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All Sortt of Polon. llr. W. F. Daley, Advertising Agent of tho Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, writes: "Inflammatory rheumatism sweüed my legs and arms to twice their natural aize. I suffered exoruciating pain. Yuur wonderful S. S. S., made a complete cure. Major Sidney Herbert, editor of the Sovtliern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer, Atlanta, Ga., writes: " I have fully tente d the virtues of SwiiVs Specifie, both as a rheumatitím cure and a touic. It has done even more than its proprietors claim forit. Mr. Micliael Long, Jr., with the Strobridge Lithogrnphic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, writeR : " I suffered for two years with a terrible itching and painiul sores on my neck, arniM. hands and tingers. No pbysician could hc.p me. 8. S. S. relieved me perfectly and I fcel like a new man. Mrs. Amanda Ingle, of Gastonia, N. C, writes : '"My baby, when four months old, developed scrotula. He had two severe risings and sores on the neck. I sent for our family physician, who pronounced it gcrofula, and prescribid 8. S. S. for it. I gave the baby S. S S , and it s 'On got the disease under control. The sores are healed. and the baby is well and healthy. I know S. S. S. saved its life, and I told our doctor so. He i a regular physician, and prescribed S. S. S. for the baby as boon. aa he saw it had acrofula. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseaoea mailed free. The Swift bPKCiFic Co Crawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. A Colorado man has sold out liig silver mine ami reinvested ín two Niágara Falla hacks. He hopee now to make pomething. Darbys Propbylaclic Finid. Use it in every siok room. Will keep the atmosphere pure aid hole- .me ; removing ftll bad odors fr-m at y s urof Will destroy all Di;-easfs G-prms, irife''tion from all Fevers and all entagious disease?. The eminent physici" , J. Mrioti S ms, of New York, says: 'I hu ■ vinoei that Prof. Darbys Propliyl ■ o Fl iu) is a mo4 valuable disinfectnnt." ''Papa, what is patt'm n ? ■ It is wliat is inliTited from a i ■ y 1-ar." "Oh - and then is matrim mfihing inherited from the mon e ? - L f e For Over lluw Sfouths my pon suffered night a i (ia -i h rheu matism; 80 muoh o that he h unable to feed himself. Tour Sulphm Bitters cured him, and I am truly ihank'u t say they are an honest medicine. - Mr?. W. H. C-trleton, wife of Deacon Cailetoc, First Baptist Curch, Winchester. Ms. Belva Lockwood has a great admiration for "the brave, honest, moral and frugal Mormons." fV CVYVW Of tlie god things of this mwvvvj 2ife are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constipation ; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moore, Druggist. The Prioress of Wales' lavorite author is Dick"n. NEA7 INVENTION IN LACING W. éTXcÖRSET S fe?iÉ(tffiffLTift7JTíVl i t ïï '! l-;ut í 11 s I I il ü SSsrFljB'))rr '""■' l1" be chanifefl vmTÏÏHl fm ■'■ lro1" 'L' i" lomMl ƒ ' ' In five Nec- Mi 'UL' r oud willioiit reinovWmUliÊ' if '" rroni tlle Per8OM3 ■' lll.fidli XFVKK ICIItriKEK iMli WAu H STEEI'S lííUí UQ n W i''iwllIiotSHOW afiStlLU-m-HU ■'" " '' i . ii the H ■yiï=y,liKi'S. The healthmo i ..nloi inlili' i im mi iiiiuie. THK Sl;i,F.41)Jl'SII( ('OKNET 'O., 120 FKANK1.IN ST., NKW YORK CITY Factory, Rochestek, N. Y. ffe, PENNYROYAL. WAFERS W frZ Aro suceessfully used m-nlliiy by over !'l,(Kl(J Are.SWc, Kffect-tLil and heasant. M fcTJper box by mail, or at druggists. Sealed Purjm Jr iiculara 2 postage stamps. Address f The Eureka Chemical Compant. Flahnr Block. 11 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Sold by H. J. IIBIIMS CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! The .ra Knirllüti PreNrrlpl Ion wlll restore that lst Vitality and a Eugged, Healthy Cendition follow its use. Buyatyour druKgist's, one package, $1 ; six for Í5. KUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit Mich Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. KMHM s Wondt-rs exist In thousands of LM. Uforms, bwt are surpassed by the marvels ■■■ of tnvention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home shouid at once send their address to Hallet & Co., Portland, Main, and receive Iree, full Information how either Bex, of all ages, can earn from Ï5 to 8-'5 per day and upwards wherever they live You are started free. Capital not required Some have made over JfO in a single day at this work. All eu ceed. gLADIESÏÖRYÖÜi Save 15 top covers from Safe Yeast packages with labels thereon; eut off the rlms and mail covers to us, together with ten 2 cent btamps and we will send you promptly a copy of Warner's Safe Cook Book, containing 5' 0 pages of Valuable Household Receipts. Warner's Safe Yeast Is guaranteed to be an abeolutely Pure Dry Hop Yeast, and bread made with it will remain moist and sweet for Be sure and Insist upon getting Warner's Safe Yeast, the priceof which is not more ihan the cheapand impure Yoasts wtth which the market is flooded. Address, ItocheNter, ! . Y. WARNER'S SAFE YEA.ST OO.


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