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AncwFrench Cabinet was orgamzea on Monday. HouseB at Holbrook, A. T., were shaken by an earthquake shock on Saturday. The Danish Ministry resigned on Saturday, a deficiency bill causing the trouble. Ieaac Smith, a banker at Lovington, 111., hanged h tinself on Tuenday while insane. Sixteen yonng ladies graduated irom the Woraen'e Medical College in Chicago on Tueüday. F A. Macy A Co., of Ne York, manufacturera of unibrelias. failed on Tuesday for $150,000. Depositors of the wrecked Metropolitan Bank in Cincinnati are to be paid their claims'in full. The Chicago Baee-Ball Club has sold Clarkson, the faroous pitcher, to the Boston club, for $10,000. In a quarrel over a nickel at Atlanta, Ga, Friday night. Keil Starlt snot aeau uus brother, Flaentz Stark. London advices say that the dervishes of Tatilet, Morocco, have proclaimed a holy war agaínst the Sultan. Elliworth Letzer, a Kansas City teamster, shot his wife and killed himself on Sunday Ín a quarrel over money. The Sprlngfield Printing Company of Springüeld, Mass.. has faUed. Liabilities, $101,774, assetfi not eetimated. Leander Stone, a Chicago journalist, aged 57 years, died on Monday of paralyeia From 1871 to 1886 he was manager of the Xorthweaicni Christian Advocate. Near Augusta, Wia, Sunday Ernest lissack's little Bon was oaldsd to death by falling into a tub of boiling water. Near Macon, Ho., on Friday, some ohildren set re to a barn, and three young gons of Dr. T. 8. Richardson perished. Au incendiary flred the barn oí Mxs. Joneph McKelvy, near Tolono, HL, on Monday, and lour valuable horses were cremated. (LiAdam Votkovitch was hanged on Tuesday at Wilkeebarre, Pa., for the mnrder and robbery of Stanislaus Bioski last August Miss Bul!, a young lady, committed suïcide in New York Friday becanse she could not gct newspapers to publish her poetry. At Metamora, Ind, A. J. Bowman was killed by lightntng Monday night while in bed. Hls wife beside him was not harmed. Captain Jesiie GauveT Btearaship builder, and for forty-four year6 a resident of Grand Rapids, Mich. , died there Monday, aged 68. Three men were murdered in cold blood in Chicago on Tuesday- Noy Ni Ding, a Chinaman, Eli D. Kreigh and Daniel Braztll. The survivors of the Army of the Potomac and of the Army of Northern Virginia will hold a reunión at Uettysburg July 1, 2 and 3. Nearly 100,000 sealsare reported as har ing been caught the last eeason off the Newfoundland coast, the largest catch for yeara The National Woman Suffrage Association cónvention commenced at Washington on Tueeday, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton presiding. Benjamin E Hopkins, assisfcnt cashier of the Fidenty Bank of Cincinnati, has been eentenced to eight years in the penitent! ary. Harry Painter and Charles Wilkeraon blew out the gae in their room in a Reading (Pa.) hotel and were fonnd dead Frlday mojrning. The elegant residence of William Walter Phelps, at Englewood, N. J., was destroyea by flr Sunday, causing of loss of over $100,000. In a streel quarrel between whites and n groen on Monday at Lima, 0., one of the white men was killed and two others were fataüy injured. Flre at Cold water. Miss., early Friday raorning destroyed ten business buildings. Tbe loss is" $32,000, with insuranoe of about one-hall The nnmber of hogs packed in the West during the winter season is estimated at 6,900,000, a decreas from last year of about 530,000 head. Mra Peter Burke, a widow, was shot and initantly killed on Tuesday at Norway, Mlch., by Patrick Wade, bccause she refnsed to marry him. The Comptrolleï of the Currency has authorized the National Exchange Bank of Kansas City, Ma, to begin business, with a capital of $250,000. Tbe (strike in the Michigan State Printing Office at Lansing hus been settled by the discharge of the etrikerB and the importation of non-union men. David Jennings, of Lyons, K Y., having Bpent twenty-one years and ijüSO.OOO in experiments, claims to have discovered a meaos of perpetual inotion. John T. Stone, manager at Philadelphia of a branch of the Pennsylvania School Supply Company, was arreeted on Tuesday, charged with embeizling $50,000. Simeón P. Cooper has been sentenced in Madison, Ind. , to ninety-nine years tmpriBment for the mnrder of Gustave Stewart in Florence, Ind, in November, 1884. Eight hundred Cincinnati (O.) bouso palnters struck Monday for thirty cent au honr, an advance of flve cents, and nine hour instead of ten íor a day's work. 3. V. Chaplin, the bigamist, under sentence at Findlay, O., to a term in the penitentiary for marrying eleven women, attompted to commit suicide Sunday, but faüed David N. White, ex-editor of the Pittsburgh (Pa. ) GazetU, and the f ounder of the Republican party, died at his home in Sewickley, near tht city, on Saturday, aged 83 years. Prof. E. A. Paul, principal of the District high school, was run over at Washington Saturday ntght by a horse in charge of Senator Cnllom's coachman, and died Monday inornlii. The jury in the Welch-Vilas libel suit at I Minneapolis disagreed Monday after being I out forty hours. Welch, the defendant, is I jubilant, and looks for an acqnittal as the I result of ihe next trial. George Dcnnison, boes carpenter of the I Western steel works at South St Louis, I Mo., was shot and killed Monday night by I John Conners, a workman whom he had I iischwged for incompetency.


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