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I lio Grcalest IMscovery. Of the ninteenth century, can truly be said of Papillon (extract of flax) Skin Cure. Thousand8 testify to its wonderful curative powers in spemingly hopeless cases of Eczema, Salt Rheutn, Brysipelas and every kind of skin disease. Mr. O. P. Algier, of Hartford, Ohio, tned everything he heard of or saw recmmended, and suffered five years vrith Eczema, until he found Papillon Skin Cure, which cured him. Large bottlea oniy $1-00, at Eberbach & Sou's Drug Store. A six inch wire gun, weighing less than five tons, burst at proof at the Woolwich arsenal. SfwH trie 'svitl1 any Ttroat or WV)V V Lung Disease. Ifyouhave K Cough or Cold, or the children ara threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure,í and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50o. John Mooke, Druggist. The bodie of the twn of the king of Siam were rec-ntly crpmated at Bangkok, at an expense of more than $250,000. S0ME DOCTORS honestly admit that they can't cure Kheumatism and Neuralgia. Others say they can but-don't. Ath-lopho-ros saya nothing but - cure. That's the secret of its success. Years of trial nave provea it to be a quick, tafe, ture cure. Concord, N. H.. Sept 3, 1887 In my own f amüy AtMophoroe was osea ss a last resort, the user having suffered írom rheiimatism for yeare and haviiiK been treated for the disease by different physicians in thia State and ' Bette without even temporary relief. Upon my recommondation scores of peo. pie have used this remedy with the eame WBults claimed for it. C. H. Wimon. Dubnqne, Iowa, Jan. 3, 1888. Athlophoros has completely cured me of nervous headache, and I f eel thankf ui for all the good it has done me. Mts. Louise Cherb y. Jt3f Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored pioture, " Moorish Maiden." " THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 WallSt Ê. f. Piso's Cure for ConEjl sumption is also the best pa Cough Medicine. Wk ƒ If you have a Cough % 21 without disease of the pil BS Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you neglect this easy means of gl ö sai'ety, the slight Cough KH E3 may become a serious El matter, and several bottles will be required. JrS. & A.1STJD 8 L Washington Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of btwj thtnclTithe GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coífess and Sugars All prime Artlcles bougkt for Cash and can e); atlow figures. Our frequent large Invoiíea v Teas is a sure sign that we give bargalns in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, ai-wj fresh and good. Our bakeiy turn out theveij best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Firm of COLLINS & AMSDEN i doing business alone at the Old Stand, NO. 33 EAST HURON STREET, Where he will be pleased to re ceive calis from all old customers and as rnany new ones as want FEK, BALED HAT AND STRAW, AI. AND WOOD. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LTJMBER, FENOE POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE m CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated 8HAHPIQV BINDERS KB X0WE&: And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tbe Same. HERMAJESTY'S CORSET BETTER than any other made in EUROPE or AMERICA, PRIHCESS OF WALES CO., H. Y., MF'RS. Keptlnatock and recommended br 9I1S8 HART F. Ml LET _- QURES PILES, Bb m w S A L T RH EU M , QCCT5 Relíabue drucgists scll .O" IT ON A PoSITIVC GuAHAHTCC.


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