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A Great Work. Those wanling information concerning the great Political Cyclopedia, can get it by conaulting the general agent, S. B. Pierce, at the Arlington house. O E this work, Prof. Henry C. Adams says : " Thia work contains many valuable articles on Political Economy and Finance." A few good solicitors wanted. Fire ! Fire ! Attend the Fire Sale of books at Sheehan's, State-8t. Ten thousand dollars worth of booka and stationery, saved from the flames, going at a quarter of the former price. Of the Politioal Cyclopedia, the general agent of which is at the Arlington, Prof. Henry Wade Rogers says : " The book is of unquestioned value to all students of government, and political science generally." Charles A. Towne, U. of M. '81, saya of the great Political Cyclopedia : '; No work in my library has served me better. I would not part with it to save any other work I own." The general agent for this work is at the Arliogton. The T. A. A. & N. M. R'y Co., will carry all persons to the different conventions to be held at Grand Ripids tor a single fare for the round trip. AJ Paisley, A_ ent. Medical convention to be held at Cincinnati May 7 to May 12, inclusive. The T. A. A. & N. M. R'y Co. will carry the profession from Ann Arbor to Cincinnati on above dates for one and one-third fare for the round trip. For further information apply to A. J. Paisley, Agent. Two Seais for Booth & Barrett for sale at a slight advance. Address, A. E. Drumm, care of Box 213. Notice. W. B. Warner, the State st grocer, whose stock was recently destroyed by fire, earnestly reqiests all who are indebted to him to leave the money soon as possible at Calkins & Son's Pharmacy, 34 South State-st, where a!l his books and papers are to be found. Mrs. A. Otlo, Milliner. I have on hand a large stock of Hats in the latest styles, also a fine lot of plumes, tips and flowers, which I will eelt chesp. Would be pleased to receive a cali from those desiring new spring goods, whether they wish to buy or not. Mrs. A. Otto. 19 Fourth-st Ann Arbor. Money to Loan On first-class and úrst mortgas;e Real Estáte. Apply to S. H. Douglass. S. H. Doüolass, ) , I. W. HüNT, TteAnn Arbor, April, 1888. ? At My Bínrsery efi :"%es8 At tho head ol Spring-at I shall be prepared during the .-pring season to furnish Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Small Fruit Plants ; also Evergreen Trees, etc. 6w L. GrANZHORN. Base-ball score at F. Rettick, jr.'s, during the league games. Lots Free! Loto Free! Send us your name and address, and we will mail you our circular how you may obtain a lot worth $300, free. Addres?, People's Choice S ap Manuf. Co., 222 Wylie Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Doe. SIiiioii'm Pleasant Barber Shop, directly opposite the eouth door oí the court house, is the best place in the city for anythins; in his line. Try it. G45 tf. Celery Plants for Sale, Cheap! Ready from now till August, by the 1000. Early Tomatoand Cahbage plants, best kind ; ready now at 15c a dozen. Orders wanted. Correspondence solicited. Address, KAUI.K CELFRT 'O.. It alaniHzoo, Mich. WALLPAPl NEW DESIGNS ! LOW PRICBS ! - . ' - Having purchased an immense Stock of Wall-Paper during the great manufacturer's Cut Sale, we propose to sell at prices never before heard of in the City. Pléase note prices : Best Brom Blanks, 5c to 8c a roll. " Wliitc " 6c " 10c " " " Satln Fluts, Sc " 18c " " " Gilt Paper, 10c - 35c " " Fine Kiiu'IInIi Paper, 30c " 50c " " We guarantee the Best Stock and Lowest Prices. Ceiling Decoration a specialty. We offer the Best Curtain Poll with Brass trimming all complete, for 40c. Bargains in Opaque Window Shades, Fixture Room Mouldings, etc. GEO. WAHR, Book-Seller & Stationer, JHasonic Bik. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! A. J. SAWYER, - - MANAGER. Extraordinary Announcement! om: niout onlt MOND AY, MAY 7, Engagement of EDWIN BOOTH AND LAWRENCE BARRETT r and their Excei.lknt Company In Shakespeare's (jreatest Tragedy, JULIUS CESAR MR. BOOTH as rutus. MR. BARRETT as ('assius. PRICES - $3.OO. Seats reserved without extra charge. 8ale of scats commeucf 8 Thurxiay morninif at 9 o'clock, May 3d, at the Box Office at the Opera House. A SALE uní i rival OF MUSLIN 1DERWË1R! D. F. Schairer's í During the dull season we gave large orders for Muslin Underwear, at prices HUle above actual cost of material, and now p - P'ace on our counters AllCeS the Greatest Bargains ever offered in this city. Q.0 We warrant every garment made with lockthSÍr stitch maehines.and only the best sewing thread own We cal1 your attention to the variTflllrïno ous Prices in Corset ld.lJS.Uig Covers. They are all made from fine Muslin and Cambric, perfect in shape and finish, and sold at prices to satisfy all. WP pr apt? f Ladies' N'ght Dresses, WL whUe 8kirtS) Chemi8e8j ON Drawers, Corset Covers, Children's Drawers, and OTTD 9ü 1 Infant's Slips, Children's White Cambric and COUNTER Gingham Dresses, and _ Lawn Aprons. C Contains a splendid assortment of well made Garments, comprising Night Dresses, neatly OÜR trimmed Tucked Skirts, elegantly finished 39 CT. j Chemises and Drawers, Corset Covers, perfect COUNTER! fitting, and handsomely trimmed. Infant's Slips, Children's Cambric and Gingham Dresses, at . about co&t of material. ' Consists of Night Dresses, White Skirts with Embroidery on Torch_„_ orn Ruffle. Chemises "Uil _ , cut Pompadour style 50 CT _jand handsomely ] trimmed, Drawers to rOÜNTFR ! matcn Corset Covers in various styles, Infant's Slips, also Children's Dresses in Cambric and Seersucker. ' Are maile from fine Muslin Calabries, they comprise Night Gowns, Mother Hubbard Style, and trimmed with fine UUxi Embroidery on Torchorn Lace, Chemises in new?5 ' est Styles and finest quality of Trimming's GAK Drawers to match, Cor1WFMTQI set Covers in all shapes fflfiW IS ! and Qf begt Embraide,y on Torchorn Trimmings, Children's Cambric Dresses and Infant's [ Slips. C A few Bridfil Sets comprising elegantly trimmed Night Dresses, POR Chemises and Drawers, $1 each, well worth ONE J doublé the money ; also Night Dresses, White DOLLAR! Skirts, Chemises, Drawers, Corset Covers, Infant's Slips and Children's Dresses. We also offer 15O Dozens Boys' Unlaundried Shirt Waists, at 25 Cts. Ladies who come early get the Choice Pan, ns. We are always the cheapest. Our illustrated Catalogue of Muslin Underwear sent on application. D. F. SCH AIREA.


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Ann Arbor Register