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James Means & Co.

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_i_ -Z4 - bii-. Bntton( Lace and Cori[ire?5 Shnrc, AüK your rrtailprft _ „ ,g rf the JAMES MEANS J4 SM0E or the JAMKS #?===iSJ5r?H=-r=: =" MEA'S3 SHOK, accurdiiitfU uurneeds. l'ositively i i '■tijS S&jÉ?"" none genuine unies s our stamp appears plainly on the solos. éSlSyíS' JAMES MEANS JfWU, JAMES MEANS 'llJAmJU f S3 SHOE - JwJ -V _ r t SHl -r '7-lr Keeause it Is made for men whose occupatíons aro suchas 1 L " VwöSrT' 'WlYrX Ifad them to cali for a Jighter and more dressy shoe thaa VST ' V iöBfli rW the JAMKS MEANS 83 SHOK. Our $:j Shoe ha3 W ■ 'i' I mmíTi lf 'ura 'stabllshed for itself a permanent reputation ibr comfort ,W&1 V KV Vil L f - 71 anddurabilitysuchasnoothershoehaseverknown In il ' m TVldiTÉÉnH 1story f the trade. No competitors are able to approach l MlINlliiiHÏlff Vie Jme8 Afean 94 8hoe is lijrht and stylish, ff 1 lluiliílL's5'-j5'ril I ani' il as uralle s any ifaM of its welgbt ever manu1 l ï JfW ' 4ïj#vCti i lííiy ftctured. We confidently assert that in every vital re1 - -' - _ --f W'C Vffl'f Ti líi1 6ect the James M ms 84 Shoe ia equal to the ,' Ji J JC TV i ■ ' ' f flj Ji w"i hand-sewed shoes which have hitherto been retailed at 1 tr' t ' I V Tt H 1 MA i $6 dr $7 It has a l'ontiolatop and seamless calf vamp, v R sAb Hl il 11! H ■ lt has a PerfectIy emooth bottom inside. It fits like a Jl [ J f ,ll! ijl' Ëf f stockintf, and require no 'breaking in," being A I L I I iiffiHl lüi Am ƒ perfectlyeasy the iirst time it s worn. ƒ IVl l A vJ"T ml tí 1 James Mcans and ('.'s Shoes were the flrst In tfifa Tl Vjjfl %r J mi V I cnnntry to beextersively advertisf-d. If you have beeo Pt? I y-pjl .JV Vpw L_J ! „sappöinted in other advertised Shoes, yoiir rxperience Wv i J-TTaÍb JrlrrTf ought to teach you that it is safer to buy shoes made by L!y&SL -"w? s&xmr tl11' baders of a system, rather than those made by the r '"SmQi 'G foJIowers. These shoea are sold by the best retailera throughotit the United States, and we wiH place then Th dortor and th tetter-rarrier a not taikinp about easily wtthin your reach, io ftny State or Territory, if you case of scriiiu illooss. Thy hve iimpljr uspended WJH gend UU & postal card. % work to dlKOM the meriU of their iboes. The lettercarrier mti Ihe James Mratm $3 Shoe is the best in the world. 'lltf doctor denics it, and say that the James Means94 SIhm ís bettcr, Cvuwücring tüe umtút vi eth, tbf tro bu'.h riytit. 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register