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Thnt Ti rol Feeling Affliols nearly every one in the spring. Tne system having bcome (tcoustomd lo the bracing air oí winter, is weakened by the warm days of the ohanging season, and reaiiily yields to attiicks ot diiease. Sarsaparilla is just ihe medicine needed. It tones and builde up tvery part of the body, and also expels all impurities fr;m the bloud. Tij it this season. Someone has discovered thai loveki.-ses are full of e'ectrioity ; bat they don't ''t-hock' the ki.S' e 8' d ki.sed as much as they du the disiuterested ptctator. - Norristown Herald. Kr. Flajcu's Family oïhiiik 111 Never fails to soothe and heal Cüts, Bürns, Bbuises, Flksh Wounds, InflamMATION, SPRAINS, PlMTLKS, ChiLBLAINS, Salt Rheum, Chapped Lipí or Hand, Frost Bites, Cold Sorks, Sore Nipples, and all diseases and eruptions of the Skin. A Georgia farmer has made $300 trema quarier of acre ot' cucumbers, tosay no'liïiig of -Uil. ihe doe! jr5 have made. - Bul letin. " Shows us how divan; a Ihing a woman may be mude" by r-va othing out ths wrinkles caused bj oeurulgi or tootüache Tuis can be done o j (y iu o w.iy. Iuves:. 25 m SlvMÍon Oil. F.isii'onaiile Wumeo t the North pay $75 lor a jersey, Hd tt doesn't yield mi k o: butter, either. - Oonsliiution. "TjD vvrvvv wouid ecjoy your dinner 3 o and are preventedbyDy3pepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positivo cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation, We guarantee thena. 25 and 60 cents. John Moore, Druggist. Misa Grea'brain (ni Boston)- "So brother Geott:' ta 'r'Ot mar'-ied ?" Omaha Man- "Ye-; it s an i 'optment; that is probably why the laniily were íiot notifipd." " Is bis wi'e a winmi of niellect?" "No, indeed; ure'ty asnpii-iu e a' d sweet as a peacb."- Omaha World. We accidently overheard the following dialogue on the Street yesterday. Jones. Smilh, why don't you stop that disgusting hawkin and vpitting? Smith. How can I? You kuow I am a niartyr to catarrb. J. Do as I did? I hiid the disease in its worst iorrn but I am wtll now. S. What did jon do for it ? J. I used D . Sige's Oatarrh Remedy. It cured me and il will cure you. S. I've hea:d of it, and by Jove 111 try it. J. Do so. You'll find it at all the drug stores in town. A meinber ot Parliament once rose in nis plaoe and soietnnly declared : ''Mr. Spe ikt-r, Icaonot sit here and ke"p silent without risinsr and sayiog a few words." Habitual constipa' ion can be entirely cured bv the use of Eïibbard's R-ieumatic Syrup af er all oiher remedies have failed. Liwrence Birrett reacbed the half bundred mile post of lit- April 4 A Blci d Tonic - Muibard's Rheutnatic Syrup is h" gn-ast blood purifier in the woild. R."H8(in testben the lesson. Read their formula, found in their medical pamphle'. Mos: o' the leners hich Gon. Boulanper receives oontftin monev. gg PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■KS Are successfully used mnllsly by over 10,0(10 ljffUirties. Are Safe, Effectuul and Pleasant. $1 ■riper box by mail, or at druggists. Sealed Parjm Jr tieulara 2 postage stamps. Address W The Eureka Chemical Compant, f Fisher Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Midi. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ! The l.rcnl I iml II I'r-irii ion wül restore that luit Vitality aud a Rugged, Healthy Cond.tion follow its use. Buy at your druKK'xt's, oi;e package, 81; six for 85. EUKEKA CHEMIUAL CO., Detroit, Mich. Sold by H. J. Broten & Co. tlfilV'ii Woniiir exist ín thousands of iPPPfornis. but aro snrpussed by the marvels LuLl of invt'ütion. Th'se who are in need of protitable work that can be done while liTing at home hou:d at once send their address to Hallet & (3o.. Portland, Main, and receive free, ful] informatiou how either sex. of all ages, can earn from ï" to ï ü per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some tiave rnade over $50 in a single day at this work. All eucceed.


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