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BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at L,w. Will praetice in both State and TJutted Stati s Coarte. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor oí the new brick block. corner of Hurón and Foorta Btreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. IDZR.. H. &. -A-IRJSrDT. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoürs : 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Can be reached atresidence, West Huron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. KBLLEY'S PEERLESS TRUSS Ii given od trial erd variíMfcl to give gatlsfaction or money refuoded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 "Washi&gtoa-st. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEQN. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Teleptaone Connectlons, Ann Arbor. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Slasonic Blocb, over Sxvinga Bank, Ann Arbor, Mico. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of 8 or vitalized air. tRTJPTTJRK ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ88 Spiral Spring with graded pre sure 1 to 6 potuids. Worn day ano night by an Infant a week old 01 adultof80 yeare. Ladles' TruBS a specialty. Enclose stampa lo' Testimonial of Cures, mensure ments, etc EGAN'S IMPERIA) TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor.Mlch. WE BIGGS. Contractor I Builder And all kinds of work In connectlon with the aboye promptly executed, Shop Cnr. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. CHARLES L. ALLEN. Contractor and Builder! 46 E. 'lit'i-l ni'-xt.. Ann Arbor. Plaus and Speciflcations neatly and promptly made. WILIAM AR OÍD, SELT.3 1847 R GERS BROS.' SPOÖNS. FORKS AND KNIVK8, At bottom prioes, engravin? inclJdce full line of the justly celebjptfd ROOKFOBD WALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES. pen face, Key and Stern-winding always n hand and regulated, ready for a man f pocket. If you cannot readthis get ne of Johnaton & Co'. s eye-glasses or spectacles for 88le by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. STEKETEE'S DryGfitters BEST TONIC KNOWN. Make Your Own Bitters. Why pay a dollar for a bottle of Stomach Bitters, containing more poor whisky than medicine, when , the undereigned will send you by mail one 4-oz package of Imported (ermiin Hi.ois, Hrl)s and ISerries, which will make ne al Ion of the best TOSM! any one ever used. The use of this Tonic has cured In digestión. Uytipepsia, Bllionsness, Fevor nul Agur ; as im appetizer none better. acts on the Kidneys and general debility, and gives Tone to the Stomach; in fact, I challenge all other Tonica. It is far the cheapest Tome known. One package will equal oue dozen of ordinary bottles of bitters sold for one dollar per bottle. Full directions on every package. Ask your druggist for "Stelteiee's Dry Bitters." If your druggist does not keep them on sale, then send to the undersigned. I will send one package to any address within the O. S. on receipt of 80c, or two packages for 50e. U. S. stamps taken in payment. Each doublé package sent by mail contains a sample of Steketees Neuralgia Drops. Trial bottle of the Drops, 12c. P. S.- I am the only inventor of a sure cure for i'l N WOKMS, S-Ask your druggist for "Steketee's Pin Worm Destróyer." 25c by mail. Addrese. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, Mieb. Mention this paper when you order. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreip Patents, 925 F St., in u. V. B. Patent Ollii . , WASHINGTON, D. C All business before the United States Patent Office attended to for moderate fees. Patents procured ín tbeUcitedStateKandallForcign Countries. Trade Marks and Labels registered. Rejected appllcfttioos revived and proseeuted. Information and advice as to obtaining Patents cheerfnlly lurnished without charge. Send Sketch or Model for f rec opinión as lo patentability. Copies of Patenta furnished for 2.j cents each. A9 Correspondence invited. LOW TOURIST RATES. For $47.50 a first-class round trip ticket, good for 90 dayst with stop-over privileges, can be obtained from St. Paul to Great Falls, Montana, the coming manufacturing centre of the northwest. ■ a stixul Oaly?3G.OO Balntl'aulfti ZSiülmK Helena and return HH aNITuB&A Similar rednctiouslll hailwax. from points east and south. Eates correspondingly as low wlll be named to points in Minnesota and Datota, or upon Puget Sound and the I'aciflo Coast. For further particulars address D. W. H. Moreland, Trav. Passenper Agent, 179 Jeffereon Ave., Detroit, Mich., or 0. H. Wakren, General Passenger Agent, bt. Paul, Mimi.


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