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A Horrible Inheritancc. The transmisBioii of the fearíul effects oí oontasrious blood poison is the most horrible "inneritance whioh any man can leaveto hls innocent postenty; but ít can be cerlaiuly mitigated and In tha niaionty of cases, prevented by the usa of theantidote which Nature furnishes, and which 8 found in the remedy known all over the woi'ld as Svvift'8 Bpeoiflo- cooimonly called "8.8. B. Mr J. H. Brown. o f Hornellsville, N. y writes: "Three years I suffered with this horrible disease. Swiít'í Speciflc cureü ir.e completely." Prof Edwin ) aar, 4 h. 22nd 8t., X. Y writes "Swiít'sSpecificcuredma of a case of Blood l'o son." Dr. B. F Winptielü, of the Soldier' Home, Richmond, Va., writos : "Swift's Specilic cured u.e oí a severe case oí Blood Poison." D W. K. Brijrgs, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes "I was a perfect wreek f rom Blood Poison. Swift's Spec.íic íestored health and hope. aml I am well to-day." C W Laughül, Savanmh, Ga. : I suffered long With Blood Po.son. Itried SwiTt's Specitic and am pertectly well. A W. Buoll, of Power' s Hotel, Rochester N Y., writes: ''It is the best blood' remedy on earth. I iired myself with it. 1 rècommended it to a friend and it made him well.'' Mr. F. L. Stanto, of the Kmithville, Ga News, writes that a friend was affl'icted a casa of Blood Poison, and two bottles of S. S. S. effected complete cure. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tue BwiítSpkcifioCo., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Blondín wa!k over the heads nf lO.OUO people at C ney Island. It IS I s.lis for you' % lidies who a-e trouM.i wiih freekles, pimples, inoth atd tan and a bad tk:n j;enernlly to nse l;qa'd pa'nt or dry powders, for thev '' 'y "luk" the -kin look well f r the üai b i'i;. To have a j;oo1 compl xion vou must have pure Mnod. U-e Sulphur liitte.s ai.d yonr tkin -11 be fair xnd complexión rosy.- Yourg Lidies' Magaz n Tnere are twow'infn r, iho U"ited gtaws - one in Bro iklvn )(! one in Flint, Mich win f.'llo.v th unlling of uudertakt- v. DYSPEPSIA, constipat:on, sick headache, biliousness. diseam - congtituU ihree-fuurihs of the adments of humanity. Is thero a p Jtivè rtirei Yes "I sulïereJ with Pyspepsia and disordered Iiver and would freqüénfly throw up bile, I urooured a bolde of simmons Livir Regulator, and'afterusinghall of it was cimpletely cured. One of my lady uustomere told me' ihe Regulator oompletely cured of Bick Hcadacbe.- D. OLn, Cedar Rapidf , lowa.'' ■SV V fjLi ïifs II 't Who is WEAK, SEBTOCSjBEBinTA. TED, who in his FOI.I.Y and IGHOBAN E has TRIFEED away his VIGOR of BODY, MIX and MAJïHOOD,causing exhausüng drains upon the FOU3VTAIJI8 of Uïl. Dreams, WEAKJïESS of Memory, BASHFBXMESSin SOdETY, PIMPI.ES.upon the RACE, and all the EFFECTS leadingto EABLY DECAYand perhaps COIS&IIMPTIOIÏ or IXSANITY, should consult at once the CEI-EBBATE Dr. Oarke, Established lffil. Dr Clarke has made NEBVOV'S DE. BIIiITY. CHROSIC and all Diseases of the GEXITO IRISARY Organs a Life Ptudy It makes JÍO difference WHAT you have taken or WHO has failed to cure you. j-FE!HAl.ESsuffenngfrom diseases peculiar to tneir sex can consult with the assurance of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. Ï-Send 4 cents postage for Cclebratecl Works on Clironio, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Consultation, personally or by letter lree. Consult the old Doctor. Thousands cnrcd. Offices and narlors in-ivatc. 49-Those contemplatmg Mamage Send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guile Male and Female, each 15c, both 25c. (stamps). Before conflding your case, consult Dr. CIÍ ABKE. A frienSly letter or cali may save future suSering and shame. and add golden years to life. S"Book " I-lfe's (Secret) .rrors," 50c. (stamps). Medicine and writings sent everywhere, secure from posare. Hours, 8 to 8 ; Sundays, 9 to 12. Address, P. D. CLARKE, M, D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. Health is Wealth! Dr. E O. Wct's Veiívk anii Beaih Treatment, a guarameed npccitic for Hys-teria, Dizziness. Convulsiona, Fit-. Nervous Neuralgia. Headache. Nervouf I'rostrntion caused by the nse of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakclulmss. Mental Dcpression, Softening of the Braiu rcsu'.ling in inbauity aml leading to mis ry. ilecay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Bárrennos, loss of power ineither sex, Involnntary L' sses and Ppermatorrhii'acauscdbyover-exerlion of the iirain. selfabuse or over-indulgencc. Kuch box contains one month's treatment. 81.01 a hox. or six boxes ferSï.CO. seut by mail prepaid on reeeipt of P _ WE OBAKAMTKE SIX KOXES To cure any case. Wiih each order received fcy U8 for six boxes. accompinied with 15.00, we will send the purchaser our written gunrantce to reiund the money if the treatment does not errect acure. Guarantees issued only by KBEKBACH & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Sfc. PENNYROYAL WAFERS ü. Are sucvpssfully uscil n'ill ly ny '"' '-' MUI RlLailit-s. Aro Saf,; Kllerl-..,,! ,ml tieasant. H W ípor box by niiül. cir :it druggtst. Seaiea lurW r nenian i postaos Btainpe. Addrcss ' THB EÜJSÏKA CHEMICAL COMPASV, Flshfir Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlctt. BoW by I. .1. BH6TM CO. LAD1ES, GENTLEMEN. AND STUDENTS! I rent Enulish l'r.s.rlption wlll restore that lost Vltality and a Ruggci, Healthy Conditiou follow its use. Buy al your dniKgist's, one package.ïl ; sis for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. Sold by H. J. Bnnni & Co. w


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