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l.ndlp H lio Bloat. What s great number there are; how uncomfortable it makes them ; it is almost impossible for those afflicted to enjoy life. In my private practico I have always found Sulphur Bitters to be the best remedy. All who are thus troubled should use it. Mrs. Dr. Childs, Boston. Mrs. Ayer, widow of the pill man is worth $25,000,000. Cathartic. - Hibbard'g Eheumatic Syrup is one of the finest laxatives in the world, moving the bowels effectively as well as mildly, witnout pain, griping or weakneas. United States Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin, is a millioDaire- made so by saw milis and lumber. A Favonte Willi The Fair Sex. Papilion (extract of flux) Skin Cure is superior to all the much advertised skin beautifiers with the sdvantage of being beneficia], and not like the mineral preparatione usualy sold which are very poieonous. It will remove 11 ii.fl immation, chafïng and roughness of the skin, sunburn, frecklea and nnset-mly blotches, and leave the cnticle lair and soft au an infant's. Aa actual necesMíy for the complete toilet tablp. Lartre boules on!y $1.00, for sale by Eberbacii & Sv . Dan Rice, thu olil -rioivman, owní 350,000 acres of lami in Texas aud Naw Mexico. n,rvvv Vp L)V Nights is th VJVXW V OVC compiaint of thousands suffering from Asthina, Con. sumption, Conghs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troublea, sold on e, positive guarantee at 10c., 50c. John Moork, Druggist. To bnshful corregpondeut: The first thing for you to do is to pop the que3tion; ih'second to question the pop. DON'T SCOLD a man for groaning when he has Kheumatismor Neuralgia. The pain is sünply_ awful. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than mese twin diseases. But - oughtn't a man to be blamed Uj having Kheumatism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronouuced them incurable. "The sldll of flve physicians could not cure me of Rheumatism which had settled in the hips, neok and shoulders. So intense Wf thepain that Bleep was almost impoeBible The flret doe of Athlophoros gave me rehef , and the third enabled me to sleep for four and a half hours without waking I continned its usa, and un now well " KKV. S. H. TROVëR, New Albany, Ind. -Send 6 cents for the beautifUl colored picture, "Moorish Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si M. Y. Piso'a Cure for ConSg sumption is also the best f3 Cougli Medicine, m If you have a Cough without disease of tho Bíi H Lungs, a few doses are all H S you need. But if you neS 3 gloct this easy means of WÊ Ejl safety, the slight Cough ffl tj Diay become a serioua Km a matter, and several botE tles will be required. BIHSBY & SSABQLT 35TS. 6 J&.TST1D 8 ■Washington Street, Ann ArbcT Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of evsi" thing tbe GROCERY LINE! Teas, CoSees and Sugars All prime Artícles bought for Cash and can seU atlow figures. Our freqnent large invoiee el Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains in QUALITY AND PBIOE. Weroastour own coffees every week, alwaj fresh and good. Our bakery turas out theverj best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and ■MU. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Firm of COLLINS S AMSDEN is doing business alone at the Old Stand, NO. 33 E AST HURON STREET, Where he will be pleased to receive calis from al) old customers and as many new ones as want FEED, BALED HAT AKD STKAW. eOAL AND WOOO. Henry Richards, SO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LI7MBER, FENCE POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE and CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the eelebrated CHAMPION BINDERS HD HOWEfië, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for tbe Same. OKCTS. Rfliable druogists sell -%-■■ IT ON A PoslTIVE GuARAWTtC.


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