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ifROYAl. Silïl H POWDER Absolutefy Pure. Thls powder never vanes. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More económica! thur. the ordlnary kinds and c&nnot be sold In competitlon with the multitude of low teet, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in Oxru. ROYAL BAKING POWDEK CO., 106 Wal street, N. .Y menta of the drama as an art ! and without lts art, aside from its poetry, no dramatic literature exlsts. Every univereity gradúate has heard the word "unities," but take one of them to the Astor Library; open a volume of oíd playa; and ask hlm to put his finger on a "Unity." He knows there must be one somewhere in the library, but not being a mind reader ltke Mr. Bishop he Ia not likely to flnd it, even wlih his eyes open yet thls youug man has a half-written play at home or he may b an eager applicant lor the post of dramatic criiic. We were all in his positlon once ; and if, dramatists orcritics, we have learned anythine of dramatic art, it was odIv by hard labor and oy experimental blunders, auer our "liberal education" was flnished. I have referred to " one exception " among the learned iDstitutiona of this country. That exception is the University of Michtean. During a merely personal visit to Ana Albor, last winter, I was astonluhcd to find, among the various courses of lectur, one on the principies of dramatic construction illustrated by the works of Corneille, on the classical side, and those of Víctor Hugo and living French dramatirts, on ihe modern side. The lecturer was Professor Alfred Hennequin, a member of the faculty. I attended this course. About one hundred fctmients were present and they evinced the closest possible inierest, takiig notes and passing, at the end, a regular examinatlon. Though an optional course it was a recognized part of thelr collegiate training and held its due place, with other courees, in their studie for a degree. Professor Hennequin does not confine hïmself, asi have said, to ihe writers wbo have gone. but dlscusses the artlstic peculiarlties, beauties and defects of the living French masters of the drama, as their works appear from time to time in Paris- Angier, Feuillet, 8ardon, Pumas, etc. I found principies eimiiciated and illustrated by masters, living and dead, which have forced themselves upon myself in the course of my own work, and which it would have been infinitely valuable to me to have known beforehand, as these young students of the Michigan Univereity do. I also learned many thiugs that wonld be of service to me hereafter. Now, air, recurring to what I have said above, inasmuch as American dramatic literature is established at last on a basis of financial prosperity, will it not be well if our instltutlons of learnlng do what is in their power to ralse it to the artistic plane of Europeau dramatic literature? Need Columbia, Yale. Harvard and Prineeton leave the CTniversity of Michigan solitary and peculiar, as Hnow is. in this work? Learued professors in some of these Eastern institutions have asked me questlong about dramatic art which many younsr students ín the University of Michigan could have answered as well as I. If any young man in the United States seeks a liberal edueation, deslring to become a dramatic critic in journalism or a dramatic amhor, he has no ohoiee at the I ent moment but to go to the University of Michigan. Ifthe qnestionasto the desirability of a dramatlcliterature.or of criticism, in this country were at Issue, there might be room for argument on the subject. But people do go in great numbers to see American plays ; thousands of journaliste discuss them ; milllons of dollars are iuvested In theatres. The only question at issue is whether the people nhall see American plays and read American criticisms written by trained and skilful men, or see and read merely the experimental work which iguorance, occasionally enlightened by genius, can offer them. Our Eastern untversities may well take a suggesüon from their western sister. I remain respectfully yours, Bronson Howard. New Rochelle, April 30. 