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BACH & ABEL. Probably no event is so much looked forward to by the Ladies as our opening of Satins. Many consider us the largest handlers of Satins in the State outside of Detroit, and as we have about fifty thousand yards of Satins alone, it would seem to place our display indisputably foremost, and at our prices other stores could not be expected to equal it. Fashion seems to demand Satins, and quite fortunntely, too, for, while the French Satin easily lead, yet just as effective designs come from domestic Ioom3, at from onc-third to one-half the cost ; but of course not posse8sing the service of the imported. THIS WEEK IS SATIN WEEK, and the grandest display Ann Arbor ever saw is on view at our special prices. A few styles in window on the left. In new Spring Dress Goods, the Black and Colored Henriettas take the lead. We have on sale a full line of colors at 75 ets. At this price they are the best goods in the world. Black Silks of excellent quality, guaranteed to give satisfaction at very interesting prices. 3 Pieces Black Silk, $1.25, worth $1.50. 2 Pieces Black Silk, SI .50, worth $1.65. 2 Pieces Black Silk, $1.75, worth .$2.00. We also have Black Silks, at 75c and $1.00 a yard, but cannot guarantee wear. Our Colored Rhademes, at $1.00, deserve special attention. Our new Embroideries and Flouncings are admitted to be "the finest ever seen in Ann Arbor. Very little trouble to examine them. Fine assortment on table in centre of store. A full line of Muslin Underwear, all new, now on exhibition. Our 25 cent Apron is the largest and best in the city. This week Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, at 10 ets. a pair. 50 doz. in window on the right, worth 15 ets. Every bit of news that appears in this column should bring prompt responses. The store is alive with activity. BACH & ABEL. GENTS ! This is the time of year when the OLD give out and you need k Ones ! We lm Them ! ALLSTYLES. ALL PRICES. SEE OUR ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FuLl-Dress, Patent-Leatlier SHOES. finés Kangaroo Sks, $3.50 a Eair! Bicycle, Lawn - Tennis and Sporting Goods in Season. GOODSPEED'S, 17 Soul li Mui 11 St., Aim Arbor. Repabllcau City Convention. The Kepublicans of the city of Ann Arborwill meet in city convention at the City Hall on Thursday, Maich 29th, at 7:80 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nomin&ting candidates for city offices; and trausacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting. According to a resolution adopted at the last Itepublican city convention each ward will be en ti tl cd lo on e delégate for every 25 votes case for governor at the last preoedlng election. On this oasis the various wards of the city will be entitled to representan ves as follows : Vote. Delegates. let ward 408 16 2dward 205 11 Sdward J03 12 4thward 31$ 12 5thward 14 6 Gth ward 186 7 CHAS. K. HISCOCK, Ch'm. t'ard of Thanks. To the many friendi, neighbors, and members of the high school junior claas, who during the illness nd death of our daughter have shown ns so many kindnesses and attentions, we deeire to return our most heartfelt and sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Q-. M. Monroe. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1888. An exceedingly fine line of Baby carriages is now on exhibition at Martin Haller's (late Koch & Halier) 52 S. Main and 4 W. Liberty-sts.


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Ann Arbor Register