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Two Wa s. Itaoose Wliicb! There are two usual waya of doing what Nature sometimes does incompletely, namely, to relieve the bowek Oae is to swallow a drast c purgstive which evacuates profusely, abruptly and with pain, the other is to taVe HoRtetter's Stomach Bitters, the effect of which i not violent, but gufficiently thorougb, ami which does not gripe the intestinep. If th ör-t is select - ed, the persou emuloyini; it i'eed not expect permanent beneBt, and he cannot ► hope to escape the dehili'a'in? reaction which leavcs the orgBD a bad or worse off than bt-torn. If', on the ofher hand, he resorts to (he Btter, he can relv upon the restoraiivn of a regular habí' of bodv, confequt'iu upon a rt-newal f a heal'.hfu! tone in the intestinal obiikI. Besides healthfuliv rt-Nxinii the b !. the bitters arone a dormaui mvr, imparto a beneficial Ímpetu ■! to me aetfon ot' the kidneys, and owinten-eu 'he eaily twiijges of rheumatism, a tet)d"-ncy 'o gou, and malaria in all il lornn. Joseph Puliizrr, editor and owrer of the New Y.rk WVlrl, i blind. He has sailed for Europe in the hope of having his eyesight restorrd by rest and expert treatment Va. Jake says it is hot, but cold ■ weatheris coming. He will teil you something new about horse blankets next week, but he says you ought to buy your horse a i sheet, cover, or fly net now. 'OH Won't you buy this poor horse a 3i Clipper Fly Net ? WÊf 5A Lap Dusters _ Fat Colon; wlll WMh. % M 54 Horse Sheets A U g k Ar md up trong. - Mm Orsc' Covers M A Wlll kMji aii al. #l&F!yNets. Are M But nd StnafMt. For sale by all dealers. Ask to see them before you buy. 'ÍCopyrighted 1888, by Wm. Ayrss& Sons.] YOU CAN GET IT AT - Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. PLEASE NOTICE ! tiWtStFlCt CO.! Willfurnish Ice, delivered to any part of the city for season of 1S88 : 25 Ibs. daily, except Sundays, $2 per month, 25 " 4 times per week, $1 .75 per month. 25 "3 1,50 " "T 25 "2 1.00 " Hotels, Restaurants, Butchers, etc, will be furnished by ton or hundred. . 7. HÜNGST.SEFEE,, Maaaeer. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreigu Patents, 935 F St., near V. S. l'nl. m Office, WASHINGTON, D. C , All business before the United States Patent j Offlceattendedto lor moderate lees. Pateuts liroeured in theUuited States and all Forelen Countries. Trude Markt and Labels resistered Ilejected applications revi ved and prosecuted. Information and advioe as to obtoinin" Patents oheerfully furnished without charge! Send Sketch or Bíodclforfrce opinión as to patentaba 'iy. Copies of Patenta furnlshed for 26 cents cacli. t$ Correspondenee invited. CHEAPEXGliRSIONSiÜ' lookingiornew locations or investments, semimouthly excursions have been arranged, at one tare for tl round trip, to all points in Dakota and Minnesota. Tickets 1 elass and good for 80 days, For maps and further particulars adM.sS y zxE'tvh Ageut, Bt. l'aul, Miuu. RfB AN IT01U ■ II UILX. ■


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