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Mothkr, do you know anything of tbat Balsam everybody is talking so much about ? Do vou refer to Hibbard's Throat and Lung Bal-am? Yes, that's what I mear. Well, I believe it is the best medicine in the world for a cough, cold, or sore lungs, and u go pleasant to take. Tour father took a severe cold dy before yesterday, and is well tc-day. Mrs. Mary Q-allagher, of South Bethlehem, Pa., recently celebrated her 104th birthday by dancing a jig. Mary must be the original " Let her go, Gallagher!" - Norristown Herald. VJVXW V 53X,V. complet of thousands suffering from Asthma, Con. sumption, Coughü, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a positivo guarantee at 10c., 50c, John Moorï, Druggist. It is a wise and thoughtful dispensation of providence, that when one suffers los of mind he is the last to mind the loss. - Boston Transcript. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 50c., tíGLENICS SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 23c GERMÁN COflN REMOVER kills Coms & Bunions, 25c. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, SOc. PIKE-S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minule, 26c DEAN'S RHEÜMATIC PILLS are a sure cure. Wc Governor - " You've been running ahead of your allowance, Jack." Jack - " I know it, dad. I've been hoping for a long time that the allowance would strengthen un enough to overtake me." - TidBits. Habítüal constipation can be entirely cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup afïer all other remedies have failed. Prof. Prootor has published an article on " What makes the sun hot." It is late ir. the season for this. A. trustworthy essays on "How to keep the earth cooi" will soon be far more valuable. - Buffalo Express. Flre- losare Toarselvea. It is an established fact that the finest fire department iu the world is that of New York city. Their Champion ö re engine rompan y can harneas up and get out of the engine house inside of two and one half seconde. But this record Is slow as the veneeance of the goda compared to the time made by "Pomeroy's Petrolin Poroused Plas tets " in curing Rheumatism and Neuralgia AffecUons. 25 cenu buys it from any druggist. Insuxe yourself at once by puichasing a piaster, have it In the house, and " Damp cold and storm, From night Uil morn, will not bring on Neuralgia. For Sale bjH I Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. A Chicago artist has painted a cat whica appears so life-like that a saucer of miik left in the room soon disappearp. The Dusty Ride. The Return Home. "Just look at my dress. It ís almost spoiled. VVe had one pf those small sieve dusters. They are no good." SMff SÁ Lap Dusters Fait Colorí; wlll nih. % m 5Á Horse Sheets %ffËm 5a Horse Covers #A Wlll kop Slei off. - ■--■ Am the Bit nd Strongeit Don't spoil your girl's dress by buying a poor, loosely-woven carriage cluster. 5.L Lap Dusters for carriage use have the stock and work put in them to make a firstclass article. The new patterns of cmbroidery, flowers, birds.scenery, etc, are well worth seeing. One hundred different designs at prices to suit all. For sale by all dealers. [Copyrlghted i883, by W. Ayres & Sons.] Probate Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 COÜNTY OF WASHTENAW. ƒ ' At a eession of the Probate Court for Ui Oounty of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor.on Wednesdaf, the fourth day of April, in the year one thousand eight huudred and eighty-eight. Preseut, WILLJAM D. HAKRIMAN, Judee Of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte o f Thomas S. Sanford deceased. On re&ding and flling thb pntition, duly verified, of Benjamin Brown. praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, pur porting to be the last wlll and testament of sald deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it ia Ordered, That Monday, tha 30th day of April instant, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of Faid petitton, and that the devisees. legatees, and helrs at law of said deceased. and all olher persons interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear ut A session of said Court, tfien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said peiitionergive notloe to the persons interested in said estáte, of iho pendency of said petition.and the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of this order to be piiblished in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county. three successlro weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register.


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Ann Arbor Register