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All Excellent Iiivesímoiit. The ïnajority of men irt niiddle life remember when Illinois or Wisconsin landswere thought dear at $2.50 per acre. Present value, $25.00 to $50.00 an acre. Careful examination of the records has discovered a number of scattered pieces of the very choicest land in Minnesota included in original land grant lying near railroads recently built, and adjacent to market. These will be sold cheap, and in five or ten years will unqustionably be worth several times present price. A profitable investment. For future paaticulars, state quantity desired and address J. Bookwalter, Land Corar., St. P.; M. & M. Py., St, Paul, Minn. Count Zang, of Vienna, whose will shows a fortune of $8,000.000, rnade all frs money ont of phops for the sale of Vieniia bread in Paris. Dtspepsia or indigestión always yields to the curative properties of Hibbard's Rhemr.aio Syrup, contairiins as ït doos nature's specific tor the giomach. Contj.essman W. D. Kelley, OÍ Pennsylvania, '"Father of the House," was 74 last Thursday. Don'l let ïhaf oold cf yours run on. You tLink it is a ligtt thinjt. B;t it inay run into catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or con sumption. Catarrh is disgustirig. Pneumonía ndangerous. Oonsumption is death itself. The breathirg apparntns raust be kept heahby and clear of all obstructions and offemive mattt-r. Olherwise there is trcuble aheni. All the di ea-iL OÍ these parts, head, nose, throüt, bronch'al tub and lungs, on te delightfully aml entirely oored by the use of Bníbhee's Gorman Syiup. If you don't Ui uiv ib airea ly, thou.-ands. ai;d ihi uí'p:s of p '■ii teil you. Ttiey have been cured by 't aod " know how it is, theraselve"." Bottle only 75 oento. A k nj [iruggist. If üudiienly submerged '1 e stiff st Uat at oí ce beooiues dacked-tift. Sames Whi'oomb R IfV is Rid ro have made (20,000 by writtugand leotuiiug the pust year. She Tríed and Knows. Aleadins cliemist of New York say : " JSo plasten of such merit as the -Uh-lo-pho-ros Piasters haveever befoi-ü been produced." They are a novelty because they are not made siniply to sell cheap, they are the best that science, skill and moiiey can produce, and will do what is claimed lor them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc, they are uuequaled. 404 Fulton St., Sandnsky.O., Kot 21 '87 The Athlophoros Piaster actid hke maxic It is tlie i'tt I ever tncd and I have and many kinds. Our druni-nst said ■■ planters all abmit the game mit I don't think o now. I spraiiud my :mw and Bhonlder in .Iiüy, and .t has Ixen painfiü Blnoe, but it does not pain me at all uow. llrs. Willis Magill. Sond 6 eente for the bcautifiü eolored picture, "Moortoh Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. NJf. Piso's Cure for Con suniption is also the best Esg 5 Cous:ïi Medicine. & If you have a Cough L without disease of tlio " LungB, a few doses aro aü you need. ButifyouneL iïlect tl! is eany incans of g sal'oty, the sliglit Coagh Rn S may become a serious 3 E niattor, and soveral E3 ■ tles wiil bc requiied. HerIajesty's CORSET BETTER than any other made in EUROPE or AMERICA, PRINCESS OF WALES GO., H. Y., MF'RS. Keptin stock and rcoommended by tltsM HAHt r. MM.EY. CHE&PEXGÜRSIONS.S looking fornew locations or investments, semimonthly excursión have been arranged, at one tere lor the round trip, to all points in Dakota and Minnesota. Tickets fir-t class and goodfor 3U days. For raaps and further particulars address C. H. Warren, ft J „.MKiSi.1 & General Pa sscnpcr Bfl iuitiibA Ageut, St. Paul, Miun. MANITOHU Who is WEAK, NERTOrS. DEBI1ITA. TED.-who In Iris FOLLT and lONOBAKCE has TRIFLED away his VICOR of BODY, MIN and MANHOOD.causing exhausting drains upon the FOINTAISS of LIFKf in umin miKil'HE. Dreadful Dreams, WEAKNESS of Memory, BASHFÜL.NESSÍU MM'IKTV, PIMPLES upon the ACE, and all the Ell'ECTS leadingto KARI.Y DECAY and pcrhaps C'OSïSÏMPTIOS or I5JSANITY, Bhould consult at once the CELEBKATED Dr. Clarkc, Established 1851. Dr Clarke has mado NEKVOl'S DEBILITV. ('HRON1C and all Diseases of the OEXITO VRISABÏ Organs a Life Ptudy. It makes NO difference WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. 49-FEM A LESsufleringfromdiseases peculiar to their eex can consult with the assurance of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseasea. S-Bend 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on l'bronic, Nervona and Delicate Diseases. Consultation, peraonally or by letter, tree. Consult the olct Doctor. ThoiiNands cnred. Office and parlor private. H-Thnsc contemplating Marriage sénd for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female, each 15c, both 25c. (stamps). Before conflding your case, consult Dr. ('LABKE, A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame, and aad golden years to life. S"Book " Iire's (Secret) Errors," 50c. (stamps). Medicine and writlngs sent everywhere, secure from exposure. liuurs, 8 to 8 ; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. 1 Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register