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Dslress after eating, hesrtburn, sick heiidache and ndigestio i are cured by Hood's Sjrsapir.Ila. It a'so créate? a gcod appeüte. After seven days terrible suffering J. E. Boloh, cf Fairctiild, S. G.,died from bydrophobia caused by the bite of a cat. Habitual oonrip'ion can b entirely cured by the us ui Hibhnrd's Itheuraatic Syru i lifter all other remedies have faüed. While patinp; i ï -ner i Sp' in field, O., Tnoma Perfect was ehokad to death by a portion of a patato. SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that tliey can't cure Kheumatism and Neuralgia. Othera say they can but-;-don't. Ath-loplio-ros say3 nothing but - cures. Tkat's the secret of its success. Years of trial have proved it to be a quick, sae, sure cure. Conoord, N. H., Sept. 3, 1887 In my own f amily Athlophoros was used aa a last resort, tho user having suff eretl from rheumatism for years and havini? been treated for the disease by different physicians in this State and Maesachu. Betts without even temjiorary relief. Upon my reconiniondation scores of peo. pie havo used this reuiedy with the same resulta claimed for it. C. H. Wilbos. Dubuaue, Iowa, Jan. 3, 1888. Athlophoros has completely oured me of nervous headache, and I f eel thaiikf ui for all the good it bas done me. Mts. Louise Cherby. 49" Send 6 cents for the beautiful colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." v - THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. M.Ï. Piso's Cure for ConESI sumption is also the best L3 Cough Medicine. If you have a Congh without disease of the BB CM Liiniis, :i few doses ;ire all H you need. But if you fSl Eb giert this easy means of WJÊ Ei safety, the slight Cough HJ U may become a serious Ki 3 matter, and soveral bottles will be required. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. PLBASE NOTIOE ! THE WTtfettfe ic-Ë co. ! Will furnish Ice, delivered to any part of the city for season of 188S : 25 Ibs, daily, exceptSundays,$2 per month. 25 " 4 times per week, $1.75 per month. 25 " 3 1.50 " 25 "2 " " " 1.00 " Hotels1, Restaurants, Butchers, etc, will be furnished by ion or hundred. S. 7. SA1TQSTBBFEB, Manager. BISSEY & 8BAB0LT 3STS. 6 .A-IEñTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arto? Michigan. Have aiways on hand a complete Stock of ere thinelnthe 6R0GERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Artlcles bought for Cash and cansei. atlow figures. Our frequent large invoices o Teas is a sure slgn that we give bargalns In QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week.alwaj. fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the veil best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali anti seeus. D. W. AMSDBN Of the late Firm of COLLINS & AMSDEN isdoing business alone at the Old Stand, NO. 33 EAST HTJRON STREET, Where he will be pleased to receive calis from all old customers and as many new ones as want ll;CI). liVll 1 HAY AND STKAW, (IIAI. AM WOOD. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LTJMBER, FENCE POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE AND CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CBAUPÏON BINDERS AND X0WE&5, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for the Same. j9%LÍÁl?& SALT RHEUM, OCCTS. Reliarle drugcists sell S-VJ' IT ON A PoSITlVE GuARAHTEÏ.


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