at Low Prices. Lades, it will pay you to look through our Dress Goods Department. D F. SCHAIRER


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