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I Clara, how is the bab}? Oh, he is as 'hirpas a ark. Tbat Hibbard's Tliront arv.l L'iQg B,.lttin ís tri ;it remedy. Thrre (Uses relit-veil bis eufTering, and he wss ready for play. The three W's is inv maxutii : olenty of Werk, plpnty o: Wittles, and plen'y ol Wftges. - Thackerav. The Rev. Dr. Howard, rector f Bt. George's Church. fouthwark England, was always ín arrears with his tradesmen.andwasoíten përplexed hwo to keep thein in good Umper. He one day took for his text. 'Have patienee, and I will pay you all " After dilatinK lor some time on the virtues of patience, he e-aid : '"And now I am come lo the second part of my discourse, which is 'aud I will pay you all' but tuatl will de'er to a future opportuTiity." "Pomcroy's Petroline Foroused Piasters" pay at once, for they at once alleviate the pain of Rheinnatism, and after a short time effect a cure. All druggists keep them or will get them, but don't pay more than 25 cents for them For Sale by H. J. tírown, District Agent for Ann A.rbor. Mr. Staples of WiUard1 Hotel, Waíhi'ig n. has donated -00 gallons ■ f sou ■ to th poor it district on oiders ot the pólice. "TV jvv trifle with any Tiiroat or AJ" Lung Disease. If you have ft Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Crou p or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positive cure, and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c John Moorf, Drupgist. Dr. Yow. oí the Crimese legation, rides a hule yt-llow pony with its tail jo.keii atid is luane cu Bbort. We esoecially invite the attniioD of mrh-rs and dimghters to page 9, of our medica! piinphlet ÜHKÜMATIC SYRtr Co .I.ick-on. Mich. Wurii by wi'id b :g booKs are made. - FreiH'h Prove' b. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Fina of ('OLLIN'S & AM-DKN" is doing busicess alone at the Oíd Stand, NO. 33 BASi1 EU.sON STREET, Where he will be pleased to r ceive calis froni all oíd cutouiers and many u-w oiu as want l'KC".l. HAI.KI) ÏIAY A1) M'KAH. :AI. AXI WOOn. He nry Richards, ,so tt KTitorr bt. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENOE PO3TS, etc, also all kinds of STONE m CORD WOOD I am a'.so Agi nt for the celebratcd :imm imm m kcwers, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tbe Same. rÜqLADIES-FOR YOU! & Save 15 top covers from Safe i kÍÍIÍÍÍSÍEEet " " L'"s! I'fll kiigos with labels MfltrSijinrjfTCml thereon : cut cfï'the rims and BfBWgT mail covers to us, together SI w7 ï( m m with tfü 2 cent btamps and Hk IJffi Bot we w send yon proinptly a SkiJpIS'WStí.í.JS'í conv of Warner's Safe Cook iilflWH' '-' 7'íS1 Bopk. comainine; 5 d paees of i, ,, .it Valuable llutisehold Recelpts. ■. ' l Warner's SaTe Yeast '?Jhti ls cuaranteei to he au absoíS'T;SSwíi lulely i'ure Hry Hop YeaH. HMnn9lfl ;1::1 !'Mii (nade with it will tÍIS'wv temaln m.iist and sweet for '■ SSB.fcltjtJ LF$s B6Knre and insbt upon getVtQÍ11'1,1.''1""','!? tlng Warner's Safe Yeast, the üBïïnTwr'JlBi friceof which is nut more -han il'i'.iUi the cheftpand impure Yeasts with which the market is Sooded. Address. IIimIiisIit. . Y. WARNER'S SaPE YE&ST CO. S0ME DOCTORS honestly admit that they can't cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Others say they can but- don't. Ath-lopho-roa says nothing but - cures. That's the secret ol' its succes;. Years of trial have proved it to be a quick, safe, sure cure. Coucora, N. H Sopt. 3, 1887 In my own family Athlonhoros was uscd as a last resort, the user naving suffeml from rheumatism for years and haviuK been treated for the disease by different physicians in this State and Ma6sa'huBetts without even tfmporary relief. TTpon my recommendation scores of p). pie havt1 ueed this remedy with the same resulta clainied for it C. H. Wiuson. Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 3, 1888. Athlophoros has comiiletely cured me of nervous hfadache, and I feel thankful for all the good it ba done me, Mre. Louike Chebbt. 99" Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." v THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si. M.ï. B Pisos Remebv fob Catarbh I I gives immediate relief. Catarrhal I I virus is soon expelled from the sysI I tem, and the diseased actiou of tbe I I mucous membrane is replaced by I I healthy secretions. The dose is smalt One paekage I I containfl a suflöcient quantity for a I I long treatment. A Cold in the Head is rclieved by I I an application of Piso's remedy for I I Catarrh. The comfort to be got I from it in this way is worth many I I times its cost. Easy and pleasant to use. Price, 50 cents. Sold by druggists I I or sent by mail. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. I I HERMAJESTY'S CORSET BETTER than any other made n EUROPEor AMERICA, PRINGESS OF WALES GO., N. Y„ MF'RS. Keptin stoek nnd recomincndocl by MliiS MAUY f. MII.EY. HAVE VOl'K DINOIMQ DONE AT THE BEGISTEB OFFICE. Fob sick üHüd.iclie, HihWd's Rheumaiic Syrup s miraculoug in ïtscti'es, regulatini; 10 hi-althy condittoii ihn storoacl) ai.d dtgtrhCive orpaii.. A gnoá lame i belter than a g 0'i face. - Ane rnt Proveí li. - rP Kvtiy sufferer is carnesily requeeted tu try it ainl they will ackiw w!edge it to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE For a Wrak Sf ninarh. Impaireri Digestión aml :ill DlHordem I tlio Livor. Itactslike mngic. and n few d sos will be found to work wonders apon Ule mokt important organs of tbe human machine. "I liave used Simrao ;s Llver R.gulatui many yuars and ca i conscienli uslymy it is the Kinsr o all Li ver Rt-meüies. I coiw-idcr it a meillcl"e eheM in itsel'." J. H. i., ,i:i..m:ii. Suffulk. Va. lljq? B&YftA% ope and ■V sjo.t Axcerica. fifi'' irSKi BOld last M LVv they are JyVNDNKwV the best ÍF MLWm fitting ral':''uL iTiwn most com liiiförMïi'' i)fFlilTnmost(iur jMfAiJ jfrikC 'y'JiÊÊ Bc!leaPest HcorsetevrMMMtMwfcMratM HBer mads. Avoici worthless imitations. Coraüne is uaed in no Corsets except ttiose made by us. None are genuino unleea Dr. WARNER'S CORADME is printed on inside of steel cover. Por sale by L.11 leading merchants. WARNER BR0S,L57H2fc9Asst" J. A. WINER, Manager. Who is WK K. XFRTOrS. DEBIMTATE1). who in his FOLLY and IGXORA.(K has TBIFLED away his VlfciOK of BODY, MISíD and M AXIIOOD,causir.g exhausting drains upon the rOBIÏTAINS of LIFE, BE1DACHE.BACKACHE, Dreadful Dreams, WKAKXKSS of Memory, BASKFütNESSin SOCIETY, PIMPE.ESupon the UACE, and all the EFFECTS leading to EARXY DEGAY and perhaps COSSIIMPTIOJí or I XSA NIT Y, shoulá consult at once the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke, Established 1851. Dr. Clarke has made SíF.RVOV.S IKBII.ITY, CHRONIC and all Diseases of the ÉXITO I RIXARY Organs a Life Study. It makes NO difference WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. JKÏ-FEM AL ESsufferingfrom diseases peculiar to their sex can consult with the assurance of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. JW-Send 4 cents postage for Celcbrated Works on Cbronic, Nervons and Delicate Diseases. Consultation, personally or by letter, freo. Consult the oíd Doctor. Thoiisands enred. Offices and purlors private. O-Those contemplating Jlarriage send for Dr. ('Inrke's celebrated guiile Male and Female, each 15c, both 25c. (stamps). Before confláing your case, consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and shame. and add golden years to Ufe. as-Book " Life's (Secret) Errors," 50c. (stamps). Medicine and writings sent everywnere, secure from exposnre. Hours, 8 to 8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, P. D. CLARKE, M. D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Mieh. agehts i ientirely wanted!san1itew book T&e ni"i WMUderiiillj' í'timplvte collecüoa of tbe alMoltiiel,v ii#fiil mid pmriu-iii which híis evtír bveu pubhed m nny nation on ihe globe A iiiarvn! of 'vcr,vla,v valué and actUftl i no ■!, cariiiiiu tiiul intn'.y-sa viny: to every poshuor. Hu cirvduuuu hundreds of beautifu) htiH iioifii engrjYinsF, les estraordinary nw prlce beyoui cnrapetltton. Nath'nj? In tlio whole hihtory of x)e book trfule like it. Beleci Kftmethiiig .