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Are Ton Fond of Fluliliig? The American Angler ('28 pagep) is issupJ weeklv, and each issue coutains valuable iilustrated contributions and editíials on Fish, Fishing and Fi-h Culture; Notes and Queries as to the Habite, Habí tat and Modes of Capture of Game and oiher Fish; Reports of Fishing (in seaon) from all parts of America, etc, etc. Seth G-reen, the noted 6sh culturist, has charge of the Fish Culture Department of the paper. It is the Angler's Paper- the only one in America. Wm. 0. Harris, Managing Editor. The Publication Offices are at 252 Broadway, New York, and the subscription price is $3.00 a year. Specimen copy and catalogue of Angling literature free. Granny Rose, colored, died at Culumbia, S. C, at the ripe age of 131. She had cut a new set of teeth shortly before her death. AJV3 Lung Disease. Ifyouhave a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedyand, prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure,' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c. Johk Mooef, Druggist. Miis Ethel Chase Sprague is one of the best equestriennes at the nationul capital. Mother, do you know anything of that Balsam everybody is talking so much about ? Da vou refer to Hibbarci's Throat and Lung Balam? Yes, that's what I mean. Well, I believe it is the best medicine in the world for a cough, coW, or sore lung-i, and is so pleasant to take. Your father took a severe cold day before yeterday, and is well to-'Uy. The ordinary man does not sin haif so much going fishing on Sundays as he does telling s:ories about it the next day. - Somerville Journal. Chnmplon Short IInnd Writer. ïlr. A. S. White, the well-known authoï of " White's Plionography," famoua a the Champion Shorthand Writer of thé World, received the first prizes in the int-nrnational contests at London, Edinburgh, Paris and Berlin ; he carne near being permanently disabled by rheumatism. Ilis recovery by the use of a remedy jnfallible in curing rheuraatism and all blood diseases is told in a letter fromhis office, ". 02 Washington st, Chicago, dated June 20, 1887. He writcs: " Your remedy has done wonderful service for me. For the past five years I have been troubled with rheumatic pains. "My right hand had become almost uselesa and f was gradually loing speed as a nhorthand writer. A friend of mine, i)r. Dederich, advised me of your remedy. I Tisprl a dozen bottles of S. S. and am now entirely recovered. I shall never cea9e to commend your excellent medicines, and wish you much suceess. "Yours truly, A. S. WniTE " And here is another witncss : "Bknton, Ark., August, 25th, 1887. " Last spring I was dangeroualy afflicted ■with erysipelas, and my lifc was despaired of by my pliysicians. As a laat hope I tried S. S. S. and soon found relief, and in twoiveeks was able to attend to my business. I used five bottles. "S. H. WiTTHOHNE.Ed. Saline Covner." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. TnK SwiFT Sl'ECIFlC Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. Tou can't always judp;e the siza of a man's bank account by the artistic beauty of the picture on the outside of his office safe, - Somerville Journal. in a goltl. CU1DTIUP Sufficient to stop ia fiv; SMAKIINb g$z%ïïL&L?L. It will stop the pain as soon ü mm applied, nnilOUIUP Abundance to cure a score COUGHINb g-su-sU-s Coasumption. 1t will positivklv ease a Cough in is m minutes. ■ l I II U a dozen children Choking wilh CROUP. One minute alter the first dose tha hardest attack wml , oL Croup will be relieved. llljrr7ip Plenty to relieve the oppres WHttZINU -XrLtnrn' The direct cures of Asthma by thu medicine are groofs that Dr, Thomas' Edectric Oil has wmm „ no equal as an Ajthma cuxe. In the bove cases Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil ca be relied upon. It has given relief to thomand. Keep it in your house, There il bardly a rak of the year it will not be usefuL gewAdvertisements A list of 1000 newepapers divided in STATES AND