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A DUtiiiguished Clergyuian'a Tcstiraony. Eev. E. M. Pickens, President of the Hetliodist Protestant Church of South Carolina, writcs f rom Greor.ville: "About four y para ago I was attacked with what the physiciana pronounced neuralgie rheumatism, accompanied with erysipelas. My Hppetite failed me entirely, and I had au intermitting pulse nnd very irregular pulsations of the heart. A terrible p:nu stKiTi cune into my chest and hooiden, and I becüme no heipless that I could'attend to no business ft t all. The pain were movable, and would sometimea pass from une part of my body to another. l'inally the erysipelas broke out on my left hand and arm, and produced much welling. I wus íor eighteen months afflicted in this way, and of course used a great many kinds oí medicines, but nothinggare me relief Friends finally persoaded ma to try Swift s Bpeeino I notioed adt-'cided improvement while taking the first bottle. I continued its use until I had taken about one dozen bottles, when I f und myself eound and well again, with no sign of disease left except a stiffness in my hand, a result of the erysipeias. While taking the medicine I gained on an avfrage two paunds of flesh per week. I think S. S. S. a valuable medicine, and I frequently renommend it to my friends." Write to the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga., for a Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free to anyone." Hcp is a light diet but very stimulating. - Balzac. "T-C rv would enjoy your dinner J j andarepreventedbyDyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a rxteitive cure for JDyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and C'onstipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. John Moore. Druggist. Aa Ohio man he pa'ented a revniving hall tree with tw?lve pes in it, and the man who comes home drunk een probably manage to hit one of them with his hat. Iihe Greatest Blood PuriferU KNOWN. # I Tliis Grcat Germán Medicine i.-tlie#, III tïheapest and best. 138 doses of SVIj-m 3 II PIIUlLBITTEi:sfor1.00,lessthan# J I one cent a tlose. It will cure the Q worst cases of ekïn dibease, froni jn a common pimple on the t:eew Jf Illto that awful dfsease Scrofula. fii IjSULPIIUR BIÏTEKS is the# Ilbe8t meilicina to use In &iW III cases of such stubborn and#yollr Kid I aeep seated diseases. Do#ncvsnrcout UI not ever take Mof order. I" se Ui BLUE PILLS JgUfiP''SQ ITI or moreury, they are deadí" i trSrii tío Wl II 17. Place TOOT trust ln#i,lJt?r 'kltaUsl I SULI! IU R BITTK KS, #"?"" w ""' alU II the purest and best#yu'Uoe H medicine ever made. ïïfahn Bit'eiS 1 1 M withayellowstïckyDon't wait nntil yonM Isubstance? Isyour#are únanle to walk, or It] breath foul anü#areilat on your liiik,l offensive? Your#but get some at onco, ltl stomach is out#wlll cure you. Sulpliurlll of order. Use#Bittei-s Is _ SÜB'iTTKRS#Tle Inralid's Friend. S Simnieiliatelyirrheyoung.theagerinnil tot-_S III I your l 'r-#teiïng are eoon made well by III III Ine thick,its use. Rememlier what you III III ropy, clo-#read here, t may eave your Hl uüy, orWu it has pavea hnndrals. l &. Dou't walt until to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-day! Q 15" m Are you low-splrited aml weak III mor suffcVinsr from the excesses "fl South? It Sa, 8ULPHDB BlTXEItó II will cure you. Send :i '2-oent stampa to . 1'. Ordway Co., Boston, Mass., for beat medical work puUiisheu? VlinilHMf AHhas revolutionlzed the workdurÏBÏÏPWTÏflH'" tbe last half century. Not aai liill aaUtlleast among the wondere of ini ■■■ ■■■"veutive progress is a method and Fystem of work that can De performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; eithersex. younRorold; no special ability required. Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut this out aod return to us and we wlll send you free, something of great value and importance to you. ïhat will start you in business, which will brlng you in more money right away than anythingelse in the world. Grandoutfitfree. Addreas True & Co., Augusta. Maine. ÍÍE CRSAM of all BOOSS of ADVEKTUAE Oondeneed into One Volume. PIONEER . DARING HÉROES ] m DEEDS. The thrilling ad ven tures of all the nero exÍlorers and frontier flghters with Indians. outaws and wild beasti, over our whole courtry. from the earliest times to the present. Lives ud famous exploits of DeSoto, La'alle, Standish, Boone, Kenton. Brady. Crockett. Bowie. Houston. Carson. Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill, Bufl'alo Bill, Generáis Miles and Crook. great Indian Chlefs, and scores of others. Splomlidiy II. lústrate! with 2Q0 fine engraving. ACBHTS WA5ÍTED. Low-priced, and beats anything to sell. Time for payments allowed Agents short of funds. PLANET PUB. CO., Box 6S81. St. Loei?, Mo. EBERBACÏÏ & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Druqs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticIes.Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnlshing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc., with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Eeagents, etc. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at allhours. LUMBER LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building: cali at FERDON Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbei and !?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS íí; ve us cali mik! we III tiinke it o .vonr Interest, as onr ljir:o and well trralel lurk (Ulij - siisiaius tir aasertion. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J.KKECM.SnlX. BINSBY & SEABOLT ISTS. S JL2STJD 8 "Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of eve:y thinglnthe GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Articlee bought for Cash and can aell atlow figures. Our frequent large invoicea ol Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week.alway fresh and good. Our bakery mms out the very best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 1 PAINT rJ UT mttic OOIT Jfc tO"9 OI.fOAT BrCGY Pr(T -S Í Piuit Friday, run t toChurch Sunday. Eight i=ï SE Fathienable Shade: Black, M.noon. Vennilion „ _3 "" l;lue, Yellow, Olive Lake, Brewsu-r and Wagon a =a 05 Graens, No VaimiMiur necosary. Dries hard v Hlth a"bhine." One Coat and job is done, o S YOUR BUGGY fi w Tip top fcr Chairs, Lawn Scats, Sash. Flower S =5} ?7. Puts, llaby CanUges. Curtain Poles, Furniturc, L „o UJ Kront Doors, STore fronts. Screen Doors, Eoats, s,= Man'les, lron Fenccs. jn fact everything. Just "g ■"" the thinj; for the Jadíes to use about tiie house „ Ë FOR ONE DOLLAR j COITSHONESTll CÖ Are you coing to Faint this yearf If so, don't 3 2 á JT buy a palnt conlaining water or btnzine whcn j J y ■ for the samenicncy(orncarlyso) you ca procure „"t3 ■ í O1T fl1 I'l KK PAINT that Is wrrntrd to J; g ■■■ bcan IIOMST. (.KMI Mi MNSKED-OIL 1'AINT g and ftee frum waierand benzine. Dpmand thln u m o _ brand and Uk o olher. Merthants tiandlinff g g g L■7 it are our arents ;nd aulhorizcd byus,in writinti, 5 3 to amiitil lo 5 ÏKAItS with S l'OATS or L2 r S YKAH8 with 2 COAT8. Our Shades are the g e 3 ' Latest ftvles ud in the East now becommg g LU so poDuktr in l'ie West, and up with the times o?? r Try this brand of HOMiST PA1XT and you will _.3 U never regret it This to the wise ís sufficlent „u o g HOUSE PAINT fel Í COIT'S FLOOR PAINTËii L1 Paint that never dried beyond the stïcky point, SC aapp ñttC a we ■;. Ppoil the job, and then sweart f "" ■■ Next time c.ili f ' r KUT tt (O'h rlXH)R PAINT ._ 2 imputar aixi suitable shades, vrarrmai rd to dry }w ■h hard a a rock uer nigbt. No Uoublc No g 3W0NT DRY STICKYJS


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