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A. L. Noble 8 bound to celébrate the opening of bis enlarged Hat Department before the occasion really occurs. See his "ad" and observe what he o8er3 tor Friday and Saturday. Da not fail to cali and have your eyes tested free at Wm. Arnold's jewelry store from Tueseay, April 10 to 27 inclusive, by the celebrated optician, Prof. Phillips. Muslin underwear - Special Sale at D. F. Schairers's next Saturday. G. A. R. annual encampment at Toledo, Ohio. One fare for the round trip. Tickets sold on April 24, 25 and 26. Good returning April 28, via T. A. A. & N. M. R'y. A. J. Paislet, Agr. Siik Ribbons. Those of our lady readers who would like to have an elegant, large package of extra fine, Aísorted Ribbon (by mail), in different widthg and all the latest faghionable shades; adapted for Bonnet Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs, Trimming for Hats and Dresses, Bows, Fancy Work, &c, can get an astonishing big bargain, ovring to the recent failure of a large wholesale Ribbon Manufacturing Co., by sending only 25 cents (stamp) to the address we give below. As a special offer, this houe will give doublé the amouut of any other firm in America if you will send the names and P. O. address of ten newly married ladies wheu ordenng and mendon the name of this paper. No pieces less than one yard in length. Satisf'aetion is guaranteed, or money cheerfully refunded. Three packages fjr 60 cents. Addresg, Londos Ribbon Agency, Jersey City, N. J. At n.v Nnrsery At tho head of Spring-st I shall be prepared during the .-prir.g season to furnish Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Small Fruit Plants ; also Evergreen Trees, etc. 6w S. (tanzhorn. l.ots Free! l.olt Free! Send us your name and address, and we will mail you our circular how you may obtain a lot worth $300, free. Addres9, People's Choice Soap Manuf. Co., 222 Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Djn't fail to take advantage of the bargains oflfered by Wm. W. Douglase. He means to close out the business. Michigan Central Railroad Co. Ann Arbor, March 14, 1888. The Michigan Central Railroad will sell Land Excursión tickets at one fare the round trip on March 20, Ap il 3 and 24. May 8 and 22, June 5 and 19, 1888, to pointa in States of Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and Mexico. Tickets limited 30 days from date of sale. Will also on March 26, April 9 and 23, 1888, sell round trip ticksts at one fare to large number of points in the South, south of the Ohio River and Bowling Green, Ky. Tickets limited 30 days from date of sale. H. W. Hayes, Agent. Kottce of Aiumnl Meeting. Ann Arbor, Mich., March 13, 1888. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Water Company will will be held at the office of the company in the Hamilton block in the city of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, on Tuesday the lst day of May, A. D., 1888, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directora and tor the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting. The polls will be kept open for one hour, and the stock transfer books will be closed on April 30, 1888, until after said meeting is held. A. W. Hamilton, Pres. C. E. Hiscock, Sec'y. A Word to Ann Arbor I.adies. M iss Kate Moore has opened dressmakins; rooms at No. 10 South University-st, where she will be pleased to receive the ladies. All work done neatly, in good taste and on the most approved system. A good needle-woman wanted. CHARLES L. ALLEN, Contractor and Builder! 46 E. Calherine-st., Ann Arbor. Plans and Specifications neatly and promptly made. PLEASE NOTIOE ! THE HWTtfertll ICt CO. ! Will furni8h Ice, delivered to any part of the city for season of 1888 : 25 Ibs. daily, exceptSundays,$2 per month, 25 " 4 times per week, $1 ,75 per month, 25 " 3 " " " 1.50 " " 25 " 2 " " " 1,00 " " Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, etc., will be furnished by ton or hundred. E. Y. HANGSTEKFER, tfanager. UNIVERSITY HALL! TT. OF JMLGleeJM! FRIDAY ABP 00 EVENING, UI Jft. J CLARK, the Whistler, and SAM HAWLEY. 18 SníftERSHALL At the close of their Successful Tour I Entire Change of Program from last year. Aun Arbor People should givo them a Fu 11 House. ADMZSSZOXT, 5Oc. A SALE nut 1 011 - - OF MÏÏSLIN il!!Mll! AT D. F. Schairer's C During the dull season we gave large orders for Muslin Underwear, at prices Httle above actual ost of material, and now place on our counters XTlCcS the Greatest Bargains ever offered in this city. CLO We warrant every garment made with lock-. th.6Ír "i stitchmachineB,andonly' the best sewing thread OWH used" ' We cal1 your attention to the variTal Irïrxr ous Price8 in Corset laiKing Covers They are all made from fine Muslin and Cambric, perfect in shape and finish, and sold at prices to satisfy .all. Wl? PT 4PT7 f Ladies' Nieht Dresses, WE PLACE White Skirtg) Chemi8e8i ] 0 Drawers, Corset Covers, J Children's Drawers, and niTP 9Kn 1 Infant'8 sliPs, Children's uuk &c Whte Cambrc and COUNTER Gingham Dresses, and V. Lawn Aprons. C Contains a splendid assortment of well made Garments, comprising Night Dresses, neatly OUR trimmed Tucked Skirts, elegantly finished' 39 CT. J Chemises and Drawers, Corset Covers, perfect COUNTER! fitting, and handsomely trimmed. Infant's Slips, Children's Cambric and Gingham Dresses, at . about cost of material. ' Consists of Night Dresses, White Skirts with Embroidery on Torch_„„ om Enflie. Chemiaes cut Pompadour style 50 CT an( handsomely trimmed, Drawers to COUNTFR 1 matcb, Corset Covers in various styles, Infant's Slips, also Children's Dresses in Cambric and Seersucker. ' Are made from fine Muslin Cámbrica, they compri8e Night Gowns, Mother Hubbard Style, and trimmed with fine UU rv Embroidery on Torchorn. Lace, Chemises in new'" GT" est Styles and finest ] quality of Trimming's bAR Drawers to match, Cor_ set Covers in all shapes MibNIb! and of best Embraidery on Torchorn Trimmings, Children's Cambric Dresses and Infant's [ Slips. f A few Bridal Sets comprising elegantly, trimmed Night Dresses, POR Chemises and Drawers, $1 each, well worth ONE i doublé the money ; also Night Dresses, White DOLLAR! Skirts, Chemises, Drawers, Corset Covers, Infant's Slips and Children's Dresses. . We also offer 150 Dozens Boys' Unlaundried Shirt Waists, at 25 Ota. Ladies who come early get the Choice Patterns. We are always the cheapest. Our illustrated Catalogue of Muslin 1 Underwear sent on application. D. F. SCHAIRER


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