í' ."'l valuó tn the people, and mlt-s are Mire. Acento looking f--r a new and flrnt'Clai book, wcite loi tull description rihI tenas. iWidays' lime plveu Agent without capital. M'AMMtl.L tv CX)., Box, 8971. 6T. LOUIS, MO. Health is Weaíth"! Dr. E. C'. Wrst's Nervb and Bbain TreatMENT. a enaranteed speottlc for Hysteria, Dizziness. Convnlsions. Fit. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration taused by the use of füeohol or tobáceo. Wakeiulness, Mental Depression. Softening of the Brain resuliing in in►anity and ieadiiif; to mis ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age. Barreimess, Loss of power iu eithcr sex, Involuntary Li sses and Spermatorrha-a caused by over-exertion cf Ihe brain. selfabuse or over-indulgenoe. Fnch box eontains one month's treaimeiit, J1.00 a box or siz boxes fer í i.OO, Pent by mail prcpald on receipt of price. WE OriKAXI'KE SIX BO.Xr.S To cure any case. With each order reoeived by us fur six boxes, ai'companied with Si.fK), we wifl seud the puichaser our wriuen guarantee to refund the mouey if the treattneut does not effect acure. Guáranteos issued only by KBERBACH & SON', lruggists. Solé Agts.. Ánii Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! We will pay tbe above reward for aiiy case of liver complalnt, dyepepsla, slok headuche, ndgestion. constipation or constiveness we caunot cure with West's Vegetable I.icer Pilis, when the direitions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaotion. l.arge boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 2í('. For sale bv all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The germine mamifactured only by JOHX C. WEST & C'O., 862 W Madison-st .Chicago, 111. TttñflT W H'WB'ded are those whn road this H H ■Yand then ; they wiU fiuJ honorable tliaMM jeniDloyment that will not take them from their homes and families. The proflts are latge and BUre for every industrious person.manv have made andaré now making several hnndre1 dollara a inonth. it is easy for any one to make $5 and pwards per day, who is willing to work. Either sex, young or oíd ; capital not neciied ; we start you. Everythini; new. No special abil ty rquired; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us at once for full particular, which we mail free. Address itinson & ('o., Portland, Mair.e. 1S5JVICHIGAN (iOIKfí EAST. as af WS I. STATIONS. 03 32 ! LH M 3 &S -i í a os 25 o a A. M. A. M. P. M A. M P. M. P. M. Chicago.Lv 6 00 9 00 3 101 1O 50 9 10 Kalamazoo 10 22 1 35; 6 58! 7 10 4 06 2 27 BaitleCreek 11 15 2 151 7 33 7 65 4 57 8 18 Jackson 1 20 4 15; 8 49 9 35 6 35 4 50 Chelsea : 2 01 _ 10 12 7 28 5 35 Dexter 2 17 10 24 7 45 5 50 Delhi Mills. 2 32 7 55 , Aun Arbor : 2 43 5 30! 9 4110 40 8 08 6 08 Ypsilanti ,3 00 5 45 9 53 10 53 8 25 6 24 Wayne Jun 8 25 6 05 Ill 11 8 48 6 47 Detroit 4 10 6 45 10 45 11 50 9 30 7 30 Niaeara Falls 2 51 5 31! 4 15 7 20 Buffalo i 3 35 6 Ib, 6 25 4 55 8 05 !p. m a. m. a. mJp. m. p.m. p. m. goiho west. STATIONS. M g. 'g-H Sm" ,, . W JW H 3fH jgW I & 3 ?1J I 'I _S o a -a a „ , P. M. A. M. A. M A. M. P. M. Buftalo 1130 5 36 6 05 9 00 100 A. M. XiagaraFalls ' 12 15 6 2' 145 A. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. Detroit. Lv 7 30 9 10 I 20 4 00 8 00 10 15 Wayne Jim... ....... I 8 11 9 53 1 51 4 46 8 38 10 55 Ypsilanti j 8 33 10 17 2 12 5 12 9 00 11 18 Ann Arbor I 8 50 10 40 2 24 5 30 9 15 1135 Delhi Mills 9 00 5 42 Dexter 9 08 550 9 44 Chelsea i 9 22 6 05 10 00 .. Jackson 10 13 1145 3 27 7 10 10 55 12 54 BattleCreek 12 09 123 4 38 8 52 12 27 2 23 Kalamazoo ,12 50 2 04 5 15 9 46 120 8 07 Chicago, Ar 6 10 6 40 9 30 10 20 7 00 7 45 ;P M.iP. