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rhe Lessons of " Unser Fritm" Case. The greatest doctor in Europe don't seem to know what ails "Unser Fritz." Thus are the Garfield and ürant episodes repeated, and public confidenc in "expert" medical knowledge ia a ;ain shaken. The effect ia a revulsión. Since the fatal days of 1883, many of the doctrines of the schoolmen concerning extensivo medication have been abandonad, and all schools of practice are more and more relying upon old-fashioned simple root and herb preparations and careful nursing,- the unly reliances known to our ancestore. These methods and reliances are illustrated today in a series of old-fashioned root8 and herbs preparations recently given to the world by the wellknown proprietors of Warner's safe cure - preparations made from formula possessed by many of our oldest families, and rescued for popular use, and isaned under the happy designation of Warner's Log Cabin Remedies. "My son," exclaimed a venerable woman to the writer when he was a boy, "my son, you'r yeller and pale and weak like lookin', you'r needin' a good shaking up with some sas'paril1." A jug of spring sarsaparilla was just as necessary in the "winter supplies" of fifty years ago as was a barrel of pork, and a famous medical authority says that the very general prevalence of the use of such a preparation as Log Cabin Sarsaparilla explains the rugged health of our ancestors. While Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is an excellent remedy for all seasons of the year, it is particularly yaluable in the spring, when the system is f u 11 of sluggish blood and requirés a natural constitutional ton ie and invigorator to resist colds and pneumonía, and the effects of a long winter. Philo M. Parsons, clerk of the City Hotel of Hartford, Conn., was prostrated with a cold which, he says, "seemed to settla through my body. I neglected it acá the result was m blood became impoverished and poisoned, indicated by inflamed eyes. I was treated but my eycl grew worse. I was obliged to wear a shade over them. I feared that I would be obliged to give up work." "Under the operation of Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaprilla and Liver Pilis," he says, " The sore and inflamed eyes disappeared. My blood, I know, is in a healthier condition than it has been for years. I have a much better appetite. I shall take several more bottlea lor safety's sake. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is a great blood purifier and I most heartily recommend it." A few bottles of Warner.s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla used in the family now will save many a week of sickness and many a dollar of bilis. Use no other. This is the oldest, most thoroughly tested, and the best, is put up in the largest sarsaparilla bottle on the market, containing 120 doses. There is no other preparation of similar name that can equal it. The name of its manufacturera is a guarantee of its superior worth. While the great doctors wrangle over the technicahties of an advanced medical science that can not cure disease, such simple preparations yearly snatch millons from untimely graves. " Mmma," asked a little K street boy, "is wonnen Mugwumps?" "No dear," she replied, "not yet; Mugwumps caa vote." __ Ue the surest remedy for catarrh - Dr. Sage'g. ___________ The question that agitates the Chinaman is whether the tale which adorna hís head in this world will be continued in our neit. ________ resulta, are Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablet Eecommended by physiciana and endoraed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation . Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moobe, DruggisL " If there is anything I do like," remarked Orimsonbeak, as he carne out of the church yawniDg, " it is a finished discourse." __________ Good Etknino, Miss Jbnnie ; I am very much pleased at seeing you here. You sang beautifully. I understood that you could take no part in the exercises on account of a severe cold. Well, I did not expect to, but mamma got me a bottle of Hibbard's Throat and Lung Balsam, and it helped me at once. That is so ; I hear it spoken of in great praise. A sentimental young man thus feelingly expressed himself: "Een a nature benevolently guards the rosea with thorn9 so does she endow women with pins." PtTTRDOCK - MEood BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS PurifyThe Blood. __ gÜRDÖCiÓDnTËRS Sound. Refreshing Sleep. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ThnfJjfJVeaijJeling. Stek Headactae. Oests- I have been subject to Sick Heudacbe for years. and have tned in vain many advertised remedies and sevcral physicians. butall to no purpose At last I tned your B. B. Bitters-without mucli failh. 1 dmit-but to-day 1 CB trulysav. thatafterukingthe thirdbottl., I have not auffered f rom it. I recommend it to Ml my friends; several have been cured by it. My Hule grandson wwpernnncntiy cured üf Biliousneas and bick He;ulache. wuich were so severe as to cause couvulsions. They have all ceascd eel.commencedtheeofB.B.B. Orange, Luzerne County, Pa. j Low Bates to Pacific Ooast Síi isPide Tl. any other line. Frequent exennsion. Accommodaüon first-olass. Jfor rates. maps, and other _ _ inuc _ piu-urula appytoO. II '"Vl'itt.'r'g A piasSgwAgntr'st. ff[ JÜÍS ■ Boils pimples, hiTes, ringworm, tetter and a'.l other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "What becomes of all the old moons, pa?" "The old mooDS, my son? Why, they die of newmoonia. to be sure." Borrowed garments seldom fit well, nor do bogus remedies cure successfully. The real cure for coughs and colds is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. N. J. stands for New Jersey aud No Joke, and those who have lived in New Jersey teel that there is (-omethirjg more than a coincidence in this fact. Sckofula, dvspepsia, gout and erysipelas, or any of the diseases arising from an enteebled condition of the eystem, can be effectually cured by the great blood purifier, Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup. MÍ89 SuRan B. Anthony sends us a recipe for making " kisaes." Anotber good way is to get up a game of Copenhagen. Wortb Ten Dollars to any family, is Dr. Kaufmann's book on diseases; finely illustrated plates trom hle; don't be humbugged, but cure yourself. Send three 2-cnt stamps for postage, to A. P. Ordway & C )., Boston, Mass., and receive a copy free. "Now, come, Johony. If you don't quit teasing Emma 111 chastise you.' "Who! 