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Sitnrnons Li ver Regu'aor produces no unplea-ant effect upon the stomaoh no matter how on it n laken. A liltle taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation ot the bowels. A little t.'iket! in the morning sharpens tb" a; petite, cleanses the stotnach aud sweeteas the breath. Mrs. Senator Hiwley d e much of lier husband's r eponït" e Plleal l-t !■-,! Piles.' Dr. William's Indmn Pile Ointmont is ihe ocly cure cure for Bliiid, Bleediog t Itching Piles ever Discovered. I oever fails to cure oíd ohrjoic canes ol long Standing. William Mf'g Oo., 1 leveland, O The house :t C.iail s'own, Mns., where Samuel F. B. M irw, inventor of ihe telegrnph, was boni, be-n marked with a memorial mnrble tbl-t Dr. FIukk's Family Uintuient Never fils to sio hn nd heal Cuts, Bcrns, Bbüises, Flesh Woünds, InflamMATIOK, SPRAINS, PlMrLES, ChiLBLAINS, Salt Rheum, Chappkd Lips or Hand, Frost Bites, Cold Sores, Sore Nipples, and all diseases and rrutions of the Skin. A chess tourriament ii alwavspiayed on the square. - Cali. Habitual consiipa'ion can be entirely cured bv the use of Hibbard's Rheuruatic Syrup af .er all olher remedies have failed. Samuel Morrison, the surveyor who made the örst map ot Indiana, recenily died at Indianapo'lis 0:1 his 90th hirthday. I'iii I irell Oat. "I do not think I can stand this terrible suffering from the Rbeumatism much longer. The pain has not left me for one minute during the past week." 'lam sorry for you.but itis your own fault. You shoud use one of Pomeroy's Piasters, lts effect is quick and sure." Snch was the statement tnd answer made by two parties in the writer's presence. and it is the truth. No other remedy fias cured so many cases of hheumatism, Backache. Neuralgia. Lumbago, etc., as Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters. But in order that you may not be deceived by au imitation, always insist upon having Homer' y's Petroline Piasters, in envelopes. For Sale bv H. J. Brown, District Agent for Aun Arbor. _____ The canned article that goes the qtiickest is a dog'b tail. - Bulletin. Absurd Ij Slnpid. To allow prejudice or ignorance to get the bet ter of good judgment. It has been cunclusivï y proven that oonstipaiion, bad breath, dyspepsi, kidney affections, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bjwels have been cured by simply taking SiKtnons Liver R-ijnilator. Itis harmless, not unpleasant, and easily procured, so there is no reason to be gnurant cf thia remedy we especially commend to your notice for trial. Mumie - "Alamina, oan't I go over to Kittv's house ai;d play awhile?" Mamma (hesitatingly) - " I don't know, dear. I yes, you can ko for just a little while." Mamie (demurely) - " Thank you, mamma, I ve been." A Blci d Tonic. - Hibbard's Rheutoatic Syrup is the greatest bl od puritier in the world. Reason teaohes the iesson. Read their formula, found iu their medical pamphler. Rbetorically conaidered the hippopotamui is a specimen of bsth'-cw. - Yonkers Gazette. Tüe popular bloo.l purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla, is havii g a tremendous ssle thia seoi. Nearly everjb ily takes it. Try it yourseif. Cleopatra, accord;ng to a F ench physician, died not t'iom the bite of a asp, but from suffjcation by gas - asp hyxiated, as it were. SS PENNYROYAL WAFERS WF3, Arp sucoessfully used mnthly by over 10,(100 E ■"SLadles. Are Safe, Effeetutü and Pleasant. 11 ca J per box by mail, or at drugglsts. Sealed Par0 ticulart 2 postage atamps. Address f The eureka Chemical Compauy. 1 Flahor Block. 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mlch. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! The Great FnKlMi Prescrlption wlll restore that lost Vitality and a Eugged, Healthy Cendition follow its use. Buy at your dniKSist's, one package, 81 ; six for 85. ' EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, ÏIich. Sold by H, J. Brmim & Co. MSea Wonders exist in thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Main, and recelve free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to 825 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over ÍE0 in a single day at this work. All eucceed.


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