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Don't Get Cauffht This spring with your blood full oí impurities, your digestión impaired, your appetite poor, kidney and liver torpid, and whole system Hable to be prostrated by disease - but get yourself into good condition, and ready for the changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled for purifying tho blood, giving an appetite, and for a general spring medicine. " The letters that never came " is one that should have returned borrowed tnoney. Champion Short Iland Wrlter. Mr. A. S. White, the well-known autho of " White's Phonography," famous ai. the Champion Shorthand Writer of thé World, received the first prizes in the international contests at London, Edinburgh, Paris and Berlin ; he carne near being permanenUy disabled by rheumatisra. His recovery by the use of a remedy infallible in curing rheumatism and all blood diseasei is told in a letter fromhis office, .02 Washington st., Chicago, dated June 20, 1887. He writea: " Your reraedy has done wonderful service for me. For the past five years I have been troubled with rheumatic pains. "Jly right hand had become almost useless and 1 was gradually losing speed as a shorthand writer. A friend of mine, JJr. Dederich, advised me of your remedy. I used a dozen bottles of S. S. and am now entirely recovered. I shall never ceas to commend your excellent medicines, and wish you much success. "Yours truly, A. S. White " And here is another witness: "Bknton, Ark., August, 25th, 1887. " Last spring I was dangerously afflicted with erysipelas, and my life was despaired of by my physicians. As a last hope I tried S. S. S. and soon found relief, and in two ■ eeke was able to attend to my business. I used five bottles. "8. H.WiTTHOKNE.Ed. Saline Courier." Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed free. The Swift Sfecific Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. I nkver 8aw anything like it. Everywhere I go I hear nothing but praise for Hibbard's Throat and Lung Balsam. Time is, indeed, the theatre and seat of [lusion; nothing is so ductile and eiastic. The mind stretches an hour to a century, and dwarfs an age to an bour. - Emerson. Q VThe Best and Purest Medicine} [ISCV EVER MADE. UI I 5WW.Itwm drive theHumorfromyonri I I lvV5KXlolean and smooth. These! I II tfrVxL Pimples and Blotche8 !ü . ö h éwhkh mar your beauty W ■HA k e e4 'ííLblood, amí can ben! I x rfy. t % " V Wwise and nse II SS The Dose is ' A of% il II medicine. Tiy ft, _Hf „- fy I lyouwillbesatisfled. V %%-Vi U Getitof yourDrugglst. "E5 E3 DON'IWAIT. GET1T ATONC1ÍX. " If you are enffering from Kf% ' II há bwabsuV I .111 ïbey never fail to cuie. IJ IfewAdvertisements DO YOU I'SK SEBDS? Send a Poatal for Catalogue to J. Sf. THORBUKN CO.. 15 JOHJÏ STREET, NEW YOKK, Hkadquarters for White Plume Celery and Thorburn's Gilt Edge Cauliflower Seed. Henry Richards Is again in business. This time in the rear of John Finnegan"s Agricultural Hall, O!ï DETROIT STREET. ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Wood ON HAND and Orders taken for COAL I will also lay in a stock of HARD -WOOD LUMBER! For the Spring Trade. Old oustomers and frienda are invited to see me. IIF.MI Y RICHARDS. - And Arbor. ■ UUailBIMlIhas revolutionized the wort durIHÏÏPHTTnHing the last half ceutury. Not ifl VLll ilUflleast the wondere of in■ ll i ■ ii w TentiTe progresa is a method and 6V6tein of work that can De performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work eithersex. youngorold; no special ability required. Capital not needed ; you are started free Cut this out and return to us and we win send you free, somethlng of great value and ïmportance to you. that will start you in business, whieh will bring you in more money nght away than anythingelse in the world. (rrandoutfttjree. Address Truk & Co., Augusta, Maine. THE CREW of il! BOOKS ofADVËSTÜRS Condeneed into One Volume. PIONEER: .„„ DARING HÉROES m ! DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all the nero explorers and frontier fighters with Indians, outfaws and wild beastf , over our whole couctry. from the earliest times to the present. Lives an.l famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standisli, Boone. Kenton. Brady, Prockett.Bowie Houston Carson. Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Generáis Miles and Crook. great Indian Chiefs, and scores of others. Pl''!'i'„'': Iiitttrnlel with 220 fine engravings. AC.hsiTS WANTED. Low-priced, and beats anythlng to sell Time for paymente allowed Agents short of funds. I'LANETPUB-CO-OÏo61;mo. EBERBACH & SOS, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, Ko. 12 Nouth Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles,Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnlshing ofPhysicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcclain Ware, Pure Reagent, etc. Physiciang' Prescriptioas carefully prepared at all nours. LUMBEK LUMBERI XUMBER! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and sruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! ; ! ve as a cali nml we wlll niake I ( io vonr lntreNt, as onr large and well IC rrtel slocb fullj siisrain-. oor ansertlou. JAMES IOLBK8T, Prop. T. J. KKBCH, Soul. BHTSÏY & SEABOLT HOS. 6 .A-USTID 8 ■Washington Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. Have alwayson hand a complete Stock of even thine b. cue GROCERY LINE! Teas, Cof ees and Sugars All prime Articlcs bongtt for Cash and c&n sell atlow fignres. Onr frequent large invotce ot Te&e is a sure 6ign that we j?iye bargains In QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roBSt our own coffees every week, alway fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the very best of Bred, Cakes and crackers. Cali and MM. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of Americau & Foreign Patents, :i ;- F S., mar l'. B. Patent miii . . WASHINGTON, D. C All business bcforc the United States Patent Office attended to for moderate fees. Patente proonred in the United States and all Koreign 'outitrios. Trcuk Marks and Labels regi.stered. RÍJected applicatlona revi ved and prosecutod. Information and advioe as to ootaining Patents cheerfullyfurnislud without charge. Send Sketch or Model for f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnished for 25 cents each. IS" Correspondence invited. I PAINT 1 UJ !&"l?dnittoChu,Ch Sumía . Elght =5 S YOUR BUCCY Hg UJ lrnt Doors. StorL.fron;s. Screen Doors. Boats ? = " the thimí foi Uie taitas 10 use bout the houie S. ËFOR ONE DOLLAR ft 2C0ITSH0NESTÍ 6O Are you eoing 'o Paint this year?, dont S.á y buy a pamt contain:n water or bennnc wncn 0 u _ forthe sanie mrawy (01 nearly so) ysuca procure „ ' H I Oír A tXñi II HÍ flIM that b """'r' S i % CD and free trom water and benzine Dr lita B g TT 1,rand od lb no otbpr. Merchanls handjuig Jog ö SaawE'rtösftóaR Jij -O 3 ÏKAII lik 2 (ITS. Our Shiides are th. LaUSt Stvks raed in the hat now becommg e a J UJ io in the West. and up witli the titnei ja{ TÍ TryU," brand cf llOïiST UT and you wil f CO n.ïer regret it. This to the se is suflicicnt ö_ = HOUSE PAINT fji Í COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS jï "" Paint that never dried bevond the stlclty toint s__i mm ■ weck, spoil the job, a:l then swearT 3 3! NV, :ti,ne c., fnr O1T O'S FLK)R I'AIM _ 4 popular and suitable shades, ■■ 'uiS' t- S hr.. FOTk m uight. Ho t'ouble. No _j S E'WONT DRY ST1CKY g


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