'Chastise!' Puttin' on style! And I'U bet it'll jist be a common lickin'." A Dlitlinulihfd 'Urjtymn"i Tutlmoijr. Rey. B. M. Fickens, President of tha Methodist Protetant Church of South Carolina, writei from Greenville: About four years ago I was attacked with what the phyiioians pronounced neuralgic rheumatism, accompanied with erysipelao. My appetit failed me entirely, and I had an intermitting pulse and very irregular pulsations of the heart. A terrible pain soon came into my chest and houlders, and I became o helpless that 1 could attend to no business at all. Th pains were movable, and would sometimei pass from one part of my body to another. Finally the erysipelas broke out on my left hand and arm, and produccd much awelling. I was for eighteen months afflicted in thi8 way, and of course used a great many kinds of medicines, but nothinggave me relief. Friends finally persuaded m to try Swift 8 Specific I noticed a decided mprovement while taking the first bottle. I continued its nse until I had taken about one dozen bottles, when I fcund myself sound and well again, with no eign of disease left eicept a stiffness in my hand, result of the erysipelas. While taking the medicine I gained on an aTerage two ptunds of fleh per week. I Ihink S. S. S. raluable medicine, and I frequently recommend it to my friendB." WriU to the Swift Specific Co., Atlant, Ga., for a TretUe on Blood and Skin DineawB, mailed free to anyone.' A catf without eyes, tail, or ears is to be exhibited at Barnum's Show. It is fat woman's leg I THE CREAT llGerman Remedy J truthsforthesick II Kor those deathlyl 1,000 wlll r,c pamll II Bilious Spellsdepenö for a case wbore BUI, Hl I lonSuLpnURBiTTERS puur ,B,1TTER wi{ I Ulitwill cure vou. notasslst orcure. lt Iïhmv never fans. CJ Q Do you suffer witn „___bU mthattircdand allgore cieansethevitiatedin Illfeclinfr; if bo, use blood when you seelll llsuLPHült Bittebs; lts impuritles burst-ill Illit will cure you. nethrough the skiul II I 1 - ""- -T"" in rimpleu, Blotches,! I gK'cfewToío g m f.l. Illnot procure sufficient j mm ■ II Illexercise, and all who slli'HL'b BittebsI Illareconfined indoors, win cure [,ivor 'om 1 1 Illshould use Sulphur „iaint. Don't be dts-l IllBiTTKits. They will couragcdjit will curelB Sgnottheabeweakand n lU'ltyoudonotwlsh -gKfS.S'JJÏÏSll IIIsulphcr Bitters; 'h ""'■ II Illit ncver fails tocure. sulphur Bitters B!"Iíw!Tb??ít5oürá winmakeyourbloodpj Q bottle Trv it vou and etrong.lJ Ijl will oi.t njV! St. '■"■' y"rll.-l. '■ ■: '■ fl LaïïïëndëÏÏcatê Try SuLPiiru BIT III llbealth, who are all rF.its to-night, an 1 1 I Irundown.shonldusc you wlll sleep welllll JnnTthTbéstMedícáí Work publiflhed? Bcnd S 2-cent etamps to A. P. Ordway i, Co Boston, Mass., and reccive a copy, free. ïew Advertisements l) YOH INE SEEDS? Seud ft Poatal for Catalogue to 15 JOHN "TREKT. NEW YORK, Headquartehs for ■White Plme Celery and Thorburn's Gilt Edge Cauliflower 8eed. TBïïPlII'Kliing & """half ceotury. Not w rea'iifred Capitil not needed ; you are starled fíee "ut thls out aod return to us and we will send you ftee, something of great va ue and ïmTOrunnceiyou.thatwill start you in biuineM hich will brinK you in more : money right away EAlToraïTBOOSiorADVElITURE Oondeneed into One Volume. PIONEER .„I DARING HÉROES m DEEDS. Faws and wild beast, over our whole coytry s$siïn&& PF ■ EwsTr LwgLS 3r for 8s&%L EBERBACI & SOS, DEÜQGISTS Ind Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on band a large and veil selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Phyicians, Chemiets, Schools, etc., with Philosophica) and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glasa-ware, Poreelaln Ware, Pure Reagento, Phyricians' PrescriptiOBS carefully prepared at allhours. LUMBER LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON uu uit Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBER We manufaoiure our otb Lumber and qruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES è-i vr na eill inü we wtll raafce I .o vonr mierest, as or lárice nd well )trRrtl ütoek rully sostaiuii oar Hartlon. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. HKKCH, Snpt. BI5SEY & SSABOLT 35TOS. 6 -A-lsTD 8 ■Waahington Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. H76 Uway on bnd h complete Stock of eYen tiinïli.iu; GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Articlcs bougkt for Cah and can wil at low figures. Onr frequent large invoioe o Tee is a Bure sign that we give bargaln in QTJALITY AND PBIOB. Weroastour own coffeee every week.alway fresh and good. Cur baker? turns out Uieverr best of Bread, Cake and crackers. Cll and WH PATEÑTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreip Patents, 0ÍÍ5 P SU, nuur V. S. Palmt (Ifflir. WASHINGTON, D. O All business beforetbe United States Pa tent ( MBoa attendeil to for moderate fees. Patents procuren in the Unitel Statvx and all Foreign Countrtee. Trade Harkt and LaMs regifitered. Rejected applioationR revived nnd prosecutr 1. Information and advice as to obtaining I'atentscneerfullyfurnished without charge. Send or Model f or f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnislied lor 25 cents carh Correspondence invited. TT1iftil!lii'?ffl1il 1 PAINT g YOUR BUCCY ris Sí Tip top fo, O Lw" S?SA j Ig g SêsesÊsasg Sp t FOR ONE DOLLAR iCOITSHOMESTfl = HOUSE PAINT US I COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS f 1 SWOÜT DRY ST1CKY125


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