1888. Mr. and Min. T. Laubengayer of Scio township lost their Iit'le eight-months old child yesterday, by lung fever. OCR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or winte, not exceedlng three Unes, can be inserted thr 3e weeks for 25 cents. ANY LADY going to central New York this week or uext, can have her fare paid by doing an errand. Address Carrier 3, City. WANTE1- To engage, at once, for the coming . school year. unlurnlshed rooms on the first floor, suitable lor light housekeeping. Address, y O. Box 1013. T7ANTED- Lady and Gentlemen canvassers T t for the Electrical Enamel Co., 16 Detroit-sÚ WANTED AT ONCE-A legally qualified Lady Teacher tnat holds a Certiüoate for Washt naw Ckx Cali or address George Bell, Birkett, M. WA STED- General nursing to do in the eityi. country, or at hospitsls. (Jood referenceí given. Mrs. E. L. Mcott, 16 N. Thayer-st. J WANTED IMMEPIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid irons. ant fiiop. vana every weet. f. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf tORRENT- A Modern House with Furnece. Gas and Water aceommoriation, in admirable location. For particlars apply at 21 North University avenue. FOR RENT- A Suite of Rooms in the Hamilton Block. Suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Cor. of Hjron and Fourth-sts. TO RENT- for a year, beginning July 15, lo a email family, the rlrst Hoor of house, 74 Washingtonst. 81x rooms. rpOLOAN,- Í600.00 on firat mortgage. Enquire .1 at 36 8. State-st. T. A. Dunn. LOST.- In the the M. E. ehurch, or between the church and corner of 4th and Paekard-6ts, an Agato pin with gold setting. Please return to thls office and receive reward. EGQS FOK HATCHING, the balance of the season for 5(H3 per setting. Wyandottes, Sangshans, Plymouth Hoeks, Partrldge Coacbins and Houdans. These are no scrubs. hut fowls that took premiums at Chelsea and Ann Arbor fairs last fall. Address P. Rieder, üexter. Mich. MRS. C. H. JONES and Miss Gibney are prepared to do tirst-dass dressmaking, at 64 South State-st. MRS. RENT8CHLER wil] give every purchaser of I 1.00 worth of Koods, a ticket on 12 anieles to be raffled off In August. Come and see thcm. TO RENT- Neat Cottage, 7 rooms; best convenlences ; ready by June 20. Enquire of B. Moant at 66 E. Uulverslty Ave.,south of IWILL SELL OR EXCHANGE- for city or farm property, 160 acres ol land in central Dakota, two miles from rallroad junction. Has 15 acres uuder cultivatiou ; 5 acres of tree ; 10 acre best hay land. Address A., Register office, Ann Arbor, Mich. I7"OR 8ALE- One House, price. ÏHOO; One New V House, K 0; Olie Vacant Lot, one third down. Inqulre 90 WasMngton-st., 9. D. Allen. I70R SALE- Building Lots, frotitlog west side F Manu st. Extra view; Sizea to suit; long time for payments. J. ü. Duncan, 76 M 11 Ier Ave. I?OR SALK- or will txehange for small farm, F the building known as Agrlcultural Hall.oceupied byTubn Fiuuegan. Apply to rt. M. Taber. P'OR SALE OR ÏR ADE -Span of Black Work Mares Weight, Twelve Hundred. lncjuireat Green's Live y. IOR SALE.- Seed corn, yellow and white dent, r very nice. Siati-st, '2 miles south of ciiy. Wm. Osius. hOK SALE - A safe, nearly new, with modern improvements, weight 1300 lbs. Can be seen at 48 üuuth 4th-t. LOR SALE- A very desirable vacant lot on S. P Main-bt, opposite Philip Baeh s. Mc. H. Mogk. TTOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesid ence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west 01 City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 86 South 5th St. S. A. Henion. 656-t f. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued froin 81 ooo to S6,000 and coiitHiiilng from onefifth of an acre to twenty acres - ali in the city limita. Houses rented on reasonable term in central localities. Farms exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSIONS, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Agent Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. TO FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have around at any time. Will sell lt cheap. Register OrncE. LOANING- Money to loan on flrut clan reai eatate mortgages at curren t ratea of Interest iatlafactory arrangementa made with capltalliüi lesiring such lnvpstment. Every conveyance 4nd transactton in abstracts of titles carefully eximlned aa to legal effect. Zlna P. King. Ann Arbor Mich. tf.


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Ann Arbor Register