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Wasbingtox, March '2'A -The Renate níet at 11:30 yesterday Imorning, and after prayer by (he Chaplain proceeded to the hall of the House of Representativos to attend the funeral of Waite. After the peremoniesthe Senate returned to its chamber and ímmediately adjourned. Washington, March 30. - In the Senate yesterday bilis were passed providing addítíonal regulations for home.stea i and preemption entiles of public lands; approprlating $250,000 for a public building at Sioux City, Ia. ; to extend the southern and western boundaries of Kansas; In ald of the Centennial and Memorial Association of Valley Forge and to socure the Washington beadquarters mansión and (jrouuds oocupied by the Continental army of 1777-8; appropriating $20,000 for the coinpletion of the monument to Mary, the mother of Washington, at Frederlcksburf?, Va. Bills were Introduced for a publio building at Lansing, Mich. ($100,000); to establish courts for the Indians, and to extend the proteotion of the laws of the States and Territorios over all Indians; authorizing and directlng the President to make a proclamation prohibitlng the importatlons trom any nation which prácticos discrimination against America. ' Washington, April 2. - Bills were passed in the Senate Saturday appropriating $50,000 for the establishment and main tenance of an India industrial school in Michigan; appropriatinfj $200,000 for a public building at Bsy City, Mich. ; for a celebration at 4he National Capital in the spring of 188 In honor of the centennial of the constUution of the United States. The total uuraber of bilis passed was 184. A lxrge majorjjty of them were pension cases, one of them being for increase of pension for the Vidow of a soldier of the war of 1812. A Wil was introduced for the issue of specie certificaten redeemable half in gold coin and half in silver hullion. Washtnqton, April 3.- In the Senate yesterday the House bill for the parchase of United States bonds by the Secretary of the TreaBury was f urther considered, and the Iblll (which has passed the House) to gire a .pension of $2,000 to the widow of General John A. Logan was passed. 1 Washington, April 4.- The Parchase bill was further dlscussed in the Senate yesterday; and a substituto was agreed Í for the whóle bill which provides that the Secretary of the Treasury may at any time apply the surplus money ia the TreasTiiy not otherwise appropriated, or so much thersof as he may consider proper, for the puchase or redemption of United States bonds; provided that the bonds so purchased shall constltute no part of the sinking fnnd, but shall be canceled. TBS HOUSE. Wabhinotok, Mar oh 29.- At 11:30 yes,terday the Speaker called the House to order, and prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Cnthbert. The arrival of the 8enate was announced, and business was suspended, and the House offloers carriefl n the bier 'containinir the remalns of Chief-Justice Waite and placed it on the space In front of the Clerk's desk. The burlal service of the Episcopal church was read by Bishop Paret At the oonclusion of the services the casket ws borne from the chamber and the were closed. The House then adjouraed. Washington, March 30. -In the House yesterday a bill was reported to prohibit aliens from acquiring tltle to or owning lands withln the United States. The Indian Appropriation bill was considered. Washington, March 31.- In the House yenterday the House bill granting a pension Of $2,000 per annum to Mary S. Logan, and the Senate bill increasing to $2,000 a year the pension of Appolina Blair was passed. At the evening session twenty-four pension bllls were passed. Washington, April 2.- The bilí to estabÜBh a land court was discussed in the House Baturday without actlon, and the River and Harbor bill was ref erred, The Union Pacific Railroad Funding blll was lurther conMdered, Washington, April 3.- The Mills Tariff bül was presented in the House yesterday, knd Mr. McKinley snbmitted the minority report, which denounces the ref usal of the nmjority to reoeive and conaider the views of manufacturera and others aSected by the rodnctiona, and charges the Democratio Lajority with favoritism towaid the South that it lowers the tariff on but two articles of Southern production- nqr and rice - whlle heavy reduocions ar mads on every thing produoed in the Uorth and Northwest Conglderatlon of the blll will pommenoe on the 17th lnst Bills were inboduced for public buildings at Kenia and Uiddletown, U. I VtASHjNOTOir, April 4.- Ia the House yesterday the Dlreot-Tax UU was considered, nd blll were paised for the retirement of ftlfred Pleasonton wlth the rank of Colonel, hnd for the pr motion of ofticars of the rmy after twenty years of continuous lerrlce in one rade. othXb notes. Washington, Maroh 30. - Coinraigsloner Btookslager, of the General Land Oíflce, fcae oustained the öndings of the register ttnd receiver of th land office at Humboldt, OiiL, In the cases of forty-one timbor ntrles in that district cover-Ing 0,560 acres of redwood timber land, in whlcn ftand Ís charged, and has ordered that tb.0 entrles be canceled, The land Is worth $2,000,000. ■ Washington, Maroh 30. -The na w Chinesa treaty, muda publio yesterday, prohibita for ,Wenty year tbe coming of Chinese laborers to thls country. It also agrees to pay to the CUi. !e government the sum of S276.679 for loss of property In the Wes ty Ohlnamen in r iota. Washington, March 31.- The President fcent a message to the Clvil-Servloe CommiBBion yesterday reoommending that the limita of ttie classlfled ervlce be extened. pe also slgned the Urgent Deficiency bllL Washinoton, Aprü 3. -The Public-Land Oommittee of the House has declded to reIort bilis forfeitlng about 40,000,000 acres O1 the Northern and Southern Pacific railroafl land grants and the Ontonogan granb Washington, Aprll 3. -The Hennepin canal enterprise was smashed In the House Commlttee on Raüways and Canals Monoay morning, the oommiitee roting 6 to 4 agalnst the measore, vrhich will therelore never see daylight ugain.


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