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Wells, Richardson & Co.

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mjjound ENerrous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Livcr Diseasca, Rhcumatiim, Dypcpsia, and alt affect ion of tha Kidoey a. WEAK NERVES P AiNit'B Ok r.KRT Compou nd ih a Nrrve Ton io which never fail. Containing OJery and Coca, thoso wonderful nerye ntinuilanu, it Bpeedil y cores all nerrous disorders. RHEUMATISM Paink'8 Ckuebt Cohpoükt pniiñs the I blood. It drirea out the lactic acid. whirh canees Rheumatism, and restores the bloodmaking oranH to a healthy oondition. It is the trae remedy for Kheumatiem. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Pajnx'b Celebt Covpotthd quickly reetore the lirer and kidneys to perfect health. This curatiTe power, combined with ita nerre tonica, maken it the beet remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Paikk's Cosí poünd strergthene the Btomach, and qaiets the nerres of the digestiré organa. This ia whr it cures eren ttw vorae oses of Drspepeia. CONSTIPATION Paink1 Oxlxbt GoHPomn la not a cachar tic. It ia a lautiTe, giring eaay and natural action to the bowela. Reralanty uurely iollows ita use. Becommended by profeaüonal and bnainen men. Bend for book. Price $1.00. Sold by Drnggiite. Prop's BURLINGTON. VT.


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