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A Family BlesNing. Simmons Liver Regulator, the favorite home remedy, is entirely vegetable, and is the purest at.d best fami'iy medicine thatis compouuded. No errar to be feared in administering; no injury from exposure after taking; no loss of time. It is the best preventive medicine and safe to take no matter what the wcknesa may prove to be, and, in any ordinary disea-íe, will effect a speedy cure. A play on words; betting and promising to pay if you lose.- VTrftveler. r A all(í relialjle Medicines are thebest VJVVX to depend upon. Acker's BloodElixir has been prescribed f or years for all impuritiesoftheBlood. IneveryformofScrofnlous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it 13 invaluable. ForElieumatisin.hasnoequal. John Mooee, Druggist. A real estáte boom is very likely to develop into a boomeranf?. - Traveler. "I speak within bounds, sir," said the prisocer in the dock, when addressing the jury. We speak knovvingly when we declare witi) enthuiasm the great beaeflts of Dr. Bali's futuros Cough Syrup. The Presidí nt hasn't been on horsebaek yet this seftsou. Mis. Cleveland has ridden out once. A ïiatnnil flow or Bile Trom the I.lvcr iaessentinl lo Good Honlth. When this is obstructed it results in BILIOUSNESS, ■ whieh if Neglected, soon leads to serious diseases Simmous üver Regulatator exerts a most felicitous influence over every kind of biiiousness. It restores the liver to proper working order, reculates the secretk n of bile and puts the digestivo oreanb in such eondition that they can do their best work. After taking tliis ipediciue no one willsay, "I arn bilious." -I wasaffocted for several vears with biliousness and disordered liver, which resulted in a severe attack of jaundice. I had good medical attendance, and tried the favorite prescnption of one of the most reuowned physieiaus of Louisville. Ky., but 10 no purpose, whereupon I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I was benefitted by íts use and it ultimately restored me to the full enjos ment of nealth."- A. H. Siiirley, Richmfbnd, Ky. The eirl ot the priod in her uew spring fi -i.-ty is pntit'el to at kast half of the sidewa!k". - Mail mii Expruw. ÏDËLSa. Corsets of EurIÜp Taorfc ope and aaSf vBftUJ America. (fW: lSp SoToooo jSfKWl ifflr try alone. lnKSÍI Tbereaï üw toey are M fitting, nS Bcheapest SHfAïpKfl güfcèKflaHba- er made. Avoidwortnlessimitetions. Coralina is used in no Corseta except those made by us. None are genuine unless Dr. WARNER'S CORALINEisprinted on inside of steel cover. For sale by all leading merchante. WARNER BR0S.,257cH.5l.stJ. A. MINER, Manager. AGENT3 I jo jENTIRELY WANTEdIInINEW BOOK The mosl wonderfnlly complete eollectión of the absolntely useful and practical which has ever been published in any uation on the Klohe. A marvel of every-ilay value and actual iiioiiey-enriiiiisrand ïiione.v-savliis to everv possetsor. Hundreds upon hundreds of beautifül and helpful engravinps. lts extraordinary low price beyon1 competition. Noth'ng in the wbole history of the book trade like it. Select something of real valne to the p-ile, and sales are mire. Aneuts looking for a new and lirst-class book, write tor full desenption and terms. . , ... tfü davs' time given Agentó without capita!. BCAMMELLTO"BOgf&ri8.MO. Health is Wealth! i JBE tfxB% b99b aai Di' E O Wfsfs Serve and Bbais TrkatMENT, a uaranteert sjiecitie for Hyrteria, Dizziuess Cónvutelon, Bits. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nervons Proítratlon caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakelulness, Mental Deiiression Softening of the Brain resulting Ín míauityand leading to mis.ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Ijosses and Spermatorrh;a caused by over-exertion of the brain, selfabuse or over-indulgence. Kaeh box eontains oue month's treatment. 81.00 a box, or six boxes lor Si.00, eent by mail prepaid on receipt of PnCewK GlAKAMKE SIX BOXKS ti, mire nnv paso. Wiüi each order receivcd by U8 for six boxes, accompanied with So.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to relund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees lamed only by KBERBACH & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts.. Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! We will pny the above reward for any case of Jlver eomplaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestión constipaiion or constiveness we cannot cnre with West s Vegetable I.iver Pilis, wheu the directions are strictly compUed with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes contaiuing 30 sugar coated puls. 25c. For sale by all drugRists. Beware of èounterfeits and imitations. The genulne manufftctured ouly by JOHN C. WEST & CO., 8C2 W. Madison-st, Chicago, III. mini II Kewanlrd are those who read this PUT Yandthenact; they will fmd honorable jflL 1 employment that will not take them """■'from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure lor every industrions person.many have made and are now matine several hundred dollars a month. It is easy foranyone to make 85 and upwards per day, w ho is willing to work. Elther sex, young or old ; capital not needed ; we start you. Everything new. No special abillty rcqnired; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particnlars, wliich we mail free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. " !