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Denftaess Can't be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way of curing Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustaohain Tube. When this tube gets inflamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whtn it is entirely closed Deafness is the re8ult, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube rtstored to its normal condition, hearing will ba distroyed forever; nine cases out of ten ai e caused by catarrh. which is nolhing but an inflamed conditiou of the mucus surf ace?. We wil] give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hall's . Catarrh Cure. S;nd for circular, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. gF"So!d by Druggists, 75 cents. Often the virtue of a womnn rau4 be very great, sinee it has to suffice for two. - Elizabetb of Boumania. Honey-Moon. "Say, Perkins, old boy, why don't we see you at the club any more? Has ynur mother in-la w shut down on you ? " "No, Brown; the fact of the matter is, my home is so happy now that there is no induce ment for me to leave it. You look incredulous, but it's a positive fact. You see, my wife used to suffer so much from functional derangetnents cominon to her sex, tbat her spirits and her temper were greatly affected. It was not her lault, of course, but it mde home unpleasmt all the same. But since she has begun to take Dr. Pierce's Favarite Prescription, she has been so well aud so happy tbat we are having our honey-moon all over again." "Pa, did the Indians consider smoking the ripe of peace a religious ceremony ?" 'They did, my son." :' Thank you. I know where the oath comes from now." " What oath." " Holy smoke." A Secret of good heahh is found in the regular movement of the bowels and perfect acti n of the Liver. These organs were intended by nature to remove frotn the System all ïmpurities. If you are constipated, you offer a "standing invitation " to a whole faraily of disease and irregular ities which will surely be "accepted," nnd you will have guests unwelcome at;d determined. All these unhappy conditions may be averted by the timely use of Dr. Pierce'n Pleasant Purgative Pellet8..1'owerful for the effectual regulation of tbe bowels and Liver, escsblishing a heakhy action of the entire wondtrful organism with which we are created. To a gentleman, every woman is a lady in right of her 6ex. - Bulwer. I.adlpN will flnd relief from thelr Costiveness, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomacb, Headaehe, Kidney troubles, etc., by uking a dose of Bimmons' Liver Regulator after dinner or supper, so as to move tbe bowels once a day . Mothers will have better health and the bable will grow more robust by using the Regulator. If an infant shows sign8 of Colic, nothing like a few drops in water for relief. 0, woman! thou wert fashioned to beguilii; ■ have allsages said, all poets sunp. - (Tean Ingelow. Hibbard s Rheumatic Piasters are of great merit for weak lungs and glonnach, and should be applied over the parte aifected. Earth hs nothing more tender than a woman's heart when it is the abode c f pity. - Luther. Throat ailom gets well seld of itself, budeepena until it undermines the constituí tion, wastes away health, strength and flesh, and finally fastens itself on the lungp, completing the wreek and ruin of the whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure is the only safe, eure and speedy remedy for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung disease?. Sold by Eberhach & Son, at fifty cents and oce dollar. Pleasant to take and safe for children. Trust not a wocnan when frhe weeps, for it ia her to weep when sho wants her way.- Sócrates. A ii Exeollent Investmrnt. The inajority of men in middle life remember when Illinois or .Wisconsin landswere thought dear at $2.50 per acre. Present valué, $25 00 to $50.00 an acre. Careful examination of the records has discovered a number of scattered pieces of the very choicest land in Minnesota included in original land grant lying near railroads recently built, and adjacent to market. These will be sold cheap, and in fi ve or ten years will unqustionably be worth seyeral tiime present price. A profitable investment. For future paaticulars, state quantity desired and address J. Bookwaltek, Land Comr., St. P., M. & M. By., Sr. Paul, Minn. The only dairy which does cot use water to exce8 ia the riromedary. A New Remedy with Wonderfnl Helling Powers. For both Interna! and externaJ Usa. POSITIVE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. AUo Colic. Croup, Headache, Lame Back, Wounds, and all difitrepsinK ailmpuls of the human body. R A I L - R O A D l Is the Best on Earth for Bronchitis, COUGH CURE ÍCoughs.ThroatandLungTroubles A 703ITT7E CONSÜMPTICH CUSE is lts EarUw Stijti. These Medicines are Warranted by your Druggisi. Price 25c-, 60c. and Jl per bottle. For tl we will send largest size of either Cure, prepaíd. Addresa Rail-Road Remedy Co., Box 372, Llncokt, Neb. Trade Bupplied by Farrand, Williams 4 Co., Detroit.


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