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OtR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertlsements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wunts, not exceediug three Unes, can be inserted thr 3O weeks for 89 cents. CB. HENION'S Cottage of nirie roomS on No 8 Thompson-st will be for rent if not sold thia month of June. STRAYED- From Holmes' Livery Stable, Ann Arbor, a light-bay Mustang pony, black mane and tail. Brand, G. R. c. Notify A. H. Holmes Ann Arbor A CHANCE to make money- The place known Ais the Henriques' Homestead, córner División and Bowery-sts, is for sale very cheap. Land enough for two more dwellings. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions, Real Estáte and Insurance Agent, No. 5. North Statest. ______ A CAR LOAD of Berry Baskets just received W. S. Banfleld, comer of 4th-st and Depot-st, Ann Arbor. MRS. B. F. BOYLAN is at 13 N. 5th-st. engaged in Dressmaking. where she would be glad to greet all her oíd customers and many new ones. 'f OST- Last Thursday, a 2000 mile ticket made JLJ out to Comwell Mfg C'o. Lea ve at this ornee aud receive reward. ANY LADY going to central New York this week or next, can have her fare paid by doing au errand. Address Carrier 3, City. W J A NT E D- Lady and Gentlemen canvassers VV for the Electrical Enamel Co., 16 Detroit-st. WANTED AT ONCE- A legally qualified Lady Teacher that holds a Certifícate for Washtenaw Co. Cali or address George Bell, Birkett, M. WASTE D- General nursing to do in the city, country, or at hospital. Good references given. Mrs. E. L. Scott, 16 N. Thayer-st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf ÍX)R RENT- A large two story dwelling house, 1 No. 84 South Main-st. Dated, May 28. 1888. N. W. Cheever. Í?OR RENT- A Modern House with Furnaee, 1 Gas and Water accommodation, in admirable location. For paiticlars apply at 21 North. Uníversity avenue. IAGGS FOR HATCHING, the balance of the sea'j son for 50c per setting. Wyaudottes, Sangslians, Plymouth Rocks, Partridge Coachins and Houdans. These are no scrubs, hut fowls that took premiums at Chelsea aud Aun Arbor fairs last fall. Address P. Rieder, Dexter, Mich. MRS. RENTSCHLER will give every purchaser of $1.00 worth of (joods, a ticket on 12 articles to be raflled off in August. Come and see them. FOR SALE- A large house of fourteen rooms. CHEAP. Near the University. Inquire at comer of Monroe and 12th st. __ TÏ7OULD SELL my Carriage Horse, Pbaeton, VV Top Buggy, Cutter, 2 Harnesses, and new Robes and Wliips, or trade for other property. D. Cramer. FOR SALE- House and lot No. 44 Washingtonst. Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4th-it. 1TOR SALE- Fine Black Horse. 6 years oíd, ' weighs USO ibs., sound, gentle and a very desirable animal. Cause for selling- do not want two horst'S. Address S. H. Clement, 8 S. Main-st. tí"OR SALE- House and Lot, 113 W. Huron-st, 1 Price S1.300. Geo. B. üreening, over Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank. I WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE- for city or farm property, 100 acres of land in central Dakota, two miles from railroad junction. Has 15 acres under cultivation ; 5 acres of tree : 10 acres best hay land. Address A., Register office, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1T"OR SALE- A side bar top buggy, good as new, " for sale cheap, at33 North Fourth-st, Ann Arbor. IOR SALE- A house and lot and & half, 24 . K Liberty-st. Inqulre of Oliver M. Martin. fOR SALE- One House, price, $1400; One New r House, $25(0; One Vacant Lot, onethird down. Inquire 90 Washington-st„ S. D. Allen. frOR SALE- Building Lots, frontiog west side 1 Mann st. Eïtra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 MiUer Ave. ITOR SALE- or will exchange for small farm, f the building known as Agrlcultural Hall.occupied by John Fiuuegan. Apply to a. M. Taber. ÍÍOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesid1 ence, farm of 65 acres, one mile soutli west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 86 South üth St. S. A. Henion. 656-t f. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesand lotsvalued from Í1.000 to 6,000 and contaiuiug from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres- all in the city llmits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged tor city property. "SmONB. 632tí Attorney and Real Estáte Agent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. cTfaRMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have aronnd at any time. Will seil it cheap. Register Office. f OANING- Money to loan on flrst cías real Ld estáte mortgages at current rate of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made with capltalistt lesiring such lnvestment. Every conveyance nd trauaaction in abstracts of titles carefully extmined as to legal effect. Zina P. KIn. Ann Arbor Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register