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OUB 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisemente, such as To Rent, For Btle or wants, not exceeding three linea, can be lnserted three weeks for 25 cents. "wu BICYCLE FOR SALE.-A 54-inch American Star, in firat class condition. Price Ï65.00 Wm. A. Campbell, 21 S. State-st. Ann ArborT KE3SMAKINQ by the Frenen LiTingston System. A prefect flt guaraateed. Mil M Cook, % E. Washingtoa-st. ' LOST- April 2, sqnare brown leatber purse, steel-bound, containing small sum of money I Finder pleaae return to L. J., Registïr office I P LEASE cali on Miss Healey, No. 8 Hamüton block for Dressmaking. HTP RENT.- Good house and barn wlth two celf'OR RENT- A furnlshed house from May to September. Inqulre at 27 Ann-st. f?OR RENT-üufurnished Rooifls at 36 S. UniYereity-ave. Suitable for housekeeping. qnO BU1LDERS AND CONTRACTORS - The X school board of School District No. 2, Fractional of the townships of Superior and Ano Ar[ bor. will receive bids for building a schoolhouse. The specifieations and plan can be seen at the residence of Jacob Mayer, of Dixboroi The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. They mustbe handed in by April S8 l;, Morris Galpin, Director, "Dixboro, Micli. , April 2, 18So( TiO RENT-Neat Cottage, 7 rooms; best convenienees; ready by June 20. Enquire at 66 E I Tjniversity Ave., south of Hill-st. FOR SALE.- Cheap, a ladies' saddle. Not much used. Inquire at 27 Ann-st. TTipR SALE- One House, price, $1400 ; One f New House, Í2500; One Vacant Lot ; oné-third down; Inqulae 90 VVashingtontt., 8. D Allen LjUK SALE-10,000 choice Snyder Black-berry ! A0018'',?? Per 1000. Apply to Wm. Looker oV I to John B. Mlner, Register Building. tf LARM FOR SALE-Ü66 Acres; can be divlded. l Located in Milau, one of the best towns in I Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location Terms reasonable. For particuiars, cali on or Addressjl. H. Allen, Mllan, Mich. lOR SALE- Farm oí 80 acres, good buildings I l soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time I low rate of interest and on easy terms, or will gxchange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 656- t f. ÍfOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-For City residence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exehange 15 acres wlth buildings. Enquireat36 South 5th SL S j A. Henion. 656-tf. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.-Housesand lotsvalued from tl.000 to 6,000 and I conteiniDg from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Bnquire of .„. J. Q. A.SESSION3, ??í Aey and Real Estáte Aeent Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. WANTED- Suuation on a Farm. or in a Carpenter's ehop to learn the trade. Boy 10 years old. 21 3. Division-st. WANTED- A good girl to do general housework at 23 Jefferaon-st. I W ANTED - Dressmaker, who understands I cutting and fitting, to go In partnership. Eefereiica required. For particulars inquire a WANTED- 2 Plfasant Rooms unfurnlshed on lst floor, near boarding house in qulet iietehborhood. Address Lock Box 3, City. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-Two good rehable Coat-makers and one Veet-maker Qood prices. Pleuty of work. Solid irons. Pleas ant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Wlnans, BatUe Creek, Mich. 72 tf WANTED-Subscribers to the New York Weekly Mail and Express. A clean non-political I ahd good Newspaper. Price, l.o. or with two pictures. S. S. Garngues, 45 E. Llbertyst., Ann Arbor. I MONEY TO LOAN.-0n farms only, from one to flve year interestpayable annually, with I privilege ui paying Í100 or over at any time and I stop interest. No eommiss:ou charged For particulars, cali on or add-ess. W. J. Permar j tf. No. 6 South Maln-st. A responsible party to represent the Ball Electric Light Co., in the city of Ann Arbor and Yicinlty. Best of references I quired. Addres BALL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO 18 Cortlandt St., New York City. O FARMERS-We have about 100 los. stout Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to ! "" " cheaP' LOANING- Money to loan on flm elw real I . ?'.' m0I& at cnrrentrate af interest, tetlsfactory amngementa made wlth capitalista leurlng snch lnreetment. Erery conveyance I tod transactlon In abstracta of tttle carefully I unlned u to legal effect. Zina P. Kimt. Ann Arbor M ich . u


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