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A Fact. Among the few popular remedies'.that have suc cessfully withstood the test of a discriminating public, especially sensitive in matters of sucl vital imporlance as those which concern thei daily health, Pomeroy's Piasters rank pre eminent. For over flve yeare this well-known re medy, endorsed with the approval of-the medica professon, has been in general use amongst the people, with steady increasing favor. lts name is indeed becoming a household word. Beware of eounterfeit. Insist on having the genuine article. For Sale py H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. fo Ann Arbor. Small holes in piaster may be easili raended by mixing one part piaster o Paris and three parts fine Band with cok water. BUY IT AND TRY IT. Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. For an ache or a pain Thomas' Eclectrïc OH is excellent.- Chas. F. 274, Schenectady, N. V. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best thingj gotng, pa says. Cured him of rheumatism and me of earache - two drops. - Master Horace Brenizer, Clinton, Iowa Try t for a limp, Try it for a lameness, Try it for a pain, Try it for a strain. From shoulder to anide joint, and for three months, I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what na physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.- John N. Gregg, Supt. of Railway Construction, Niágara Falls. Try it for a scald, Try it for a cut, Try it for a bniise, Try it for a burn. Price 50 ets. and $1.00. FOSTER, MILBÖRïT& CO.,Prop's. BVFFALO, .V. T. Every one who valuei good liealth ghould drink buttermilk every day in warm weather, and let te, coffee and wa ter alone. ËBERBACI & SOÏ DBÜÖGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock o Druqs. Medicines, Ghemicals Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articles.Trusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Phy sicians, Chemlsts, Schools, etc., with Philosoph ical aud Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemi cal Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents etc. Physlcians' Prescriptioas carefully prepared a all hours. LU1IBEB LTJMBER! LÜHBER! If you contémplate building cali e FKRDON mm Corner Pourth and Depot Sta., acr get our figures for all kinds oi LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbei and gruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES WC i ve as a eall nnd we wl 1 1 nmhr 1 1 in vour Interest, as onr lara;e and wel' Kraded stock fully sostainH nr aswer tlon. JAMKS TOLBEBT, Pri T. J. HKECH, Snpt. If ewAdvertisements ON RECEIPT OF PRICE we send by return, res;istered. extra size Cabinet Fhotos lZ of Indian Kaidena, single or groups, in true Western Arizona Indian style. Price, 50 ctseach;three forSl.OO. Address TO1TKIOTS' PHOTO VIEW IEPOT, 413 N. Main St., LOS ANGELES, CAL. L 1 ff tr Lirf A MONTH can be made J) I UU 10 vPOUU working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own faorses and give their whole time to the business. Spare moments may be prcfitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. son di Co., 1009 Main St., Kichmond, Va. TO ADVERTISERS.- Lowest Rates for advettislnKin 1000;ood newspapers sent free. AddressGEO. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St-, N. Y. 9Bs. THE MOST dSËSyjiiS. EFFICIËNT Jj Morning Laxative ■p ■ mi Tarrnnt' iBgtogSP Seltzer Aperient. SSP ani Druggista everywhera SALESMEÑ Pushing, Reliable Men, to Canvass for NURSERY STOCK, Permanent Employment Guaran'eed. Salar y and Ljt.pennes Pald. Apply at once, staüng age. GLEN BROTHERS, (Refer to this paper.) Rochesteb, N. Y.


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