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The Board Of Regents

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At the meeting of the Board of Regents held Tuesday morning there were present President Angelí, Regents Dr per, Wïlletts, Blair, Field, Whitman, Hebard, Butterfield, and Clark. On recominendation of Albert B. Prescott, director of the chemical laboratory, the following instructora were appointed : Alonzo B. Stevens, Ph. C, instructor in pharmaey, same salary as before; Wm. P. Edwards, dispensng clerk, in the place of Mrs. Kate C. Johnson, who has acted in that capacity for the past ten years, salary $600; Frank (J. Smith, assistant in quantitative anelysis, $250 ; Erwin B. Evrell, Ph. C, assistant, $250. Dr. Ford, dean of the medical faculty, recommended, among others, the name of Dr. Jenks, of Detroit, for the chair of obstétrica and diseases of women and children, aUo that ot Dr. J. N. Martin as assistant to thbt same chair. The resignation of Prof. C. N. Jones and Dr. Geo. A. Hendricks were accepted. Sorce opposition was manifested towards the appointment of Dr. Jenks, and it is not likely that it will be made. W. W. Campbell was appointed to fill the position in the astronomical observatory, made vacant by Prof. Schaeberle oing to the Lick observatory. Mr. Campoell ws professor of mathematica in Boulder college, Col. He is considered a man of talent. He left a fine salary to work in a larger institution on a smaller salary. Tuesday evening, the Regents reíused to adopt the recomniendation of the medical faculty to appoint Dr. Jenks, oL Detroit, as siiocessor to Dr. Duoter. Tlie wo.k will be left Lor the present in the hands of Dr. Martin. The board voted to confer degrees upon the following in the literary department : Bachelor of letters : Carrie Ayres, Fort Smith. Ark; Ida Ayres, Fort Smith, Ark; Cora M. Chapman, Anu Arbor; Frank E. Converse, Owosso, Thomas H. Gale, Oak Park, 111; John H. Greusel, Detroit; Richard Inwood, South Bend, Ind; Alexander C. Kiskadden, Tiffin, O; Fredtrick H. Lee, Brighton; James McBride, Burton; Selby A. Moran, Ann Arbor; Lizzie H. Northrup, Port Huron Carrie L. Paine, Detroit; Clayton A. Read, Richland; Moritz R. Rosenthal, Dixon, 111; Franeis L. Stevenson, Detroit; John E. Stlllwell, Big Rapids; Laura O. Tupper, Bay City. Bachelor of Science in Biology- Marietta L. Knowles, Ottawa, O. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry - John D. Riker, Fenton; Willard C. Sanford, Marengo, II]Fred F. Sharpless, West Chester, Pa; George W. Whyte, Joliet, 111. Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering- Hubert J. Stull, Rochester, N. Y. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering- Albert Burnstine, Detroit; Fred C. Davis, Lansing; John E. Hodge, Beech; James A. Lewis Auburn, Kan; William H. Pease, Kalaniazoo; Willard Pope, Detroit; Percy H. Richardson, Portland, Me; Joseph RuRche, Grand Rápida; Edgar Ryan, Virchen, 111; John W. Shotwell, jr., Ricbmond, Mo: Krnest M. Sprague, Farmington; tbenezer F. Walbridge, Toledo. Bachelor of Science- George A. Brown, Saline; Solomon Eisenstaedt, Chicago, 11!; Charles H. Hatch, Bay City; William A. Hutzel, Ann Arbor; Frank D. MeDonnell, B&y City; Charles O. Townseud, Saline; Chester Wetmore, Allegan; Elmer G. Willyoune, Detroit. Bachelor of I'hilosophy- Larerne Bassett, Ann Arbor; Carrie E. Britton, Ann Arbor; Clarence G. Campbell, West Lebanon, Ind; Luella Chapin Chicago; David K. Cochrane, Manistee; Rossetter G. Cole, Ann Arbor; Louis K. Comstock. Ann Arbor; Rachel E. Dawson, Pontiac; Walter J Hamilton, Cleveland, O; Leverge Knapp, Ouleut, N. Y; Ray D. Lamson, Wlnsor, (..; Morgan M. Mann, Aun Arbor; CharleiT. Miller, Detroit; Fanny T. Mulliken, Detroit; Charles H. Rowell, Bloomington, Dl; Francia M. Sessions, Ann Arbor; Henry F. SShier. East Saginaw; Edwin E. Washburn, Ann Arbor; Henry K. White, Owosso. Bachelor of Arts- May B. Ashley, Ann Arbor; James H. Beazell, Apple Creek. O; John M. Blalr, N. Y; Edward Boyle, Leslie; EdwardE. Brandon, Sedalia, Mo; Gertrude T. Breed, Aun Arbor; Henry H. Brown, Geneseo, 111; Joseph B. Burtt, Jeffersonville, Ind; Harvy S. Bush, Port Elizabeth R. Clark, Lakeville, N. Y; Anson B. Curtís; Charles H. Cushing, Marietta, Ga; Herbert F. DeCou, Detroit; Ellsworth T. Derr, Opp, Pa; John L Duffy, Ann Arbor; Daniel E. Ewald, Cleveland, O; Francis C, Ford, Detroit; Albert E Gebhardt Ann Arbor; Carolin L. Gelston Ann Arbor; Kate H. Gower, New Haven, Conn; William A. Grace, Ann Arbor; Carrie Haigh, Chicago, 111; Preston M HIckey, Detroit; Herman C. W. Hilduer, DetroitAlice M. Hosmer, Chicago; Elmer E Hubbard Hiuckley, 111; Elsie Jones, Ann Arbor; Frank H. Kinney, Cincinnati, O; Emerson D. Kirby, Battle ireek; F. F. Lehmann, Madisouburg, O; Arnien O. Leuschner, Detroit; Lucien H. E. Lowry, Lowelville. O; Robert D. Macleod, Colorado Springs, Col; Martha P. Erwin, Ann Arbor; George E. Millman, Lakeville, N. Y; George R. Mitchell, Hyde 'ark, 111; Frank I. Muir, Detroit: AelisaS. Parker, Norwalk, O; Paul V. Perry, Ann Arbor: Frank G. lain, Aurora, 111; Erastus F. Potter, Tecumseh■"lora M. Potter, Niles; John H. Powell, Bowen III; Harold Remington, Cleveland. O; Edwin S. Shaw, Ypsilanti; Clyde Sloan, Carrollton. 111; Houta B. Smalley, Chicago 111; Reuben S. Smith Grand Rapids; Julia R. Tolman, Chicago; Bert J. os. Grand Rapids; George J. Waggener, Ravena, O; Laura E. Whilley, Coldwater; Bertha H. Wright. Port Huron. Master of Philosophy-Henrietta Bancroft, Mt. Vernon, Ia; Gertrude H. Mason, Bryn Mawr Pa Master of Arts- Fred C. Clark, Earlville 111flyron O. Graves, Wyandotte; Suean R. Harrison, lichmond, Ind; Myra E. Pollard, Chicago, 111; Fred N. Scott, Ann Arbor Doctor of Philosophy- Ludovlc Estes A M., Ann Arbor; Kred M. Taylor, A. M.


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