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Politics Booming

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BUST POLITII [AKS. Twenïon, N. J., May 10.- The Rcímllfiflan State convention met Wednesday. Senator John J. (i. Gardner, of Atlantic Coun■ ty, was made temporary chairtnan, and John G. Fostci-, of Essex, secretary. For delegates at-largé, Benator Sewell, ex-Congressman Bnwcr. (. A. Halsey and Senator Grigge were chosen. A strong protective platform, which also lidorsed the action of the Legislature in passing tlie high licenso and local option laws, was adoptad. The delégate to Chicago were Instructed to support William WalterPhelps for Presidei Zank- ii.i.i:. .. May 10.- Congressman Beriah "Wilkins wasdefeated tor renomination by the Democratie convention of this (the Sixteenth) district Wednesday. Captain J. B. Owens, of Newark, was chosen. Cixcixxati, May 10.- The Eighth Ohio district Demócrata nominatefl A. R. Bolin, oí this city. for Congrega by acclamatlon Wednesda.v. Wichita. Kan., May 10.- The Republican Btate convention to nomínate delegates to Chicajro was held here Wednesday. Resolutions indorsing Plumb and Ingalls were adopted and Messrs. Strong. Osborne, Hallowell and Griffin were seleeted as delegates to Chicago. The sentiment of the convention was deeidedly in favor oí Blaine. Montgomf.hy, Ala.. May 10.- The Democratie State convention Wednesday nominated a full State ticket headed by Governor Seay, who was renominated by ac clamation. Montpkp.ikh, Vt., May 12.- The Democratie convention on Thursday nominated a full State ticket, headed by S. C. Schutliff, of Montpelier, for Governor. These delegates-at-lartre to the St. Louis convention were chosed. Hun. V. H. H. Bingham, of Hyde Park: J. D. Hanrahan, of Rutland; J.H. Senter, of Montpelier; Martin Goddard, of Ludlow. District delegatee wero also choscii, as well as Presitlontml electors. The platform urges the re-election of President Cleveland. Grand IUi-ins, Mich. . May 11.- The Demoerats met in this city yesterday and those J. M. WestDi!. Gorge L. Yaple, M. H. Chamberlain and Peter White as delegates-at lariio to the National convention. The resolutions indorae the ■■ dmintstration of President Cleveland and hia tariff policy. and favor lus renomination. Baltimore, Md., May 11.- The Demoerats convened in this city yesterday and olected A. P. Gorman. Garmon H. Hunt. L. V. Baufrhman and John B. Brown as delegates-at-large to the St. Louis convention. The platform indorses the President'a Administration and instructs the delegates to cast their vetes solidly for his renomination. NaSHVILLE, Tenn., May 11.- The Demofrats met in this city yesterday and seleeted delepates-at-larpe to the St. Louis convention as follows: A. M. Looney, John R. Qodwin, H. H. Ingersoll and John C. Brown. The ]latform indorses President Cleveland' B Administration and favors his renomination. Branhon. Vt.. May 11.- The Demoerats of the First District have nominated Ozro Meacham for Congress. Whiti: Rivkr Junctiox, Vt.. May 11.- In the Second District the Demoerats yesterday nominated George W. Smith for Congress. UrPEii Saxdvsky, O., May 11.- The Democrats of this (the Fiftln district have renominated George E. Beney lor Conpress. Namivii.i.k. Tcnn., May 11.- In the First district thfe Republicana have nominated Alfred . Tayloi' for Conpvc-s. Albany, N. Y.. May 12.- The Legislatura adjourned sint die yesterday, St. Paul, Mimi., May 15.- Nearly all the counties in the State have elected delegates to the Republioan State convention. Oía total of 2T8 delégales Qresham is the choice of 100. Blaine oí SS. Bherman of 5, Depewof 1 and SU are non-committal. This summary does luit include the delepations from the twin olties, which the Blaine men claim. Hastixgs, Neb., May 1.6 James Laird was renominated forCongress 'n. iheRepublicanB ol l lir Seeond disi riel j esterday, and George W. E. Dorsej was renominated in the Third district. Kkoxville, Tena., May 16. - The Republicana oi the Seeond district ""nominated L. C. Houck for Congreas yesterday. Sedai.ia. Mo., May 15. - In convention yesterday the Slxtta district Bepublioans nominated J. B. Dpton for Congrega. New York, May Ui. - The Uemoerats held their State convention in this city yesterday and seleoted as dclrpates-atlarge to St. Louis: Alfrod ('. Chapín, of Brooklyn; Edwin Cooper, ol New York;' George C. Rains. of Rodtester; Hoswcll P. Flower, of New York. The resolutions dcrlare for tariff reform on the basis of the Presidenfs annual messafre. and instruct for the renomintttion of President Cleveland. Sedalia, Mo., May 10.- The Republicans met in this city yesterday and ohose the follovrinp delegates-aHarge to the National convention: Chaunoey I. Filley, Conpressman William Warner. Colonel D. P. Dyer and Joseph Pelham. Nasbvili.k, Tenn., May Afler a fiveday's session the Democrite yesterday remominated Robert L. Taylor for Governor. SPRixi.riKi.n, 111.. May li',._Miss Francés E. Wlllard, James Lamont, Hale Johnson and J. B. Hobbs were ohosen delegates-atlarge to the National convention by the Prohibitionists in session in this city yesterday. A Baton Roige, La., May 10.- The Legislature convened yesterday. Two United State's Senators will bc elected during the session. Santa Fe, N. M., May 16.- The Republican convontion was held in thiscity j-esterday, and John J. Francisco ('havez and Thomas B. Caton were ehosen as dolegatcs to Chicago. The.v wcrc uninstructed, Wixnemkca, New, May ir,.- The Republicansmet hercyesionlay and solcctcd M. D. Folc.v, Evan Williams. 1,. Hamilton, W. E. Sharon, William M. Btewart and John P. Jones as delegates 1 the National convention. Pueblo, Col., May 16,- The Repúblicas Bta4c convention held here csu'iday gelected H. H. Woleott, William A. HamilL J. W. Winprate, C. N. Donaldson, John H. Hendcrson and Irving Howbert as dclcgates to the National convention. They o uninstructed. Omaha. Neb., May ]&- The RepublioBM convenod iu tliib oi1 y yesterday and solected asdclcgatos-at-large to the National convention John M. Thurston. Patrlek Egan, Georgc W, Helst and R. A. Norval. The delegates are uniastructed, but favor Blainc. Joi.ikt. 111., May IC. -The República of the Eighth district yesterday nominated Captain Charles A. Hill. of Joliet for Concfress. Dattox, u., hay 16.- The Domocrati 0 the ïhird district yesterday nominated Gcorge W. Houk for Gongrees. Cambridge, o.. May 16.- Joseph H. Taylor were ronominated forCongress by tho Srvcnteentli district Republicana yesterday. Das Moixes, Ia., May ir,. The National convention of tho Equal RightB party, In on in this city yesterday, nominated Belva A. Lockwood. of Washington, for President, and Alfred II. Love, of Philadelphia, for Vioc-Presidcnt.


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