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How'a Yonr Livor ? The oíd lady who replied, when asked how her liver was, "God blees me, I never heard that ihere was such a thing in the house," was noted for her amiability. Promethem, when chained to a rock, might as well have pretended tobe happy, a the rran who is chained to a diseased liver. For poor Prometheus, there was no escape, but by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, the disagreeable feelings, irritable temper, constipation, indigestión, dizziness and sick headache, which are caused by a diseased liver, prompiy disappear. S. II. Crawiord has (ranslated the " Kaledala," the epic of the Finlanders, into English. We es-pecially invite the attention of mothers and daughters to page 9, of our medical pamphlet. Eheijmatic Strip Co. Jackson, Mich. The 'axpayers of too many cities are bond servan K - J mrna!. Sv ire vï e. BloJ Elixir is the only TXlfc.V Blood Bemedy guaranteed. It is a positive cure for Ulcere, Eruptions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It pnrifies the whole system, and bauishes all Kheumatic and Neuralgic paios. We guarantee it. Johh Moorf, Druggist The original of Lmcoln's general emnncipation proclamation was burned in the great Chicago fire. There is nothing more miraculous in its effects, entircly removing frora the face moth patches or brown spots purely by i(8 action cm ihe blood, thsn Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup. The charming daughters of Col. Bob Ingersoll are even ftrorger atheists than their father. 1 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ truthsforthesick. III Bilious Spellsdepcnd for a case where II I lonStiLPnuBBiTïEBS phur Bitters willlll Ijlitwillcurc you. iiotassist orcure. It w ■-. ..,;■■■....„„ "cv" '- PI Ithattiredandallgone cioanse the TitiatedlJl feeling; if bo, use hlood when you sec 3OT.PIIUR BlTTEBS; t9 lmpurities buret-Hl it will cure you. nfr through the eklnlll Operativeswhoare '"V'sIPres'eïvoiill -closely conflned n 5 re8. Rely wi Qthe milis and ,'rhIJ,?th „m'ftS'Q !8liop8;clerks,whodo n lieauI wlu Io1 B ■II not procure euflicient JmmmmmmÊmm, I II I Iexerci8c, and all who sulphur Bitters I Maictly. M H I ' „. .1., ..,,, ,.1, SlJLIMirU HlTTERsIJi atism, use a bottle of "aehyou 6troD8a"dl I Hl Sulphur bittrih ■ healthy. III UltDevcrJWlsJocure. sulphur Bitters l SS Don't be without a will make your bloodpj Jg bottle. Trylt; you pure, rich and strong.U H will not rpjrret it. and your flesh hard. 111 EaTïïêa in dëucate Try Sulphur BitIII llhealth, who are all teks to-nlght, an.ll I llrundown, shonldnse you will sleep welllll m-iri,l-ili 1: 1 : 1 rl l ):. .i. I f' ■:'■"■ i f--i U Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Send 3 2-oent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co.t Boston, Maas., aud reccive a copy, frec. f, fZSn k icvl I IbmÉ3 I ■■■■■■tilias revolutionized the work durHÏÏFWTïnNiK the last half century. Not H V Úil HUilleast am'jn8 the woudere of in11 1 ■ ■■" V(.ntive progres-i is a method and eystein of work tlnit ean De performed all over the country without separatiux the workers from their homes. Puy liberal; any one can do the work ; either sex, yountt or old ; no special ability required Capital not needed ; you are startul free. (Jut this out aml return to us and we will send you free, soniething of great value and iinportanceto you. ihat will start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away than anythitiK else inthe world. tlnuuluuttH free. Addres8 Trie A Co., Augusta. Maine. THE aUÏ of all 300ZS of ADVENTURE Oondensed into One Volume. PIONEER .tfn DARING HÉROES m DEEDS. The thrllling a.lve'ntures of a!l the hero explorers and frontier tighters with Indians. outfaws and wild beast, over our whole cou-try, from the earliest times to the present. Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, Laalle. Standifih, Boone Kenton. Brady, C'rockett, Bowie. Houston, Carson. Custer, California .loe. Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill Generáis Miles and C'rook. great Indian Chiefs, and scores of otbers. Splf uilitliy IIliiNtrtel with 220 line engraving. AtiKJITS VAXTED. Low-priced, and beats anything to sell. TÍme for pavmenp allowed Agent short of funds. I-LAXET Prii. CO., Boi 68S1, St. Louis, Mo. EBERBACI & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffc, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticIes.Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attentlon paid to the furnishing of Physieians, Chemigts, Schools, etc., with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelaln Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians' PrescriptiOBS carefully prepared at all hou rs. LUMBEB LUMBERI LUMBER ! If you contémplate building cali at FFRDON ■111 Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbei and guárante e VERY LOW PRICES -; Í v" ns a eall mul we wlll malie 14 tour Interest, as mr large and well grnried stock fnlly mist nin uur asser tlon. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. HKICH, Kom. BIHSEY & SEABOLT :rrs. e A.2&1D a Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everj Ihintr li . i ut: GRÖCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugarg All prime Anieles bought for Cash and can nll atlow figures. Onr frequent large involcca 01 Teas Is a sure sign that we glve bargalna In QUALITT AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week.alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turna out the verjp best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeae. PAI NT I tj Ry nsínr f OIT k CO OXFC0AT BFfifi Y PATST "? r 5 Ü I'üint Frtday, run it to Church Sunday. Eight g ■■to Fahionable Shadac: Black, Maroon. Vennilion „t i Blue, Yellow, Olive Lake. Brewster and Wagon I =a Ê% Green. No .■rnishing necessary. Vrtt hard j5 ith "bhine." One Coat and job is done. %O L YOUR BUCCY H w. Tip tnp fcr Chain, Lawn Scats, Sash, Flcver % L% iT.ts i; i ■. iitato Poles, Furniture. ■L rj UU Front Doors. Store-fronts, Screen Doors, Boats, ti. ■M M ■ s in fact evcrythlng. Just 9 the tiuinf for the lüdies to use about the house g FOR ONE DOLLAR I 2C0ITSH0NESTÍ eJ Are you goiug to Paint this yearf If so, don't Jï 2 á buy ■ pdnt COntainiDg water or benzine when L_g ■ for the lame n- r.ey(orncarlyso) you can procure - - ■ (ÜÏT H8 l'CHK PAI.T that ís wmrr.ntrd to - K a ■"■ be an IHlXFST. GEXC1KE l.nsífcD-OIL PAINT " g 3 é and free froin water and benzine. Demnd thU S w 5 TT briinil aml t.iLe üo ot hrr. M' rchants handling 3 o 3 ip it are our aeents and authoriztd byus, in writinp, aV 3 lo i !irrnl If to w-ir 6 c.AIJS if h 3 1OAT8 or L 2 fé% 'A KlHB nith 2 ('OATS. Onr Shades are th g E s v l.atest Stylcs used in the tast now becoming - LU so in the West, and up with the times 5 79 % Try tkis brand oi" HONfcST PALVT id you wiU -L 3 ■ r.ever regrtt it. This to the uisc s sufficient u o = HOUSE PAINT jj % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS ai Paint that ft drïed bevond the stlcky point, 3S bp i kttfl .i ' '""'Ij, and then swearT CI3 Next time calí fot (OIT K (O'S fXíMÍK IMINT __ ■C% 1 popular and Mitablfl thi ■■, wnrranted o dry a, Pbm hard as a ri't -r uluiiC. No trouble, No - Sli-bWOiiTDHYSTICKYg


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