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Wells, Richardson & Co. Prop's

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WEAK NERVES P Paine's CeleiiyCompoünd na Nerve Tonlo k which never fails. Containinir Celeir and ■ a Coca, thofw1 wonderful nerve stirauJants, it ■ ■ speecüly cures all nervous disorders. "i i nAcRHLuMATisM Pf Wri Paise's Celery OoMrorsi) purifies thn ■ 1 %M J blood. It drive out the lactic acid. wh:ch " ■ ■ ■ caiuK-a Bheumatiam. ami rentorc tbe hlnoiaS KH makinu oriraiiB tn n li.Mlthy rondition. Itla r w H the tnie remedy for KheumatiBm. ÍK &l f SLá. B KIDNEY COMPLAINTS L9 1 L 0 nllr PAIHK'sCFXFKTCOMPOrNnqUlckljTOStnr.a BWB BP 1 ■ W tlle HyT and kidncys tfi iertrct health. '1 h:s W& T v ■ c . ■ curatiTe power, combiiiod with ïts nervo 'MHW ta K m m tonic, makeo it the beet remedy for aU VB DYSPEPSIA ■B PAixi'sCKLEBTCoHPOUKDiitrenirthraBtho ■V ■ f ütomach. andanieta thenerrwof thedi(!i. ■ n m h n 1 1 n n -0, u - %UIIIUUUIIU CONSTIPATION _ BM I PAm'i ÜZLKST CoMrorfHn la not a cathar. jfll B fa5. I'i ; laxatins, gtring eauy and natural JF ' JoJ'the bowelj. BegnlarityBureiyiol■ URES Nerveus Pros t rit ion, Ncrroni Headache, BecommeDdM bj proferionil and businei B Neuralgia, Nerroua Weakneta, Stomach Bendforbook. kand Liver Diaeasei, Rheumatiam, Prlee $1.00. 6old by Druggiste. pepii, %üú til affcctiona ef the Kidscys. BUBLINGTON, VT.


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