SELECTIOKS will bo sent on apphcatlon '"móse who want their advertising to pay. we can offer no better medium for thorpugh and effective work than the various cUomot our Í 'O "cwspaper Advertialng Bureau, a ■ F10spruee street, New York. MM mm ■ A 26 PAGE TTj TT H1 T ILLUSTRA.TED Jj JVJDitH - PAPER Descrlptive of the Soil, CliinatP, ProductioiiH. .IIitniiraptiirlnK Iiirtiwtrle and Mineral Wriillli of Virsrinlii and other Southern States. Write to W. B. 1SEVII.I-. en'l Pass. Agent, KOANOKE, VA., Enclosing 2-cent Stamp. -SS-jLADlES-FOR YOU! L...T''íí Save 15 top covers from Safe SiEBÉOÍ3KEÍ!3 Yeast packages with labels taMpSSsSÏSB thereon; cut off the rims and ÏJiflÜiiSiSifl mail covers to us, together ; rZjP'WZji ! with ten 2 cenl ftamis ud BlVT ' 1 BlW "" wlll senil youpromptlya HCIm83I copy of Warner's Safe Cook r.v, V Boolc, contauiine 5C0 pages of S Yaluable Household Receipts. Warner's Safe Yeast 9H Is guaranteed to be an abso'f i lutely Pure Dry Hop Yeast, Ka129Tl and bread made with it will W'Vlr remain moist and sweet for BMjSjJSwir many days. "íffihíBBS Be sure and insist upon getW Wki""' i'-S tin? Warner's Safe Yeast, the CívilOfítr' pri'ocof which is notmorethan wmrn3 the cheap and impure Yeasts with which the market is flooded. RNEB-SsllpèEST CO. Headachk can cured by Hibbard's Riif-mn it Snuji. It removes the cause iy reyulatiiii.' the stnmnch, correoting im[iroper di.'e-tion and general flw of the hlood. JeffersoD Davis suya that Horace Greeley sifined hifl bond out of pure kii.dness of heart. Dv-is hnd never spoken to the greater edl'ur in his lf-. Cathartic - Hibbard's Rht umatic Sy rup is one of the fitiet hxatives in the world, moving the biwels effectively as well as miidly, withtuf pain, gtiping; or weakne. Mrs. Cleviland has a new phattn. The Greatest Blood PurifierE KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine is the#, II III chennest and best. 128dosesof SVL-M+j II III PHUU ]!ITTKlLöfor$1.00,les3than S I III one cent a dose. It will cure the j n worst oases of skin disease, f rom M til a enmmon pimple on the fac(W ? luto that awfnl dfsease Scrofula. W JSULPIIUK B1TTEHS is the# II best medicine to use In all# Meases of such stubborn andYoOT Kiti.lll deep soated diseasea. Doneya are out III not ever take mot order. Use H BLUE PILLS Jfegg Iormcrciiry.they are áeaAM e BlcL n0 Ijl ly. l'lace your trast in#L- tf „,. ,ïlla t i;. II the purest and best11' us0 mecUcine ever made. ƒ ga]pm f BltterS ! lil _l8yoürTongne0oated# r m ü witl]ayellowst!cky#ïon't wnlt nntil yon M Hl subitauce? I8your#are unalile to walk, or III llbreath foul and#areflat on your back,! I II offensive ? Your#but get some at once, it II llstomach i3 oiit#wlll cure you. bulphurll IM of order. üse#Bitters is S8üBiiTKns The Inalid's Friend.g stmmoliatt'ly Theyoung'.the aged and mm III Is your I 'r.#tering are soon made ell by II Ilinê thick,#its use. Remember wliat youl I I II ropy, clo-#read here, it may save your II luoy or#iife, it has saved hnndreds.lll #Dou't wait uutil to-mon-ow, Q ? Try a Bottle To-day! E3 II M Are v"U low-spiritcd and v-eak,JI #or suOeriag from the oxcessea nflll 2.-outhy Jf m, 8ULPHÜB BIITKIIsll 'ywill om-o you. Send 3 S-oent stampa to A. P. Ordway Co., Boston, Mass., for be medical woik puülishcd? lUWHUIMAMhasrevolutionized the work durTWÏÏrilTinSliiig the last half eentury. Not lll VUli liuMleast among the wonders of in ■■■ i ■■ ■■ vent(Ve progresa s a method and Evstem of work that can De performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work ■ either sex, young or old ; no special amnty required. Capital not needed ; you are starten free Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business, which will briiiR you in more money right away than anythingelse in the world. Uranduutfitfree. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. THE CREAN of all BD0S3 of ADVENTURE Condensed into One Volume. PIONEER I un DARINQ HÉROES m i DEEDS. The thrilling adventures of all the hero explorers and frontier flghters with Indians, outfaws and wild beasts, over our whole country, from the earliest times to the present. Li ves and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standish, Boone. Kenton. Brady, Crockett Bowie, Houston, Carson. Custer, California Joe, Wild Bül, Buffalo Bill Generáis Miles and Crook. great Indian Chiefs, and scores of others. ■Ptt-J; ■■■trated with 220 fine engravnigs. AC J-N I J WAIÏTED. Low-priced, and beats anything to sell Time for payments allowed Agents short of VLA-NET PUB. 00.,BOX6.MO PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & ForeigftPatents, 935 F St., near U. S. Patent Oliice, WASHINGTON, D. C AU business before the United States Patent Office attended tofor moderate lees. Patents procured In the United State and all Forelgn Countries. Trade Marks and Labelt rogistered. Rejected applieations revi ved and prosecuted Information and advieo :is t obtalnlng I'atents eheerfully furnishod without charge. Send Sketch or Model for J 'ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnlshed for 25 cent each. ■W Correspondenee Invlted. TÖWTÜÜRISTRATËST For $47.50 a flrst-class ror.nd trip ticket, good for 90 daya, with stop-over privileges, can be obtained from St. Paul to (jreat Falls, Montana, the comiug mMiuIacturing centre of the ductiouslfl ii.w-6. Jfrom points east and south. Eates correspondmgly as low will be named to points in Minnesota and Dakota, or upon Puget Sound and the Paciflc Coast. For further particulars address D. W. H. Moreland, Trav. Passender Agent, 179 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich., or C. H. Wakken, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. EBERBACI & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main SI reet, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the fumishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc., with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians' PrescriptiOHS carefully prepared at allhours. LUMBEE LUMSER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cali at F3RDON ■lïffl! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBEK We manufacture our own Lumbei and uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES 49-Gi ve ns a cali nnd we wlll make II LO %onr Interest, as onr lartee and wel! Kritdeil stock fnlly sastalu our ar Hou. JAHES TOLBEKT, PrOf . T. J. KKE II, Snpt. 1ISSBY & SIABOIT ]srs. 6 .a-ïstid a Washington Street, Ann Arbo? Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stook of ever} thingVi wt GROCER! LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugarg All prime Articles bougkt for Cash and can aeU atlow figures. Our frequent large Invoice 01 Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains In QTJALITY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayl fresh and good. Our bakery turna out thevery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 1 PAINT 1 l'amt Friday. run it to Church Sunday. EigBt M„ 3 Fashinnable ÍShades: Black, Maroon. Vemulion 3 Wue. Yello. Ohve Lake, Brcwster and Wagon scg CM Greens. No V;umKhing necessary. Dr e. h"l J3 " 50 íi a ".bine." Uuc Coat and job B done. g L YOUR BUCCY lis „ Tip top for Cliairs. Lan Scats, Sash. Ftow =pj V(,r ij.tlv Carri.iees. Curtan Poles, Furniture. zi „Q LU F önt Do'rt Sto.f ftonts. Screen Doors. Boats jf S? Mantles. lron Fenres, in fact cverytMne. lust =„o llie thi.iï for the ladies to use about Ae house . L FOR ONE DOLLAR IB SCOiTSHONESTi O and free from water and benzine. D""f.g L g iiriml umi tule o olhor. Merchants handltng g o g ssswssfeas Hl K í tHK lik COIS. Our Shades are Ui = 3 W 1 atest "r"ès used in the East no becomlne „■" = HOUSE PAINT }1 Í COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS áJ Palnt tliat never drie1 beyond the stkky pomt - ■m wiste s weck roll the job, and thcn swearT 3B ÑSrfároTcaSrCOIttWSFlOOBMgJ __ af 4 ponut.r aml Baitabta shades, w.rranted to drj _ S h.r.lP. rock o.vr l.i8Lt. No trouble. . No ; gjggWöNT DRY STICKY S


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