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor 4 NorTÍMicMgaíf? Time Table going into effect Sunday, Oct. 9, '67. GoingNorth. i üotng Southf o STATIONS. pík Pvm'i. Standard Time. mÍ. Pi, P. K. P. M. A. M. LVE] [ARR A. M. p7Í7 P 3 lo 6 -ib 5 15 Toledo ! 9 00 1 10 8 42 i 06 7 51 6 02Monroe Junet'n; 8 1012 31 7 51 4 121 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 0312 24 7 40 4 35 8 35 6 88 Milán 7 45')2 01 7 20 4 53! 9 05 7 00 Pittsfield 7 2611 43 7 10 5 10! 9 25 7 15 ..Aun Arbor... 7 15 11 30 6 50 5 30 9 50; 7 33 Leland's 1 6 30 11 U 6 SO 5 45 p. m. 7 46 Whitmore LakeA. M. 11 00' 6 16 5 52 7 58 Hambur ! 10 55 6 10 8 28 8 3(1 Howol' 10 20 5 33 7 2(1 9 30 Durand ■ 9 30 4 36 7-16 9 55; Corunua 9 08 4 15 7 55, 10 011 Owosso ! 9 00 4 08 'J 15 1116 Ithaca ! 7 46 2 46 8 88 1185 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41; 11 4l Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 80i...Mt. Pleasaut 6 30 1 80 P. M.; 'r-M.I A. M. P. M. Trams leave Aun Arbiir at 7:15 a. m., make direct connection at Asbley for Muakegon, and intermedíate points betweeii, such as Greenville Carson City, etc. AU passenger trains run daily except Smiday. Connecuons at Toledo witti rallroadsdiTerglrr, At Manhattan Juncüon with Wheeling & LakeBRa P-. S. At Alexis Junctiop witb M. C R R L. 8 K'y and F. & P. M R R A' Monroe Jnnctloii wun L. 8. ib. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 4 M. S.. and M. O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t L. i F. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. 8. & M. 8. RW. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., uno at South Lyon with Detroit, Iansing and North' era R.R., andO. T. Ry. H. W ASHLKY. W. H.8KNNKTT, íuperintendeui. Gen. Passenger Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, eaginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT OP THJï uüNDITION OF THE Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 2d, A. D. 1888, MADE in Accordanoe with Nections 18,10 and K7of the Oeiieml Banking Uw att Anicuiled in 1S71. RESOURCES. Loansand Discounts 8 264,369 41 Bouds and Mortgagee 203 359 18 Overdrafts 149 89 Furmture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Die from National and State Banks.... 101,330 80 Osh ou hand 34,699 16 $ 605,839 32 LIABIUTIES. Capita! Stock $ 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50.000 00 Profil and Loss 30 612 06 Jan. Dividend 2,735 00 Uue Depositors 472,492 26 S 605,839 32 I do soleronly swear that the aboye statementlf true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISeOCK, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of Jan., 1888. L. GRUNER, Notary Public, It is Generally conceded by physicians that the epring truss is the best known instrument forretaininjf hernia, iving a uniform pressure and conforming to the various positions of the body. Ttiey are clean, comfortable and durable. Oar stock is large, embracing all the leadin? inakes. We guaraatee satisfaction. niHiic Rharpe llalr Clipper No. 1 83.5 : Puntare 15c. Browneit Nliarpe Horso ('llpper No.a 3.00 ; Postage 200. M ANN BRO'8, Drutatists, Ann Arbor. TUIC nADCD""!1"1;'"1'1'"1"1'-'?'!" I nlO HAl tllatho Newspaper Aavcrlü!ï tBLSSSttsliwAgem-y of Messra. N. W. AVER SON. out authorized agenta. ÍQ0LD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKERS JretttCocoa. W Warranted ctbsolutely pure Cocon, from which theexceasof OH has been remorad. It has three Umea the slrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot orSugar, and ia thereforo far more economical, costing lesa than one cent a cup. It ia dclicioua, nourishlng, etrengthening, easily digeeted, and admirably adapted for invalida aa well aa for persona In health. Sold by Crocer8 et crywhere. W. BAKER & C0„ Dorchester Mass,


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Ann Arbor Register