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Wlnil Am I To Do? The symp'otns of Biliousness are unhsppily but too well known. They dififer in diflFerent ndiviiuals to some extent A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, ala, he has an excellent appetite for 1 quors b'Hnone for solidgof a morning. His tongue will hrcMy bear inpection at any time; if it i not white and furd, it is rough, a' all event. The ciige'ivd system is whilly out of order and Diarrheii or Constipaiion may b" a 8ymptonj, or the two may altérnate. Thure re often H. morrfaoid or even loss of blood. Tbere my be giddiness and oten headsche and fttfditv or flntulence and tanden e-s in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not f fle.;t a cure try G'pen's August Flower; it costa but a trifle ai;d thousnnds attest its efticucy. What ould thu wrrld be without a woman ? - A prefect blank - Ikea sheet of paper nol„even ruled. is warranted, is becauee it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifles tlie whole system, and thoroughly builds np the constitution. Eemember, vee guarantee it John Moobe. Druggist What is womm ? Ouly one of Na'ure's agreeable blunders.- Cowley. PIIcn! Plica! Piles! Dr. William'g Indian Pile Omtmetit is the only pure cure fftf Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever Disoovered. It never fails to cure oM chronio cases of long standing. Willianr Mfg Co., Clevrland, O. Won detes-t a ser ent through s p-o fessirmal jealou y- Victor Hugo. The peculir combitiation of Hibhrd'g Rheum'ic SyrupenablHS it to Ho what do nther rcinedy hfs ever acoomplished, and it i] daily enrtnjf ttuwe who vearo ugo had give'; up all bop'w of beine cired. A fashionrttiU woman is always in loe with herself. - Rochef mcauld. We should ec inomize at al! time?, hut more espdüially when times are close. Obgerve the purehases of your thrifly neighbors. More substancial benefits oan be obiained Irom a fifty cent bottle oí Dr. B'gelow s Posinve Cure than a dcllar bottleof any otht-r oough remedy. It is a prompt, safo and pleasant curf for all throatand lung trouhles. Sold and end 'i8ed by E 'rbach & Co. Handsouie vromen without religon are the flowers without perfume. - He we. Good Morning, Moiher ; how do y u feel this morniDKf Un, 1 am ever so much better. That cough and goreness of my lungs has entirely left uie. I got a bottle if Hibbard's fhrost and Lung Balsam, and in twentv-four hours I was W' 1'. A bandeóme woman is a jewel; a good woman a treasure. - Saadi. Wlml is Said Abont it. There is no medicine which has been offered to the people of the past fifty years that has attaiued the popularity of Pomeroy's Piaster. It is an external Remedy that relieves at once Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Backache, and all common ills that are sure to come, which do not need a doctor, but must be attended to, and is so simple and harmloss that anybody, oíd or youug, can use it. As a guarantee of their worth, physicians evervwhere recommend thcmt and in many instances they usethem in tlieir own practice. They are an indispensable household remedy, and no family should be without them. For Sal by H. J. Brown Dit-t. Agt. for Ann Arbor. Be' een a woman's " yes" und "no " I wouli not veutuie to 8ti ?k a pin. - CtTvantee. Bncklen Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, and poeitively cure Piles, or no pay requiivii It te guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, Oi .noney lefnnded Price 25 cents per D.x. Forsale by Eberbaoh & Son. When Ijvely woman stoop to fölly in these dy she elev.ttes her bustle in a very ungeemly fashion. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25 50c., $L CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautilics, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Coras & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HA1R & WH1SKER DYE- Black & Brown, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minule, 25c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC P1LL5 are a sure cure, 50c When you "M a rt--nosed olitician use your eyes and you w 11 a dark hor6e. She Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says : " No piasters of such merit as the Ath-lo-pho-ros Piasters haveever before been prodnced." They are a novelty becaose they are not made simply to sell cheap, they are the best that science, skill and money can produce, and will do what is claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequaled. 404 Fulton St.,Sandnsky,0 . Not. 21. '87." The Athlorhoroe Plastir avted like magie. It ia the btttt I ever tried and I have uwd many kinds. Our dniKVist said " plaiiters are all bout the same " but I don'l think ao now. I eprained njy arm and FhoiUder in July, and it has been ïiainful Büjcc-, but it does not pain me at all now. Mrs. Willis Mai.ii j . W Scnd 6 cent? for the beautiful oolorcd picture, " Moorish Maidcn." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. PlSO'S ÏÏWIEDY FOR CATAERH I I gives immedlate relief. Catarrbal I I virus is Boon expelled from tbe sysI I tem, and the diseased action of tbe I I mueou-s membrane is replaced by I ■I healthy secretions. The dose ie email. Ono package I I contains a eufficient quantity for a I I long t reatmeut. H A Cold In tbe Head is relieved by I I an application of Pio's remedy fbr I I Catar rh. Tbe comfort to be pot I I from it in this way is worth mauy I I times lts oost, Kasy and pleasant to nse. Price, 50 cents. SoJd by druggists I I or aent by mail. H E. T. Hazkltinf, Warren, Pa, I


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