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City Attorney King, if you please ! Fred. Sipley will wear the star another year. Common council proceedings on second Page. City Recorder Bach has hia office over Caspar Rinsey'a store. Chrietian Schneider; drunk; 19 days in coanty jail ; Justice Pond ; April 5. Died, April 6, 1888, Harriet M. Nye, aged 70 years, 2 roonths, 16 days. Andrew Y. DeBolt, of the Third ward, died April 9, aged 70 years, of pleuropneumonia. Ann Arbor township voted, April 2, 140 to 17, to build a bridge over the Huron at Geddes. The Ann Arbor agricultural workg have been employing over 50 men all winter, and are doing a good business. Rev. Richard Steele is now rilling the pulpit as a supply at the Jefferson-ave. Presbyterian church in Detroit. Rev. Samuel Barp preached in St. John's church in Detroit Sunday, and Dean Grey of Cambridge, occupied nis pulpit here. Samuel Morris, a former barber of Ann Arbor, died in Detroit Sunday, and was brought to Ann Arbor for bnrial Monday Luick Bros. are building a store-house 18x32 feet and two stories high, for thei planing-mill goodB, principally doors am B&shes. JIrs. Annie Feldkamp, of Freedom died Monday morning, aged 92 years. She was the mother of Ex-superviso Feldkamp. A son, 17 years oíd, of George Efner, of N. 5th-st, died of diphtheri, last evenng, and was promptly buried in a quiet way. Geo. H. Pond says that he was not a candidato for the office of city treasurer, and told his friends so ; yet four pemsted n voting for him. The Rkoister next week will print the irst part of a story by that great author, ïobert Louis Stevenson. It is entitled 1 Will o' the Mili." E. J. Johnson, of the First ward, died April 6, aged 61, of paralysis. The funeral occurred on Sunday under the auspices of the Knights Templare. Joseph Armbruster, a resident of Scio, near Ann Arbor, was in Ann Arbor last Satarday for the first time in 10 years. Se has reached tbe age of 80. Arbor day is April 20, tíovernor Luce say8, and he wants the trees planted on that day to be in " memory of and as monuments to the brave defenders of our nation." The remain8 of Dr. Terhune, buried in Harbor Springs, were removed to 'Ann Arbor and interred in Forest Hill cemetery April 7. He was formerly a resident of this city. The high school junior chus held a meeting last Friday, at which they passed resolutions concerning the death of Nellie A. Monroe, who was a very popular member of the class. Geo. W. Healy was arrested last week on the charge of violating the city ordinance concerning dumping the contents of privy-vaults within the city limits, and bis trial will occur tomorrow. On Monday Jacob Weidlich's examiaation was postponed anotber two weeks, as the man he stabbed is not yet able to appear as a wituess. Meanwhile young Weidlich languiBhes in the countyjaiL S. L. Liepmannssohn, father of S. Liepmannssohn, foreman of Thk Register Dindery, died at his home in Liepstadt, Germany, March 25, at the age oí 90. He was at the battle of Waterloo when a boy, and was the author of many books of history and biography. Waghtenaw people own 443 mortgages on Wayne county land; 265 on Ogemaw country land ; and 3 in St. Joseph. Wayne county people own 175 mortgages on Washtenaw land; Lenawee, 114; Jackson, 65 ; Monroe, 40 ; Livingston, 41 ; Shiawassee, 30; Oakland, 20. In March, The Register chronicled the death of Merritt Perry, who lived in Lodi township 54 y earc Laat Thursday, Grant Perry, aged 83, died at his home in Lodi. He was anotber of the early pioneers. On the day after his death, a daughter died in Perry, Shiawassee county. Miss Effie Southworth, of the class of '85, holds an excellent position in the Agricultural department at Washington. The position was obtained by competitive examination in which she passed high. She is the first lady commissioned by the governmeDt to do independent work. , , Andrew J. Warren, Chas. Burkhardt, and Conrad Jedele, of the Saline manufacturing company, have filet] a petition in the circuit court that its business may be investigated and stopped. The liabilities are $'2.327, and good book accounts, $760.25 ; notes, $394 20, not very good. John Heinzmann and Jacob Laubengayer have purchased land on W. Washington-st, west of the organ works, and will soon erect an elevator on it having a capacity of 10 to 15 thousand bushels. They expect that the plana will be done by Saturday, when the work will be pushcd. Alonday a suit was brought in the circuit court which reads: Thos. J. Keech in trust for Gottlob Luick, Emanuel Luick, James Toibert. Wm. Herz, Christian Helber, Rubén Stollsteimer, Chas. Grossman, Christian Schlenker and Louis Rohde, complainant, vs. Jacob Eberwein, Anna Maria Buechler and Harriet G. Barnett, defendants. Harmony reigns between the Democratie and Republican parties in the Ann Arbor common council. Tbe sight of a Democratie mayor appointing a pólice committee entirely of Republicans, is sufficient to bring tears to the eyesof anv enthusiastic lover of Peace. And a Republican council re-electing a Democrat for city marshal is a still more affecting spectacle. A "drummer," stopping in Ann Arbor over Sanday, wrote to The Register very vigorously expressing his indignation at a faot which came to bis attention. On 8unday, at 10 a. m., he saw a sick horse lying in the ditch on N. University-ave., which, he was informed, had been there since 6 p. m. oí the previous day without care of ny kind. The aninfal was suffering al) the time. Will S. Loomis, of San Jacinto, Cal, writes that the communication printed in The Register not along ago over his name was written by Wm. M. Parker as a joke. Parker is a former resident of Ann Arbor also. The Register would have him arrested but for the fact that the leiter, full of nonsenee as it was, was breezy and good-natured, and was mucb enjoyed by many Ann Arbor people. On Monday there was another chsnge in furniture circles in Ann Arbor. W. G. Henne became a partner of John Koch at the old Keek stand, and that fine store will be managed by