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Denfness Can't be (un il by local applications, as they can no reach the diseastd portion of the ear There is only one way of curing Deafness and thst is by constitutional remedies Deafness is cauaed by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eust.achair Tube. When this tube gets inflamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whtn it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamalion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be distroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nolhing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that we can not cure by taking Hali's Catarrh Cure. S.nd for circular, free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Igf-Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. The fair mayoress of Abronia, Ks., no longer enjoys a unique positioo. Oíkaloosa, Mo., has a mayor, Mrs. Mary A. Lournan, and five woman councillors. Mi' kliin Accident. So read the headlines of many a newspaper column, and we peruse with palpitating interest the details of the catastrophy, and are deeply impressed by the sacrifice of human lives involved. Yet thousands of men and women are falling victima every year to that terrible disease, consumption (scrofula of he lungs), and they and their friends are satisfied to believe the malady incurable. Now, there could be no greater mistake. No earthly power, of conrse, can restore a lung that is entirely wasted, but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will rapidily and surely arrest the ravages of consumption, if taken in time. Do not, therefore, despair, until you have tried this wonderful remedy. " What is a trust?" asks a correspondent. Indorse somebody's note and then ask the question after it is due, if you don't know. This is one kind of a trust. - Constitution. Oenteel tncks. " Yec, it pays," faid a big, fat physician, with a name which is known throughout the medical world. " I have a practico worth $40,000 a year." "Women"? "Yes, you've gue&sed it first time. They pay $10 every time they come into my office. When one gets on my list I teil you she etays "! and Dr. H laughed long and loud. This is qaackery - gilt-edged, genteel quackery - to keep suffering woman paying tribute year in and year out, and doine; them no good. Dr. Pierne's Favorite Prescription cures the peculiar weaknesses and diseases of women. It does not lie to thpm nor rob them. It is opportune about now to speak of young blade as a little upstart.- Yonkers Gazette. The DustylOdeT The Return Home. "Just look at my dress. It is almost spoiled. We had one of those small sieve dusters. They are no good." M 5a Lap Dusters Faut Colora; will wuh. k 5a Horse Sheets a I m B Are made up itrong. Kri mm 5 Horse Covers M Will keep filen off. W 5A Fly Nets. Are the Belt and Etrongeit. Don't spoil your girl's dress by buying a poor, loosely-woven carriage duster. Á Lap Dusters for carriage use have the stock and work put in them to make a firstclass article. The new patterns of embroidery, flowers, birds,scenery, etc, are well worth seeing. One hundred different designs at prices to suit all. For sale by all dealers. [Copyrighlcd 1888, byVn. Ayrb ft Sons.]


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