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OCR 89 C'KXT COLUMN. Advertisements, euch as To Rent, For Sale, Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted weeks for 25 cents. iOR SALÏ OB RENT.-ÍU0O house, seven l rooms, No. 35 Monroe st, one block from campus. Enquire at 90 Washington-st. S. D. Allen. I?OR SALÏ.- Side bar top Buggy, good as new. X1 Inqulre at 33 N. Fourth-st. FOR SALE eheap- Covered Spring Wagon. C. W. Wagner, 21 8. Main-st. FOR SALE.- A Thoroughbred Durham Buil Calf with Pedigree, two mouths old applyto 8. D. Bechtel, York Mills, Saline, Mich. Í?OR SALE-Thoronghbred Fox Terriërs. Parents imported by the owner. Pedigree aDd Pnce on application. Apply to Secretary, Ann Arbor Preserve and Pickling Co., South State-st. IWILL OFFER FOR SALE My House on the corner of Ann and Ingall-nts, at a bargain. Good locatlon. Joaeph Domielly. FOR SALE- A phseton in good repair. Price Í5.00. Also a canopy top two seated phseton, good as new. Priee $100.00. Cost 8175 00. Enquire at 86 S. State-st. tf FOR SALE- Building Lots, fronting weet side Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for paymeuts. J. D. Cunean, 76 Mlller Ave. I70R SALE OR EXCHANQE- For City lesidF enee, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 36 South öth SL 8. A. Henion. 656-t f. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $ 1.000 to $6,000 and contaiulug from one-flfth ol an acre to twenty acres- all in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable tenns in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION8, 632t( Attomey and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Express Office, Main St, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENT- No 7 Wilmot-st, house of 9 rooms, 2 alcoves, and 5 closets and city water. Inquire at 17 Wilmotst. FOR SALE- One House, price. $1400 ; One New House, $2500; One Vacant Lot.onethird down. Inquire 90 Washington-st, S. V. Allen. SCREEN DOORSand Windows made to order berry crates and toxes. St. Clair, 33 N. Fourth. WALK&.- TAR WALKS made and repaired. All work warranted. By J. P. Judson, 31 E Univereity ave. T OST - Commencement day in Ann Arbor, a LJLariy'8 pin, quartz in form of a fan. Leave at this office. LOST- At T. & A. A. Depot, a Gold-beaded Umbrella marked W. H. Payne, Nashville, Tenn. Finder will confer a favor by leavine it at Moore's Drug Store and receive teward. Mrs. W. H. Payne. LOST- On Tuesday, July 3d. elther on Main, Hurón or Mosher-st, Ann Arbor, a child's silver watch. chain and charm. Wafh marked on incide "Krama Grant, Marquette. Mich." If the finder will return to me at Uov. Felch's house, he will be suitably rewarded. C. B. Grant. LOST- Probably taken by mistake at the high 'chool commencement, a copy of Ooldsmith'B "Deserted Village." Piease return it to Virginia Law, 49 E. Wastiington-st. PARTIES havlng Houses for Sale wlll do well by addresslng B., Box 1298 and ttating prlce. DRE3S MAKINO- Miss Buell, 49 Fourthst cornet of WiUiamst. WANTED.- An Office desk with drawers. Enquire at this office. WANTED- A situation on a farm for a boy 13 yeanold. Apply at No. 59 i ast North-st. WANT S500 at 6 per cent. on $1200 real estáte eourity for 5 years. privilege to pay Ï100 or whole at any time. Address F. O box 1033. S. WANTED- A good Fresh Mllch Cow wlth f-alf at heel- Jersey not required. Apply to Morgan and Hungerford, Ann Arbor Preserve and Plckling Factory, S. state-st. WANTED- Name of the young men drlviDg white horse at Whitmore Lake, sunday, June 24,' and leturning to Ann Arbor about 10 p. m. Commnnicate with F. Stofflet, or this office. WANTED- Summer boarders. with or without rooms, By day or week. Mrs. Reeves, 66 S. Dlvision-it. 1TANTED- A good second hand spring wagon il capable of carrylng over 1000 lbs. Apply to the Office of the Ann Arbor Preserving Factory, South Statest. WANTED - Female factory hands and packers to help In c&nning work. Good pay to good workers. Apply to Morgan & Hungerford South Btate-st. ANTED- A baby carriage for the months of V July and August. 30 S. División st. WASTED- General nurslng to do in the city, country, or at hospitals. Oood referentes given. Mrs. E. L. Scott, 16 N. Thayer-st WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good rellable Coat-makers and one Veat-maker. ïood prices. Plenty of work . Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Wlnans, Battle Creek, Mich. 6T tf nPO KENT- Two pleasant furnished rooms wlthA in 2 minutes walk frooi the postoffice, to one or two ladies. Address box 1324. FfOR RENT- No 22 S. Division-st, formerly owned by H. D. Bennett recently occupled bs . M. Stafford. House repapered and pain tea, nquire of A. L. Noble, 24 S. División st, or 36 S. Maiu-st. IOR RENT- A large two itory dweiling house, V No. 84 South Main-st. Dated, May . . 1888. N. W. Cheever. qno FARMKRS- We have about 100 lb. stout 1 Twine, good for bag sirings, and handy to ïave aruunii at any time. Will sell it cheap. Rkoistkb Offick. LOANINö- Money to loan on flrrt cías real estáte niortgagee at currcnt ratea of Interest atlBfactory arrangements made wlth capltallsts esiring such Investment Every conveyance and tmnwctlon In abstract! of tltle carefully I mlned ai to legal effect. Zin P. KIn, Ann Arbor Mich. tf. I


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