$)jÉw CMÏBAL ■' Jleu jptan?' FVlnf .'py RUj;irrGCTtpt5rTfrti GOING KAST. W JSf K3 1 tí STATIONS. g3 pjW 3 && ÍW S I? O" s s a ■! a A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M Chicago Lv 6 50 9 00 1 8 10 8 15 9 10 Kalamazoo 12 17 1 50 6 58 12 33 2 27 6 45 BattleCreek 1 12 2 27 7 33 1 '25 8 18 7 31 Jackson.. 3 15 i 20 8 49 3 15 4 50 9 15 Dhelsea 3 59 5 3 9 55 Dexter 4 14 5 50 10 08 Delhi Mills 4 22 10 17 AnnArbor 4 33 5 30 9 45 4 35 6 0810 33 Ypsilanti 4 50 5 45 9 66 4 52 6 24 10 47 Wayne Jun 5 15 6 Oí) 5 15 6 47 11 09 Detroit 6 00 6 45 10 45 6 00 7 30 1150 Kiaeara Falls 2 21 4 59 1 22 6 5C Buffalo 4 35 7 15 3 40 9 05. P. M A. M. A. M A. M A. M A .M. GOINQ WE3T. o. E So. S, o. STATIONS. _ M }„ M JH O), iLLliLL P. M A M. A. M. A. M. P. M. Buffalo 11 30 5 36 6 05 9 00 1 00 Niágara Falls 12 45 6 43 2 15 A. M. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M _ Detroit, Lv 7 00 9 io 1 30 4 00 8 00 10 15 Wayue Jun 7 41 9 531 2 03 4 45 8 37 10 55 Ypsilanti 8 03 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 581118 Aun Arbor 8 18' 10 30 2 32 5 30 9 12 11 85 Dfclhi Mills 8 28 5 42 Dexter 8 37 5 50 9 32 Chelsea 8 52 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 45 11 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 54 Battle Creek 11 20 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 2 23 Kalaraazoo 12 17 1 50 5 15 1 20 8 07 Chicago, Ar 5 40 6 40 9 SO 7 00 7 45 P M. P. M. P. M P. M.lA. M A. M O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Aun Arbor. ToledüjAnn Arbor & Notíñ Michigan R'y Time Table going into effect Snnday, Oct. 9, '87. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. píkpSk MÍ. Standard Time. .-,. p P. M. P. M. A. M. Lv'E] [ARR A. M. P. M. P. M. 3 15 6 25 5 15 .Toledo 9 00 1 10 8 42 4 05 7 51 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 31 7 51 4 12 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 03 ■ 12 24! 7 40 4 35 8 35 6 35 Milán 7 4512 04 7 20 4 53 9 05 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 26 11437 10 5 10 9 25 7 15 ..Aun Arbor... 7 15Í11 301 6 50 5 30 9 60 7 33 Leland's 6 30 11 1 6 80 5 45 p. m. 7 4)6 Whitmore Lake a. m. 110 6 16 5 52 7 53 Hambur 10 55 6 10 6 28 8 30 Howel' 10 20 5 33 7 20 9 30 Duraud 9 30 4 36 7 461 9 55 Corunua 9 08 4 15 7 55 10 01 Owosso 9 00 4 08 9 15 11 16 .Ithaca 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 35 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41 11 41 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 30 ...Mt. Plaasant 6 30 1 80 P. M. F. M. A. M F. M. Traius leave Aun Arbor at 7:15 a. M.t make direct connection at Ashley for Muskeeon, and intermedíate points between, such as Greenville, Carson City, etc. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connectious at Toledo wttli raUroadsdivergipg, At Manhattan Junction with Wheelin? & L&ke Ene P.. S. At Alexis Junctioi! witb M. Ö R. R„ L. 8. tt'y and F. & P. M R E A Monroe Junction wiin Ii. 8. . M. Ö. K'y. At Dundee wtth L. 8. 4 M. S.. and M. & O. Ry . At Milán with W., 8t. L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittefleld with L. S. & M. B. K'J. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, lanslng and North. ern R. R.,and Q. T. Ry. H. W. A8HLEY. W. H.BENNETT, Superintendent, Gen. rasseneer Anent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT OF THÜ UONDITION OFTHB Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 2d, A. D. 1888, MADE In Accordauce wltli Sectious IS, 19 and 67 of the General Banking as Amen1el in 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Discountfs 8 264,369 Bonds and Mortgages 203,369 18 Overdrafts 149 89 Fumiture and Fixtures 1,930 &ï Due from National and State Bank.... 101,330 80 Cash on hand 34,699 16 $ 605,839 32 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50,000 00 Proflt and Loss 30,612 06 Jan. Dividend 2,735 00 Due Depositors 472,492 26 t 605,839 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statementli trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISeOCK, Cashier. KuDscribea ana eworci 10 oeiuru me, una u day of Jan., 1888. L. GRUNER, Notary Public. It is Generally conceded by physictans that the spring trusa is the best known instrument for retaininfr hernia, (tivinjt a uniform pressure and conforming tothe various positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durOur stock is largfi, embracing all the loadin? makes. We guarantee satisfaction. Hrowne A 8barpe Halr Clipper S. 1 n is ■ PoNtnsre 15o. Browne Sliarpe Hn Clipper Jio.a $3.00 ; Postage ase. MANN BRO'8, Drusaiists, Ann Arbor. JtpillA flinrn lsonflle In Philadeiprila IHIS PAPEn"10 Newspaper AtlverI nlq iSLSïitisingAKeney f Messrs. N. W. AVER SON, our authorlzed agenta. ÈGOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. BAKERS -Breaifast Cocoa. W Warronted abêolutely pure Coeoa, f rom which the exccse of Oil has been reroo7ed. It has three times the etrength of Cocoa mixed, with Btarch, Arrowroot orSugar, and Is thcrefore far more económica!, casting les than one cent a cup. It ' delicious, nourishing, etrengthening, easily digested, and edmirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers evcrywhere. f. BAKER & CO., Düster, Mass.


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