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■Washington, March 22. -In the Sonate yesterday bilis were passed to allow soldiers and sailors who have lost both bands, er the u?e of t otb hands, a pension of $ 100 amonth; to divide a por ti on of the reserTation of the Sioux naton ol Indiana in Dakota into separate reservations; f or the relief of the voiiinteers of the Forty-cighth regiment of Iowa infantry; providing for an inspecüon of meats for exportation, and probibiting ihe importation of aduitsrated articles of lood or drink. Washington. March 23. - Bills were pnssed in the Senate yesterday lo prevent obstruction of navisable waters and to protect public works against trespass or injtiry; for a commission on theaicoholiclicjnor traffic; autborizing the President to ürr.,nge a conference in 1880 between the United States and Mexico, Central and 8outh Amcrioa, Hayti, San Domingo and Brazil to advocate arbitration; redneing the rostage on seeds, cuftlngs, bulbs, roote, soions, etc, to one cent per four ounces, and the Urgent Deficlency bill,vvhich appropriates ftí.STfi.SOft Washington, March 24.- In the Senate yesterday the announcement of Chief-JuBtice Waite's death was made as soon as the members met, and on motion of Senator Edmunds a committee was appointed to take euch action of respect as may be expedient As a'further mark of respect the Senate adjourned to the 26th. Washington, March 27.- Bills were reportd in the Senate yesterday for the admission of Montana asa State, and declarinar it to be the sense of the Senate that the neiv States should be admitted into th Vnion only on the basis of equality with the existinff States. Tetitions were presented from the Iowa Patrons of Husbandry asking that Agricultural producti be equally protected with manufactured rticles; that foreign immigration be restricted so as to keep out all paupers and crimináis, end for the protection oí wool and cotton goods. The Hon6e bill to wovide for the pnrcbase of United StateB bonds by the Secretery of the Treasury was further considered Washington, M:.rch 2R- A bill wal introduced in the Senate yesterday to establish the boundary line between Northern Minnesota and the Canadian provinces. A bill wae reported favorably pranting $100 per annnm to each State for each soldier or ■'allor who is im tomate "í a soldiers' home maintained by tb? State. The bül to give preference to disabled Confedérate Boldlers as between men who had been disloyal in appointments to biTll office was discussed. Mr. Teller spoke on the BondPurehase bill, and denieil that the depreciation in the value of silver was due to overprodaction, but said it was to the deruonetization of Bilver. THE HOUSR ■Washixgto"n, March 22. -In the Houee yesterday bilis were paesed to prevent the product of convict labor from being furnished to or for the use of any department oí the Government, and to prevent the empioyment of alien labor on public buildings ol the Government. ïbe Bession was entirely devoted to labor legislation. Washington, March ''.i. - The Honse paeeed bilis yesterday extending the protaction of the United States laws over United States officials; providing in all civil and criminal trials in circuit and district courts that the judges shall charge the jury in ritlnjjif so reqnired by elther party; providing that judgment and decrees et United States courts rendered within ny State shall be liena on property as judgments and decrees of the courts of that State, and the Urgent Deficiency bill. Washington, March '24. - In the House yesterdav a cominunication was received anno incing the death of Chief-Justice Waitf, and resolutions of respect to his memory, offered by Mr. E. B. Taylor, of Ohio, were adopted. Without tranBacting any business the House adjourned for the day. ■Yashin;ton. March 27. - In the House yesterday billa were introduced for a permanent board of arbitration between the United States and Great Britain and Franc; to equalize the salaries of postmastera at Presidential post-ofilces; íor the organiztion of the Territory oí Alaeka; to amend the Naturalization law so as to require wonld-be eitizens to muke oath thatthey are not polvgamists, Anarchists or CoinmunistF, and to amend the Inter-State Commercj law so as to prevent a railroad from bringing into a State articles which the roads within the same State are not permitted to transport Washington, Mareh 28.- In the House bilis were reported to provide for ascertalning the feasibility of constructing a gnU and lakee waterway; to adjust the claims of States for expenses inourred in defenee of the United iitates; for the election of United States Senators of the legal voters of the 8tate6; to araend the CivilService act, and flxing the salaries of the Jndges of the Un ted Btateg courts. Ths Military Academy Appropriation bill was passed. The resolntion of the Comvnittee on Election6 in the contested election of Worthington vs. Tost from the Tenth DliDOis district confirming the right of Post, the sitting ir.ember, was adopted. OTHER NOTES. ■Washington, March 24. - In the lard inTeítigation before the Houte Agricultural Committee yesterday W. G. Bartle, an expork-packer oí Su Louis, stated that he had been in the business for forty years, and knew that cholera-inf ected hoge were cut np and put upon the market as good ineat Washington, March 2t. - The bill to increase froin four to eight pounds packages to be conveyed by mail has leen reported adversely to the House Washington, March 'JO. - The President has signed the bill fixinf the charge for puüports at one dollar. - Washington, March 27. - Amone the nomlnatlons Rent to theSenate by the President Mondar were the following: J. H. Woolworth, of Wisconsin, to be register ol the land office at Menasba, Wia ; L. Nelson Fitch, of Michigan, to be receiver of lío moneys at draynng (formerly lteed City), Mich. The Senate has confirmed the nominations of 8, M. Stockslager and Thomas J. Anderson to be Commissioner and A66i6tant CommisBioner oL the General Land Office. Washington, Maren 28. - The House Coinmlttee on Ifivers and Harbors yeeterday completed the River and Harbor bilL It tnakcs nn aggregate appropriation ot $19,432, 78Ü, which Is the largeet bill of the kind ever brought ia


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