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"Dldn't [iniin it was Loacletl." The young man feil dead ! A friend had pointed a revolver at him. "He didn't know it was loaded I" We often hear it stated that a man ia not responsible for what he does not know. The law presupposes knowledge and therefore convicta the man who excuses crime by ignorance ! "If I had only known" has often been an unfortuate man's apology for some evil unknowingly wrought, but in a matter of general interest - aa for instance that laudanum is a poison, that naphtha ia a deadly explosive, that blood heavily charged with a winter's accumulation of the waste of the syatem, - it is one's duty to kiiow the fact and the conaequencea therof. Our good old grandmothera knew for instance, that the opening of spring waa the periloua period of the year. Why? Because then the blood stream is aluggish and chilled by the cold weather, and if not thinned a good deal and made to flow quickly and healthfully through the arteries and veins, it is impossille to have good vigor the rest of the year. Henee without exception, what is now known as Warner's Log Uui in Sarsaparila, was plentifully made and religiously given to every member of the family regularly through March, April, May, and June. It is a matter of record that this prudential, preventive and restorative custom saved many a fit of sickness, prolonged Hfe and happiness to a vigorous old age, and did away with heavy medical expenditures. Mrs. Maggie Kerchwal, Lexington, Ky., used Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla "for nervous sick headache of which I had been a sufferer for yeara. It haa been a great benefit to me." Capt. Hugh Harkina, 1114 8. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa., says "it purified my blood and removed the blotches from my skin." Mrs. Aarea Smith, Topton, Berka Co., Pa., says ahe "was entirely cured of a skin disease of the worst kind," by Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. Bad skin indicates a very bad condition of the blood. If you would live and well.go toyour druggist today and get Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and take no other,- there's nothing like it or as good,- and completely renovate your impaired systfim with this simóle, old-fashioned preparation of roots and herbs. Warner, who makes the famous Safe Cure, puta it up, and that is a gurautee of excellence all over the known world. Take it your self and give it to the other .membersof the family, including the children. You will be astonished at its health-giving and life-prolonging powers. We say this editorially with perfect confidence, because we have heard good things of it every where, and its name is a guarantee that it ia first claes in every particular. Ambition breaks the ties of blood, and forgets the obligations of gratitude. - Sir Waker Scott. A Modest, Sensitivo Wonian often shrinks from consulting a physician about functional derangement, and preferg to suffer in silence. This may be a mistaken feeling, but it is one which is largcly prevalent. To all such women we would say that one of the most skillful physicians oL the day, who has had a vast experience in curing diseases peculiar to women, has prepared a rsmedy which is of inestimable aid to them. We refer to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This is the only remedy for woman's peculiar weakness and aumente, sold by druggists, under a positivo guarantee from the manufacturen, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money refunded. See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper. The desire of more and more rises up a natural gradation to most, and after that to all. - L'Estrange. Gout in most cases first makes itself known by an aoute pain in the jointof the great toe. This must excruciating pain may be likened to that produced by the driving of a wedge under the nail. For gout usa Salvation Oil. Price 2.t cents a bottle. _ I would not laugh but to instruct; or, if my mirth ceasea to be instructive, it shall never cease to be innocent. - Addison. Good Evenino, Miss Jennie ; I am very much pleased at seeing you here. You Bang beautifully. I understood that you could take no part in the exercises on account of a severe cold. Well, I did not expect to, but mamma got me a bottle of Hibbard's Throat and Lung Balsam, aLd t helped me at once. That is so ; I hear it spoken of in great praise. "V.C would enjoy your dinner V VyOVV andarepreventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 60 cents. John Moore, Druggist. A Pi tsburg man has been lecturing on the " Uses of Uglines."- Picayune. LAKE MAHOPAC, N. Y. MY DAUGHTER WAS.VERY BAD OFF ON ACCOUNT OF ACOLD AND PAIN ON HER LUNGS. DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL CURED HER IN 24 HOURS. ONE OF THE BOYS WASCUREDOFA SORE THROAT. THE MEDICINE HAS WORKED WONDERS IN OUR FAMILY, ALVAH PINCKNEY. "ITS SPECIALTIES." DR. THOMAS'ECLECTRIC OIL FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF. THE MOST VIOLENT ATTACK . OL NEURALGIA WILL RECEIVE IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT REHEF; IN F ACT, AS A CURE FOR NEURALGIA IT HAS NEVER FAILED.


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