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For Weak En. led Jon 27. Charlotte Somera (colored), oí Galesburg, 111., died on Monday, aged 112 yearg. Daniel Bartlett, of Liberty township, O., celebrated his lOOth birthday on Sunday. Dr. H. Zukertort, the distinguished chess-player, died in London on Weduesday. H. Hodges, Son & Co., dealers in straw goods in New York, failed on Tuesday for ioo,ooa It snowed in Western Wisconsin on Tuesday and heavy frosts were reported in Minnesota. Sydney Howard Gay, a well-known journalist, died at New York on Tuesday, aged 74 years, The entire business portion of Holbrook, A. T., was destroyed by fire on Saturday Loss, Í200,0ü0. G. M. Saltzober has been nominated for Congress by the Demoorats of the Sixth Ohio district. In the bay at Boston Sunday one man and two women were drowned by the overturning of a yacht. Fratella, Nessi & Barberini, silk mrchants of Vienna and Como, Austria, have failed for ïl.000,003. W. C. Farrar's $15,000 trotting stallion, Jubilee Lambert, died of appoplexy on Tuesday at Peru, Ind. Asa Braughton, his wife and child, wera drowned in the canal at Medina, N. Y., on Monday while out rowing. Wiiliam H. Crain was renominated for Congreas on Friday by the Demócrata of the Seventh district of Texas. The cigar factory In New York oocupied by Lichtenstein Brothers and others was burned Monday. Loss, $450,000. The Prohibitionists of the Fourteenth Illinois district have nominated A. F. Smith, of Decatnr, for Congress. Mayor .mester, of Savannah, Ga., was nominated for Congress on Friday by the First Georgia Democratie district. Throughout his speech at the opening of the Reichstag on Monday Emperor Wiiliam dweltupon Gerinany's paciflc dispositioa. The main building of the Albuquerqua (N. M. ) Indi a ii school, which was nearing completion, was destroyed by flre on ïrlday. Mrs. Chiari Cignarali has been sentenced to be hanged August 17 by Recorder Bmyth in New York for the murder of her huband. Charles A. Pitcher, teller of the Union Bank of Providence, R. L, has absconded, taking with him $50,000 belonging to the bank. Ned Clark (colored) was lynched oa Tuesday in Worth County, Ga., on the charge of attempting to assault a young girl 13 years of age. A thief entered tho Crown Prinoe of Sweden's apartments in the hotel at Franzensbad and seoured jewelry worth $100,000, with which he escaped. The outgoing staje from Ballinger, Tex., was robbed by a lone highwayman wearing a mask. There were eight passengers, from whom he secured over $300. Michael J. Heffernan, a well-known journalist, committed suicide on Friday by drowning himself in New Tork bay." He was a sufferer trom rheumatism. t loods were doing great damage on Tuesday in the vicinity of Nelson, Neb. Elk creek was over its banks and all bridges crossing it had been washed away. William Norton and J. Lanson wara drowned in the Mississippi river at Clinton, Ia., on Monday. Norton was drowning, when Lanson jumped in to save hiin. ■William Moore, a negro, was taken frpm thejailat Charleston, 111, on Tuesday by a mob and hanged for an indecent assault on Mary A. Bingardina, a weak-minded girl of 16 years. While service was being held in a church at Brezezie, Austria, t3 building was struck by lightning and almost entirely destroyed, and three persons were killed and one hundred injured. Marión Garlington died on Saturday at Churchill, Tenu., aged 110 year9. She was a native of Georgia and distinctly remembered when Goorge Washington was President. Her descendants number 200.


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