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Ex-.UI. f. Oiühman Ilappily Snrprised. "Father, we are much plensed at seeing jou home agin. Oom, rit down and teil U8 of your jouiney." ''Well, I have b. en outaboutfive weeks this time, and have met with very gratifying reaults. I have writtenmany pohcies, and what ia Rtill more plesing, I tind that the Masonic Mutual Benefit Association is becomini? verv popular in this Utë. Now, Effie, teil me how you are ; I see you are lonking 80 much better." 'Y-8, father, that rht-unoatism which haa tivèn me so much pain for months has entiw ly lelt me. O ! I was so lame a pirt of the time that I eoull scarcely stand upm my feet. Hibbard'. Rheumatic S7niD and Plaateri cured me." "Well, Effie, that rerninds me I have hearii n.o e pr. i-e lor that rem -dy than any otl:er ever Um; ory place where I have been I heai the f.eoj.le i-pak of lts ment, both as a ivat medicine for rheuniatism anH h bl od purifier." "Wel, fa' her, yon on reeommend tt; gay t li r I believe it to be one ol the best in the World." Effie L Dishman, Third s'.ieei, Grand Riptd-, Alich. Dtc. 24 1887. Deht is a trap which a mn eets and bates himeelf, and iheu delib.-rat.-ly geUinto.- Jo-h Billint'S. The Fostinaster, Winchesvr, M.isí.. says : I am per.onally acqiiomied wih Mr. nd Mr?. Carleton, nd w.s as:, niihii t the rem rkable effects ol your Sutpha. Bitte.a in curmg iheii s-ou, nd il large sale is ur.doubtedly due to the faut ihai ït is n honest medí cine. I knuw of mmy othera wlio have been cuied by Hs use, and 1 do nol think too ranoh on beW mits nraise YoutN truiy, Geo P. Brown, P. H The ihree W's is my Diaxoiu : plenty of VVurk. plenty o; Wmles, aud plenty of Waíít-s.- Thck-rv. Darbys l'ropliylacilc Fluid. Ü8h it in every sick room. Will keep he pui ": d wholesome; rem'vüg II bad frotn uro. Will destroy all D easts Genus, infetion Irom ..11 F. v-rs and all o ta-ious The i mineni phjrfcin, J. Manou S m?, r,f New Y..rk, : ' 1 ni i-onv nced that Prot Da'bys P.ophyl c ie Fl nd in mo-t Vhlna'iit in. ' Itnpaticnce nevercommauiicJ success. - Chipin. THEY DD IT. What? Cured ámong others the follow ing. They write : 849 Central Ave., Cincinnat , O., January 4th, VXi. S Athlophoros Pilis have cured me of livcr SïïupWt iad clysptjpsia. I iwe tea rf tho i'illa to a f rienil who la troublert with jndiiou and he gL$gS&XeEosetteStewHnXt.i Athlophoros Pilla worked wor. dersm my caso of dïBpopaa. Emma L. Clark. Atli-lo-ilio-ros Pilis are small and plezant to take, yet wondcrfuUy effeotive. Invaluable for kidney end liver oomplaintï' dyspepsia, ïndi'-estion, constipation, headache, etc. They'Il take away that tired teeling .civincc new life and strength. asrSond 6 cents for the bcautiful colorcd picture, " Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. Piso's Cure ibr ConRa suuiption is Uso the best L Gough Medicine. 11 you liave a Cough Ei without disease of tlio ra LuniiH, a fow doses are uil SM youneed. ButlfyoaneJjS gleot iliis eay meana of safety, the liglit Cough 09 niny" become :i Berioua jj ga matter, and soveral botÏSi tlos ill be rwiuireil. lIlBlIII UctViahidlÜM I HerIajesty's CORSET I BETTER than any other made in EUROPE or AMERICA, PRINGESS OF WALES CO., M. Y., MFRS. Keptin stock nd reroinmcnded bj N SN 1NAKY F. nil. KV. CHEAPEXCURSIOÑSÜ looking for new kcations or investments, Bemimouthly excursions have been arranged, at one !are for the round trip, to all points ín Dakota and Minnesota. Tickets fir-t-ciass and poodlot 30days. For mapsnd further particiüars address C. H. Warben, milu, & General Passenser 11 uirnaA Aíent, 6U Fanl. Mlnn. ITUBJf Who is WEAK, NERTOrS, DEBILITA; TEI, who in hts FOI-I.Y and HiNORANC E has TRI F1,KI away his VIGOR of BODY, MIKD and MANHOO,causing exbaustmg drains upon the FOI'NTAIJiS of LIFL. HEAd'aCH E, BAfKACHE, Vlf'g Dreams, WEAKÏf ESS of Memory, BABIIJII.KKSS in SOCIETY, PIMPLES upon the ACE, and all the El'FECTS leadini; to KA 11 i. Y DECAY and perhaps CONSDMPTION or I5ISANITY, should consult at once the CELÉBRATE Dr. Clarke, EstabliBhed 1851 Dr. Clarke has made NEBVOÏS DEKli.ITY. CHROJflC and all Ojeases of the OENITO URINABY O.gans a Life Studv It makes NO differenco WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. ja-FESIALESsufferingfromdiseases peculiar to their sex can consult with the assuraneo of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. ja-8end 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on C'hronio, Mervons and ■ -nt Diseases. Consultatlon, personally or by letter, tree. Consult the old Doctor. Tliousainls onred. Office and parlor private. -Thoso contemplating Mamage Send for Dr. flarke' celebrated guiile Male and Female, each 15c., both 25c. (stamps). Before confiding your case, consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame. and add golden years to life. -Book " Llfe's (Secret) Errors," 60c (stamps). Medicine and wntings sent everywhere, secure from posurc. