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Mr-. Cleveland's collecticn of diaironds and orher previous stones is estimated to be vvorth $50,000. SThe Best and Purest Medicine Ijltf, EVER MADE. II íbAItwIU drive the Hnmarfromyonrlll I k í.sytcm, and make your skin III III ó V& clean and smooth. Thogelll I # 'o 2jL Pimplos and Blote li.sJ tñ.o ,Vwhichmar yonr bcautyw U . w { 4 AWare canaed by lmuureM mVvAwoii' anicaib.!lll II O e, removedinashortM I VI qX Tme' " yo? areB ■ S The Dose V,. V ,%m Blsmall-onlyatea-;,, . - l I 1 best nd cheapet 'e A -B I medicine. Try it, anaf, ♦ Ay H Blyouwillbcsatisfied. V "eA J-WÍ ■B Getltof yourDruggist. S II yon are raffering from Kidk M III ney Disease, and wish to live tok IU III oíd age, nse SULPIIUR BlTTEilS IH [II Tbey uever fail to cure. II Send 3 2-oent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? The saloon is a rebel that the North and Soutb will unite to put down. - Florida, Argus Alüa ce. LOW TOURIST RATES. For $47.50 a flrst-class round trlp ticket, good for 90 days, with stop-over privileges, can be obtained from St. Paul to Great Falls, Montana, the coming manufacturing centre of the northwest. ■ a snnui m Only$50 00 Saint Paul 11 ""41 "."i A to Helena and return. MB AN I T QB11 Similnrreductiouslll railwax, from points east and south. Kates correspondingly aa low will be named to points in Minnesota and Datota, or upon Puget Sound and the Pacific Coast. For further particulars address D. W. H. Moreland, Trav. Passeneer Agent, 179 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich., or C. H. WaBBES, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Miuu, Xotlce lo ('reilitors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OF WA8HTINAW. ) 6SNotice is hereby given. that by an order of the Probate Court tor the Connty of Washtenaw, made on the 5th day of July, A. D , 1888, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Oliver Kimberly, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceafed are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, fqr examination and allowance, on or beforetheoth day of January next and that such. claims will be heardbefore said Court, on Friday the 5th day of October and on Saturday the 5th day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said davs. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jnly 5th, A. D., 1888. Mortgage Sale. Default haying been made in the conditlons of a certain Mortgage upon the premiees hereinafter described, exeeuted by Jonaa Yonng and Rosetta Young, hls wife, to Joseph J. Ellis, now decessed, bearinj; date November 13th, 1882, and recorded in the office of the Register of Peeds for Washtenaw Countr, Michigan, December 4th, 1882, in Liber 63 of Mortgages, on page 41, and also recorded in the office of the Pegister of Deeds for Livingston Ceunty, Michigan, December 6th, 1682, in Liber 38 of Mortgages, on page fi2l,by which default the power of sale contained in taid Mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceedings in law or equity having been instituted to recover the debt eecured by said Mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum of twelve hundred "and twenty dollars ($1220.00) being now claimed to be due upon said Mortgage, and whereas default has been made in the conditions of a certain other Mortgage upon thepremises hereinafter described, excuted by Jonas Young and Roaetta Young, hls wife, to Samuel 8. Ellis, bearing date April 28th, 1879, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County. Michigan, May 5th, 1879, in Liber 58, of Mortgages, or page 16, and also recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Livingston County, Michigan, in Liber 49 of Mortgages, page 116 and 117, and said last ibove mentioned Mortgage wa assigned by said Samuel S. Ellis to Josoph j. Ellis. by deed of assignment dated September 4th, 1880, and recorded in said Register's office, In Washtei aw County, in Liber 69 of Mortgages, on page 150, and also recordtd in said Register's office, in Livingston county. in Liber 55 of Mortgages. on page 413, by which default the power of sale cantained in said Mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceeding in Uw or equtiy having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage or an v part thereof, and the sum of twenty nii, e hundred and twentytwo and 49100 dollars ($2922.49) being now claimed to be due upon said Mortgage : Notice is therefore hereby given that said two Mortgages will be foreclosedby a sale of the Mortgaged premiases therein described or some part therefo, to wit: All of the following described land situated in the Township of Putnam, County of Livingston, and in the Township of Dexter, Connty of Washtenaw, in the State f Michigan, vlz., theSouth- West quarter (8. W. )A) of Section No. Thirty six (36,, and the South-West quarter of the North-East quarterof Seciion No. Thirty-six (36), in Township No.One (1) North, in Range No.Four (41 East. in the township of Putnam, In said County of Livingston; also the North-East fractional quarter. of Section No. Two (2 in Township No. One (1) South, in Range No. Four (4) Kast, In the Township of Dexter. in said County of Washtenaw. at public vendue, on the Eleventh dny of August next, at noon, at the Huron street entrance lo the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County of Washtenaw, that heing the place of holding the Circuit Court in said County. Dated April lst. 1888. Leonïurd Gri'ner, ) Fxecutors of the Will of Cakolink 1. Ellis, f Josepb J. Ellis, deceased. N. W. CHEEVEK, Attorm y


Old News
Ann Arbor Register