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OCR 85 CEJÏT COLUMN. Advertisemente, such as To Rent, For Sale or Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be lnserted t iree weeks for 25 cents. TMCYCLE FOR SALE.-A 54-inch American w T'r. ln L",', class Frice 65.00, Wn. A. Campbell, 21 8. State-st, Ann Arbor. ■pRESSMAKING by the Frenen Livingston look, 96 E. Washington-st. pROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT for any GentleX man or Lady. Kxlra percentage, immediate returns, no risk. Agents wanted to sell The Miss ing Sense ; sells easily at sight ; no subscrlptions needed. Address C. W. Wooldridge, Ann Arbor Mlch, or cali at 45 3. Ingalls-st. HE WOMAN'S ENPLOYMENT BUREAU is located at No. 88 E, Washington-st, in charge of Miss Sperry. F'OR RKNT-A furnished house from May to September. Inqulre at 27 Ann-st. IOR RENT-Unfurnished Rooms at 35 S. University-aye. Suitable for housekeeping. nnO BU1LDERS AND CONTRACTORS - The -I. school board of School District No. 2, Fractlonal of the townihips of Superior and Ann Arbor, will receive bids for building a schoolnouse. The specifications and plan can be seen at the residence of Jacob llayer, of Dixborol The school board reserves the right to relect any and all bids. They must be handed in by April 28 i Morrl8 Gwpin, Director, "Dixboro, Mich.J A pril '2, 1SS8. TIO RENT-Neat Cottage, 7 rooms; best convenienees; ready by June 20. Enquire at 66 E tniversity Ave., south of Hill-st. rpg RENT.-My Dwelling, No. -41 S. Fourth-st X Eleven rooms. Is in complete repair, never pefore rented. William McCreery. LOST.- Smail mink colored dog with silver collar made of dimes, "Bessie'on collar and owners inltials J. J. C. on clasp. Suitable reward will be pald by retorning to 51 Liberty st. LADY living alone would take a lady to board ten minutes walk from postoffice. inquire at Register office. FOR SALE.- Cheap, a ladies' saddle. Not much used. Inquire at 27 Ann-st. I?OR SALE, CHEAP FOR CASH.-Two New Cariiaes„, c'811 at or address Schultz Coal Office Duiïy Block or No 29, corner Spring and Hiseock-sts. FOR SALE- One House, prlce, 81400 ; One New House, 82500 ; One Vacant Lot ; one-third down; Inqulae 90 Washlugton-tt., S. D. Allen. ÜOR SALE.- A slde bar top buggy Lood as new, f_ for sale cheap. at 33 N. 4th-st, opposite John Finnegan's. Ann Arbor. fpOR SALE.- A strong, well-made phaeton in good condition. Can be seen at No. 26 N. State St. For terms inquire at 23 E. Catherine-st. FOR SALE- 10,000 cholee Snyder Black-berry Roots at $5 per 1000. Apply to Wm. Looker or to John R. Miner, Register Building. tf F ■'ARM FOR SALE- 266 Acres; can be divided. Located in Milau, one of the best towns in Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location Terms reasonable. For particulars, cali on or Addresa H. H. Allen, Milan, Mich. I I7ÖR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings, I 1. soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time I low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will I eichange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 686- if FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City resldence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 36 South öth St. 8 I A. Henion. 656-t f. EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.-Houses and lots valued from 81.000 to Í6.000 and containlug from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of „„ J. Q. A.SESSIONS, 5? Attoney and Real Estáte Aeent Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. VI" ANTED - Dressmaker, who understands cutting and flttini?, to go in partnership. I References required. ï'or particulars inquire a I 64 S. Statest. I W ANTED- 2 Pleasant Rooms unfurnUhed on I lst floor. near boarding house in quiet nelghborhood. Address Ixck Box 3, City. WANTED.- Sewing girls at Mrs. Howe's dressmaking rooms, 22 S. Fiith-st ANTED IMMEDIATELY-Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Pleuty of work. SoJid frous. Pleasant shop. Csh every week. N. H. Wlnans, Battle Creek, ilich. 672 tf WANTED- Subscriben! to the New York Weekly Mail and Express. A clean non-political and good Newspaper. I'rice, il.oo, or $1.10 with two pictures. 8. S. Garrigues, 45 E. Llberty-st Ann Arbor. MONEY TO LOAN.- On farms only, from one to flveyears. interest payable annually, with privilege of paying 8100 or oyer at any time, and stop interest. No coramission charged For particulats, cali on or add-ess. W. J. Permar, tf. No. 6 South Maln-st. WANTED- A responsible party to represent the Ball Electric Light Co., in the city of Ann Arbor and vicinity. Best of references required. Address BALL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO I 18 Cortlandt SU, New York City. TO FAKMKRS- We have about 100 los. stout Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have around at anytime. Will 6ell it cheap. Register Office. OANINü - Money to loan on firet clan real I L estáte mortgages at carrent ratea of Interest I Satisfactory arrangements made wltfa capitalista deslrlng snch lnvestment. Every conveyance nd trausaction In abstracts of tlUes carefully eximlned as to legal effect. Zlna P. Klng, Anu I


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Ann Arbor Register