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, F. D. OLARKE, M. D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. Don' I let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or consutnption. Oatarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obslructions and offensive matter. O herwise there is trouble ahesrl. All the di-eases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubeB and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use oí Boschee's Germán Syrup. If you don't know th;s already, thoueands and thousands of people can teil you. They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselve." Bottle only 7o cents. A-k any druggist. If suddenly submerged the stiffest hat at once beconift. dncked-tile. The best way to keep good acts in memory, is to refri-sh them with new.- Maunder- Für a languid, tired feeling, Hibbard's Rneumatic Syrup has no equal, oreating a good appetitr, and rendering a healthy and active digestión. Word by word big bouks are made. - French Proverb. There is nothing more miraculous in its effects, enür-ly retnoving from the face moth patches or brown spots purely by lts action on the blood, than Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup. A natural flow of Blle Iroin the I.iver is essential lo Oootl Henlth. When this is obstructed it results in BILIOUSNESS, which if Neftlected, roon leads to serious diseases, Simmons Liver Regulatator exerts a most felicitous influence over every kind of bihousnees. It restores the liver to prnper workmg order, regulatesthe secreticn of bile and putethe digestiye oreaíiBinsuch eondition thatthey can dotheir best work. After taldng this medicine no one Iaaaffected'for several years with biliousness and disordered liver, which resulted Ín a severe attack of jaundice. I had good medical attendance, and tried the íavorite prescription oí one of the most renowned physicians of Louwvllle Ky. but o no purpose, whereupon I was induced to try Slmmons Liver Regulator. Iwm benefltted by lts use anrt U u mmweiy rwwjreu ui= o the full enjoyment of nealth. - A. H. Shirlia , lichmond, Ky. ffffll Tholeadincf "ffl l WW ijF Corsets of Euriii% OonTc ope and U ffjJVUd America. fW Wlm 2i000'0000 ( , sLs&s!Lk eold la8t try alone. (iiir i &mfcMMt Tl íSpít 1 1 most durWEMmÁáimW and BFSg ■cheapest B fitFnnfcjf-j! HcorsetevHJM3UQHBer made. Avoidworthlessimitatlons. Coralina Is used in no Corsets except those made by us. None are genuine unlesa Dr. WARNER'S CORALINEisprinted on inside of steel cover. For eale by all leading merchants. WARNER BROS.,257 tffiSSS. J. A. MINER, Manager. AGENTS to lENTIRELy The most wonderfully complete collection of the absolately nscfiil and practical which has ever been published in any natioii on the elobe. A maívol of every-day value and actual iuoney-4-arnliiis and money-sa vine to every possessor. Hundreds upou hundreds of beautiful and helpfnl cngravinps. Itó estraordinary low price beyond competition. Notn'ng in the whole history of the book trade like lt. Select eomething of real valne to the neople, feX. LOL,1 IS, Müi HëaltiTiTWëgthj Dr E C. West's Nerve and Braim Treatment a guaranteed speciflc for Hytterla, Dlzziiiess Convulsions, Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Headachè. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakelulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in inpanityand leading to mist ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barreuness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrlicfa caused by over-exertion of Ihe brain, selfabuse or over-iudulgence. Kach box contains I one month'8 treatment. Ï1.00 a box, or six boxes fer Í5.00, Bent by mail prepaïd on receipt of 1 WE GUABANTF.E SIX BOXES To cure any case. With eaeh order reeeived by us for six boxes. accompanied with So-00, we will I send the puichaser our written guarantee to I iund the money if the treatmeni does not el Bert a cure. Guarantees issued only by EBERBAOH I & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts., Anu Arbor, Mich. 1 $500 Reward! We wlll pay the above reward for any case of I liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, I gestión, constipatton or constiveness we caunot I cure with Westrs Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They re I purely vegetable, and never fail to give I fnction. Large boxes containing 80 sugar coated I pills, 2óc. For sale by all druggisU. Beware of óounterfeite and imitations. The genuine manufactOTed only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., 862 W. Madison-st., Chicago, 111. ■ilflDI W Kewarled are those who read this U I P U I Yand then act ; they will find honorable lUuUUleniploymeut that will nottake thera '""■'from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure ior every industnousperson.many have made andaré now making several hundred dollars a month. it is easy for any one to make S5 and npwards per day, who is willing to work. Eithcr sex, young or old ; capital not needed; we start you. Kverything new. No special abillty reqüired; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particnlars, which we mail free. Address Stinson & Co., rortland, Maine.


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