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Dr. Ramsay will preach at the Methodist Episcopal cburch, next Sunday evening, on the " Evils of the Tongue," being a second sermón on the same topic. OCR 33 fEST COLIHN. Advertisements, sucli as To Kent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three linea, can be lnserted thrje weeks for 25 cents. WANTED- To engage, at once, for the coming school year, unfurnished rooms on the fust floor, suitable for light housekeeping. Address, P. O. Box 1013. XT ANTED- Lady and Gentlemen canvassers TT for the Electrieal Enamel Co., 16 Detrolt-st. ÍfOR RENT- A Modern House with Furnace, Gas and Water accommodation, in admirable location. For particlare apply at 21 North University avenue. FOR SALE- or will exchange for small farm, the building known as Agricultural Hall, occupied by John Flnnegan. Apply to H. M. Taber. FOR RENT- A Suite of Rooms in the HamUton Block. Suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to A. W. Hamllton, Cor. of Huron and Fourth-tB. rpo RENT- for a year, beginning July 15, to a X small family, the lirst Hoor of house, 74 Washington-st. Six rooms. rpo LOAN,- 8500.00 on first mortgage. Enquire -L at 36 S. State-8t. T. A. Dunn. T" OST.- In the the M. E. church, or between Xvthe church and corner of 4th and Packard-Hs, an Agate pin with gold setting. Picase return to thls office and receive rewari T7GGS FOR HATCHING, the balance of the seaXl son for 50c per setting. Wyandottes, Sangshans, Plymouth Rocks, Partridge Coachins and Houdans. These are no scrubs, hut fowls that took premiums at Chelsea and Ann Arbor fairs last fall. Address P. Rieder, Dexter, Mich. MRS. C. H. JONES and Miss Gibney are prepared to do ürst-elass dressmaking, at 64 South State-st. A 8PLENDID Lot of Norway Spruce and x Evergreens of all kinds ; also Grape Vines of all the best kinds, white or red ; and other kinds of fruit trees and plants. J. II. Allmand, West Huron st. 1 ERMAN CARP.- Stock your ponds with UTspawners or young flsh from ponds nearM. C. R. R. Depot, Dexter. Address R. C'. Reeve, Dexter, Mich. TO RENT- Neat Cottage, 7 rooms; best conveniences ; ready by June 20. Ëuqulre of B. Mount at 66 L. University Ave., south of Hill-st. FOR RENT- Jewell's Photograph Gallery in Milan. For terms Inquire at Milan Leader office. ._ TO RENT- 6 rooms on ground floor of house corner of North and 4th-sts. Newly papered and cleaned. lnqulre, at 80 East Washington-st. IWILL 8ELL OR EXCHANGE-for city or farm property, 160 acres of land in central Dakota, two miles from railroad junction. Has 15 acres under cultivation ; 5 acres of tree ; 10 acres best hay land. Address A„ Register office, Ann Arbor, Mich. ÜOE SALE ORTRADE - Span of Black Work 1 Mares. Weight, Twelve Hundred. Inquire at Qreen's Livery. FOR SALE.- One good top bugey and one road cart- good as new. Will be sold cheap. Inqulre at 13 Elizabeth-st. tpOR SALE.- Seed corn, yellow and white dent, very nice. Slate-st, 2 milea south of city. Wm. Osius. TOK SALE.- A safe, uearly new, with modern Improvements, weight 1300 lbs. Can be seen at 48 South 4th-8t. FOR SALE- Large brick house, nearly new, with modern improvements. Inquire of J. Carman, No. 6 North Iugallsst., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- A good house of eleven rooms, with two lote. Inquire at 25 East University Ave. FOR SALE- A very desirable vacant lot on 8. Main-bt, opposite Philip Baeh s. Mc. II. Mogk. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesidenee, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Ct will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Eoquire at S6 South 5th St. S. A. Henion. 1 1. REAL ESTÁTE POR SALE OR RENT.- Housesaud lotsvalued from $1.000 to $6,000 and contftinlng from oue-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchangcd tor city property. Enquire of J. Q.A.SESSION8, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office over Express Office, Main St., Aun Arbor. WANTED.-Imtnediately.a boy for delivering, about 15 years oíd. Germán preferred. Nickels' Meat Market, South Statest. WANTED- Sewiug by the day by Miss Dora Helle, dre&smaker. Inquire at No. 8 Hamilton Block. (i IRL WANTED, for general housework, at 28 JT North State-st. "1T7ANTED- 1000 people to buy Evergreens and TT Trees orVinesto plant on Arbor Day. J. H. Allmand, WestHuron-st. WANTED- General nursing to do in the city, country, or at hospitals. Good refereuces given. Mrs. B. L. Scott, 16 N. Thayer-st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-raaker. Good prices. Plenty of itork. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. K. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf TO FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag sirings, and handy to hare around at any time. will sell it cheap. Register Office. LOANIMO- Money to loan on fint clan real estáte mortgages at curren t ratee of interest 3atlsfactory arraugemenu made with capitalista deairiiiR such lnvestment. Every conveyance ud transaction in abstracts of titlea carefully exmlned aa to legal effect. Zlna F. Klng, Ann Arbor Mich. tf.


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Ann Arbor Register