Koch & Henne. Mr. Henne carried on an undertaking business there when Richmond & Treadwell owned the store. The new 6rm will keep that business in connection with their furniture business, Mr. Henne paying special attention to it. Clara Louisa Kellogg has been known to alight hor work when she stood befoie a small audience, but on Monday evening in Ann Arbor ehe was evidently bent on pleasing and was very gracieus. The rain could be heard distinctly seemingly pleading her to forgive Ann Arbor people for not sending a larger audience. It was a program of great excellence, made unusually long by the frequent recalls. Mise Kellogg responded to the first encoré by singing " Comin' thro' the Rye." William H. Lee, the basso, was the favorite after the prima donna; but the tenor, Cario Spigaroli, and Miss Carrie Morse, could not complain at their reception. F. B. Braun, in speaking to The Rkgester of the $5,000 which the county agricu'.tural society may receive in the proposed trade with Isarael Hall, said that there should be $2,000 more raised by subscription or otberwise to make the society whole. " It will," he said, " oost the 'society at least $2,000 to move the buildings, fences, and to biiild a track. If we have a good year, fair weather and hard work done for nothing, we can clear $1,000 where we are." The sixth Chamber concert last Friday evening, given up to American authors, was one of great merit The Philharmonic club, of Detroit, of course pleased. Miss Andrue, the soprano from Detroit who assisted the club, was well received. Two of her selections were by R. G. Cole, the leader of the University glee club. The next concert will be held May 3 in Universi'y hall, when the club will be assisted by Miss Mary Shafter, of San Francisco, and Miss Ida Belle Winchell and Miss Julia L. Caruthers, of Ann Arbor. The county treasurer may soon have to pay over $4,500 wbich were deposited in bis office in 1879. It belonged to Thomas Harvey, an Englishman who died in Manchester township in 1873. There were no known heirs at the time, but some persons claiming to be heirs of Harvey, and who live in the island of Thanet at the mouth of the Thames, will lay claim to the money and endeavor to prove their right to it. Th8 is reversing the usual order. Americans usually claiming English estates. Just before the common council adjourned, Monday evening, Mayor Beakes talked about five minutes. He spoke particularly of the need of economy. The balance on hand in the treasury is much smaller than in many years at this time. The amount to be realized from the liquor tax will be smaller than formerly. According to the charter, the amount of money that can be raised by tLe regular taxation is limited, and as the expenses for the year ending February, 1888, were $38,000, it can readily be seen that the council must go slowly in expeditures. Another meeeting of the common council will be held probably before May 1, to approve the liquor bond?. As the city is hard up for money, the tendency will be to let the saloon-keepers through on the minimum amount of $3,000 ; but it will be harder for them to get bondemen this time if the council holds strictly to the law. There must be two men to each bond who live in Ann Arbor, who own $3,000 worth of real estáte in the county, who are not themselvee keepers, who are not on other saloon-keepers' bonds, and who are not public officers. Barbara Fassett, widow of the late Rev. A. Fassett, of Jackson, died April 5 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Freeman, after euffering 11 years from paralysis. She was 81 years old. She was buried from the A. M. E. church Sunday, April 8, Rev. Pope, offlciating. She had been a member of that church 60 years. Floral tributes were received from Mrs. Prof. Morris, J. Toms, Misses Logan and Noli, Mrs. S. Davis and Mrs. Jewett. Six children survive, among whom are Mrs. H. Grayson, of Detroit, and Mrs. John Freeman, of Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman wish to express the thanks to their friends for their kindness showed them during their bereavement. The annual meeiing of the Ladies' Library association was held in the Library last Monday. The elpction resulted as foltows : President, Mrs. J. M. Wheeler; vioe president, Mrs. A. B. Palmer ; treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Jaycox ; secretary, Mrs. W. W. Beman; members of the board, Mesdames Cieo. Morris, Elisha Jones, Philip Bach, A. B. Prescott, J. M. Wheeler, Miss Addie Kninght. The treasurer's report shows: Total receipts during the year, $897.91; total expenses, $865.13; cash in treasury, $32.78. The librarian's report: Number of books in library, 3056 ; number oE books circulated during the year, 2262; persons drawing books, 127; new members, 35 ; unbound books, 48 '. periodicate bound, 16; books purchased, 48 ; books presented, 13. Thanks are due to the following persons for books presented: Mesdames McEntyre, Prescott, Sewall, Harris, Rev. Mr. Sunderland, and Mr. Kittredge. The well-known actors, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Knight, will appear at the opera house tonight in "Over the Garden Wall." Mr. Knight and bis wife are well known. The musical comedy which they will present here is said to be much funnier than "A Bunch of Keys" or "Skipped by the Light of the Moon." The music is very fine, and the whole comedy has been changed and much improved. Mr. Knight is J. Julius Snitz, the politician and husband, and Mrs. Knight is Nellie Wrangle. For the benefit of those who have not seen the play, it may be well to say here briefly that the trouble of the play is ail caused by Snitz, jr. and Rosa, who are secretly married, trying to keep "that baby" out of the way of the uncle of the former, the result being that Mrs. Betsy Snitz, wife of J. Julius Snitz, discovers the childand suspects her husband. Henee the moat ludicrous complications ever seen or imagined by mortal, though of course all Í8 explained in the last act.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register