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On The Campus

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M. W. Mills, '87, was n town Saturday. H. K. Hess, lit '87, of Bay City, was in the city last Friday. The state board of dental examiners is in ses8ion at the dental building. A. F. McEwan, lit '86, visited friends and fraters in the city this week. Geo. Whyte will give the remaiuing lectures in metallurgy this semester. Miss Elsie Jones, lit '88, has been obliged to drop her studies on account of sickness. Mrs. Martha Foot-Crowe, principal of Iowa College, has been visiting in the city the past week. Every freshman was given a rare treat last week of seeing his name in print in the Den calendar. Prof. Vaughan and F. G. Novy intend spending their summer vacation visiting the laboratories of Europe. John Grant, a gradúate of the U. of M , now practicing law at Munistee. spent last Saturday with his Beta Theta Pi friends. The University closes tomorrow evening for a ten-days' recess. Some of the work in the medical department will continue through the vacation. Profe. Demmon and Hinsdale are on an ezamining tour, visiting various high schools of the state, and taking in now and then a teachers' convention. I. W. Short, formerly an '88 medie of this school, but who graduated a few days ago from the Long Island medical college, was in town last Thursday and Friday. The board of directora of the University of Michigan base ball club held a meeting Monday and elected D. K. Cochrane, of Manistee, manager for the coming year. The senior ladies of all departments met last Saturday and discusaed "what to wear" commencement. They will probably all dress alike, perhaps in white - a feature that would be novel and pleasing. The U. of M. base ball club is billed for its first game, May 5 next. They will play with the Chicago college nine, and will have to fight against Packard and Hibbard, graduates of the literary department Prof. Hennequin's French coursea in Detroit, and his special course of lectures on French literatura, delivered before the French clubs of that city, will end Saturday. The professor has given instruction to over one hundred pupila. Through the kindness of Judge Cooley the Univeraity was provided with about 150 copies of the report of the ínter State Oommerce Commission and will be used by the students in political economy in their course, Unsettled questious. Lea Brothers & Co. are at present publishing and will soon have upon the market a work on ptomains which is bound to be the standard of all those works so far published on the subject. The authors are Prof. V. C. Vaughan and F. G. Novy. Adrián, Albion, Hillsdale and the Agricultural colleges have united in organizing an Inter-collegiate b'ase ball association. Each team will play two games with each of the other colleges in the association. This will raake no more games than the clubs have been playing during-the past few years. A gentleman, whosë name President Angelí has been kind enough to withhold, was asked to pack his thinga and leave the University Monday. He had brought a large amount of credit from an Indiana institution, and had entered upon adTanced standing. It afterwards turned out that the credits were forged. The University Glee club is now on its trip, starting with Jackson Monday. Agent Hayes, of the M. C. R. R., gave a special car for their use, and they are accompanied by George Haviland as mauager. March 24, they will sing in Central Music Hall, Chicago. Tonight they are in Niles. April 2 they will be in Fort Wayne, when they will come hoine.Then they ought to give Ann Arbor people a chance. Mrs. Prof. Stowell left Wednesday to attend the International Council of Women to be held in Washington the coming week. The council has for its aim the promotion of higher education among women, and will be attended by over 3000 of the representativo women of America and Europe. On her return Mrs. Stowell will visit the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Bryn Mawr, and other eastern colleges, in the intereats of her histological work here. The new "Organic Analyais" of Prof. Prescott is now under review by the chemical journals. The American journal of Pharmacy saya of it: "The work will prove to be a very valuable one for the laboratory. It is calculated to widen the views of the intelligent student in his endeavor to acquire a substantial knowledge of the carbon compounds; and the experienced analyst will find it a comprehensivo and reliable work of reference on most questions which are likely to arise in analytical investigations. The 33d annual meeting of the state dental aesociation began Tuesday in Ann Arbor and probably will cloae tonight. The liveliest thing that has occurred is the expulsión of Dr. C. H. Land, ol Detroit, from the association, which was done yesterday. Land is defiant, and even requested that his name be dropped. His offense is advertising contrary to the aesociation'a old code of ethica. He discovered aome sort of porcelain preparation valuable to the profesión, and advertised it in his business. This was considered unprofesaional and undoubtedly did viólate the code. Dr. Land, however, has many warm partisans who preJict that the code wiil be changed and that he will be reinstau-d. O t here eay that he wants to pose as a mrtyr, and get cotoriety. Yeaterday afternoon, afier special urgin?, Dr. Land gave a clinic before the associatian. Many valuable papera have been read.


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