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BUSINESS CARDS. ALSX. W. HAMILTON AKoriuy at Law. Will practicein both State and United Síat'S Courts Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor oí the new brick block. corner of Hurón and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ih:. ir. _A.xeisr3DT. (Office over First National Bank.) Hocrs: 10:30 to 12 M. and 2:30 lo 3:30 P. m. Can be reached at residcuce, West Huron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. ri E. WILLIAMS, Altorury at I,aw, Mllnn, Mich. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal business given prompt attention. KELLEY'S PEERLESS TRUSS ] given on trial and warranted to give satlsfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A 6PECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-st. Over Rlnsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL. M. D., PHYSICIAN Sc SURGE0N. Office is Masoxic Block, ROOM 4. Tolophone Connecllons, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savinga Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. tRTJPTTJRE ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. Spiral Spring with graded pre sure 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and nicht by an Infant a week oíd oí adultofH) years. Ladles' Trussei a specialty. Endose Btamps loi Testimoníala of Cures, measnrements, etc. EGAN'8 IMPERIA1 TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor. Mlcb WM. BIGGS. Contato S Builder And all Kinds of work In eoimcctlon with the aboye proniptly execnted. Shop Cor. of Churcht and Univereity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Bok 124S. CHARLES L. ALLEN, Contractor and Euilder! 46 E. Elherlne-sl.. Aun Arbor. Plans and SpeciScations neatly and promptly made. WILLIAM ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 ROM BROS; SPOONS, FORKS AND KNIVKS, At bottom prices, engravinj includei' full line of the justly celebjatco ROCKFORD WALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES. open face, Key and Stem-winding always on hand and regulated, ready for a man f pocket. If you cannotreadthis get one ofJohnston &Oo'.s eye-glasses or speetacles for saleby WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Aun Arbor, Mich IT ni' FRESCO PAINTING ASP15CIALIY, AT OSCAR O. SORGS, DE4I.EI1 IX All Painter's Supplies 7 S. Main St. l'laus for Krescoing fumished on applicalion. STEKETEE'S DryBitters BEST T0N1G KNOWN. Make Your Own Bitters. Why pay dollar for abottle of Stomach Bittere, containlng more poor whisky than medicine, when tlie undertigned will send you by mail one 4-oz package of Imported erioaii Kool-.' Hcrfos and Berrles, which will make One Jallon of the best TONU' any one ever used. The use of this Tonic bas curcd InillKCStion. lyepsia, BHionstiiess, Fever anrt ARue ; as au appetizer none better. acts on the Kidneys and general debility, and Eives Tone to the Stomach; in fact, I challenge all other Touics. It is far the cheapest Tonic known. One package will equal oue dozen of boules of bitters sold for one dollar per bottle. Full dlrections on every package. Ask your druggist for "Steketec's Dry Bitters." If your druggist does not keepthemon eale, Uien send to the undersigned. I wilsend one package toany address within the U.S. on recefpt of 30c, or two packages for 50c. U.S. etamps taken In payment. Each doublé package sent by mail coutains a sample of Steketee s Keukalgia Drops. Trial bottle of the Drops, 12c. P. g,_i am the only inventor of a sure cure for P-Askyo?rSd'ruggist for "Steketee's Pin Worm Destróyer." 25c by mail. Address. GEO. G. STEKETEE, Urantl Rapids, Muli. Mention thiepaptt when 70U o:der.


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