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J Whlt Svrelllng. Hr. M. S. Hamlin, one of the best known Jnsurance men in North Carolina, writes from Winston, as follows : " Ever since I was seven years of age I have had what the doctors cali hip disease, and which I cali white swelling. My hip was drawn out of place. There was a swelling at the knee-joint, where there is a profuse running, which has been there for years. Of course thia has greatly depleted ïny system, together with surgical operation on the leg bone. I tried very known blood purifier to build up my ey3tem, but none did me good until I took ö. S. S. I use it eyery spring. It always builds me up, giring me appetite and digestión, and enables me to stand the long, trying, enervating, hot summer days. To me there is no such medicine for purifying the blood and building up tho wasted system as S. S. S. On using it I soon became strong of body and easy of mind. My color changed from a palé, worn look to a healthy, robust complexion " Mr. G. N. Frizzel, of Farmersviüe, Texas, writes : "About August lst, 1865, an eruption appeared on my arms and logs, which pained me much and seemed to affect my physical condition generally. On the advice of a physician at this place, 1 finally commenced using Swift's Specific. I am glad to say that after using threa large bottles the Hores have all healed " Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thk Swifï Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Persevere ayainst disci uragemenr. - E(iwards. Cifwvs.cWviw_ ana JVJ.VrvA,VLA.V certain in theii resulte, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recómmended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Quaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moorr. Dtuggist.. There has not ten oDe sinyle improvtment in Rnssian railrnjids in the 'at twenty-flve ypars, ml none fre expeoted íor fifty years to come. "Oan't eat a thine'." Hood'n Sarsaparilla is a wondtrful medicine for creating an Bppetite, regulating digestión, and giving strength. 'Tis hetter lo be brief than tediuus. - Shakespere. For sick headachf, Hibbard's Eheu matic Syrup is mirsculousin itscuies, reg ulating to a healthy conditiou the stomsch and digestive organs. How empty learning, and how vain is art, but as it raends the lifa and guides tbe heartl - Tcung. For all tiiseases arising from impure blomi, Hiobard's Rheumatic Syrup is invalu:i Ie, is it is a sworn eueniy to all po-on in ti e blood. The hai.d üiat gi?es, ga:hers. - Eugene Suf. NEW INVENTION IN LACING W. A.C0RSET M BJBSTI ywirWSf I'"l4 01111 bc li.iiil l P WW " Oie sec N i 'BI' F O1"l wltliont reniovW wÍlliflEl lni from tlle Persou3 il! íílifflílf h "EVER KI Milt (S Si' ra BrlnsL NEW 1LACES MBaïï ob steels ■■üyi'lB'lMjl l' " K l' '■ " Ihe H ■jilttl - DKtvs. i in. beallb lest, and ino-i . ..uloi iullr ciirsi'i made. THK SH.F.ADJlSIl.Mi ((II1SKT (().. 120 FKANKLIN ST., NEW YORK CITY Factory, Rochester, N. Y. fMSK PFNNYROYAL WAFERS Hr? Are succpKsfnlly used mnthly by over 10,000 E ■1I'!Hes. Are Safe, Kffeitutü and Pleasant. 1 El -f per Iwx by mail, or at drugglsts. Seated Pur. jgf ïiculart '2 postiige stamps. Address f The Eureka Chemical Companv. Fisher Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch. SolU by H. J. BKOWS .1 CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! 'I lic .rent I iikI InIi -r v ■ I iI ion wül restore Ihat Inri Vüality and a Rugged, Healthy Condjtioii follow lts use. Buy at your druKpst's, one package, tl ; six for $5. ' EUKEKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. Sold by H. J. Brovm & Co. RHflH Sei W"l"' exist In thousands of (.' L Uforms. but are Mirpassed by the marvels ■■lof l'ivention. Those who are in need of profltable work that eau be done while living at home shouid at once send their sddress to Hallet & Co.. Portland, Main, and reeeive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from lió to $ 5 per day and upwards wherever thpy live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over 150 in a single day at this work. All meceed. gLADIES-FOR YOÍl Save 15 top covers from Safe Yeast paekages with labels thereon; cut off the rims and mail covers to us, together with ten 2 cent btamps and we will send you promptly a copy of Warner's Safe Cook Book, containing 5C0 pages of Valuable. Household Receipts. Warner's Safe Yeast Is guaranteed to be an absolutely Pure Dry Hop Yeast and bread made with it will remain moist and sweet for J Be sure and insist upon getting Warner's Safe Yeast, the price of which is not more than the cheapand impure Yeasts with which the market is fiooded. Address, Korhester, Si. Y. "WARNER'S SaFE YEAST CO


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